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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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It's not about the pages. It's about the response it had. It was loved by some people, it was something unique.

Even this topic is inspired by the gr topic, even the title is the same. =)

and who told you that we don't "love" this thread?
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don't worry,it's only a matter of time for GR' spam to overwhelm the section once again ^_^


yo dawg, i know you are a pretty boy, so i'll tell you this: if you wanna get ass raped by me or dream, keep those comments to yourself ಠ_ಠ



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yo dawg, i know you are a pretty boy, so i'll tell you this: if you wanna get ass raped by me or dream, keep those comments to yourself ಠ_ಠ



haha,then i guess that's the reason i posted that,so i wont get raped :P

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It took me a lot of time, but after mxc had the facebook shiat i started taking pics of many users from forum :D

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ε λολ :ρ

from gr topic.

how can ppl make a conv posting sec per sec?!

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