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yeah this block-path-zone is also in BnB servers....

But I am sure m8...as killer_007 said it can't be...

you were lucky...anyway I am gonna give a try with my spoiler with a C weapon...

Thanks for share anyway... ;)


I heard that if you touche your nose, run to giran run back to aden and instantly press the enchant button when your brother yells "penis" out loud its 100% enchant.


/end sarcasm


Sorry, but the enchant system has NOTHING to do with player location... its an independant engine that decides IF you succeded or not.


Luck is everyting, if you found a that you think helps you enchant then good for you. Just use simple math like 75% times 75% chance of enchanting = 56.25% chance of success.


nuff said.


there is maybe no system to enchant but we all know that there is some "TIPS" that enhance our luck.

i did a weapon +13 on my server using that "tip" n it successed but i will try another one tonight


Oh, come on mastropos, i believed that you were a logic person :P THERE-IS-NO-TIP/S-ON-ENCHANTING


Buy some quatrefoil clovers, PRAY A LOT, hit your head on the wall 5-10 times before pressing the OK button so as you will be sure that you won't smash your PC, create a poisonous liquid and have it on a bottle near you, do whatever you want, BUT THERE IS NO WAY to find a tip ^^

thats what i say too.There is no tip on enchanting only risk and chance...

Guest skaros

I know an enchant bug and its called FUCK YOU!!!!

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