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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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if i found at hopzone one l2j Gracia final server with no protection (phx,l2jkillers) and i post the webside of this server

i wonder what would will happened to this server?


depends if its a decent l2jfree or l2j pack you make it famous if not you kill it

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if i found at hopzone one l2j Gracia final server with no protection (phx,l2jkillers) and i post the webside of this server

i wonder what would will happened to this server?

an army with kids will forward to conquer it.

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OMG i see your signature and i really freak out aaxaxxaxa sNNNxTeaM is so funny guy xaxaxa he say ''i will feel sux if i was greek'' and he use greeks laug god!!!!!!!!!!!1 =))))) muhahahahaha i cant stop to laug he is from Albania and he talk for Greeks ?! we help Albania a lot of times and thats the ''thanks'' ? pff idiots next time let them to Die by Italians i feel sux coz my family members fight for give freedom to Albania from Italians and now they say that..

poor brothers next time we must fight for our country only none Greek Deserve to die for idiots like him.

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