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[Guide] How to use IG L2walker (bot) in Dragon-Network (Complete Guide)


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OK well as none of you guys have decided to do this guide I'm up to do it...


OK here it goes:


1st Step: Download the IG (in game) L2 walker, that you can find using the search button or download the file using this link http://www.uploading.com/files/T1Q40QLE/whole_thing.rar.html  [This file can be placed in any place]  {Provided by mexican24 and ch34t}


2nd Step: Download the FLDRV.DLL Cracked that is the one that don't let you use IG L2walker you can find it using the search button or you can download the file using this link  http://www.sendmefile.com/00540643 [This File SHOULD be placed in the Lineage 2 system folder] {Provided by mexican24 and iambored}


3rd Step: Download the L2.ini file that you can only download using this link http://www.sendmefile.com/00544098 [This file SHOULD be placed in the Lineage 2 system folder]


4th Step: There is 2 ways of making this step:

                               1)Download the Hosts file and unrar/zip it in this folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc OR D:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc http://www.sendmefile.com/00544101

                               2)Also you can configure your own Hosts file by using notepad and it should be look like this:


# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host localhost vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com


5th Step: This part is essential to use the IG L2walker. You need to go into your IG L2walker folder and look for the folder named L2server041 open it and you will see a .exe named l2asrv and open it.


6th Step: Finally you can Run your IG L2walker in Dragon-Network. Go into your IG L2walker folder and look for the .exe file named L2walker double click on it or use Enter, then a window will appear and you will need to press the button Run in this window, this will make the L2 to start working and the window will minimize and go to the bottom right part of your screen in the form of a Red Cross that you can double click every time you want to make the window to open again or just right click on it and all the 3 options will appear with this you can open as many windows as you want in your pc.


7th Step: OK so now you have your L2 open now you should make the L2 client into a window and eventually then press the button in your keyboard named Home and a window will appear, in that window you can set up your bot and Have fun ;).



Well people i wish you like this guide and make it a sticky  ;) HF!

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  • 2 weeks later...

it doesnt work for my, i suppose that my l2 sys folder is broken.. or all l2...

'general protection fault'.. should i reinstall l2 or what..?

it was work some time ago, but now its not:/

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All Maps You want are Here : http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=4559.0


Next time Use One of the 2 Buttons in My Signature, they Will help you :)



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