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[Event]MxC Dota Tournament

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List Updaterd!

Omg will you participate?

Sorry no

Because lately ive been playing hon instead of w3 and i have nearly 2 months to play in a w3 map

So i need to remember some things

And also i never played 6.60 so dont know lotsa things

So ill better stick up to hon

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Screw this!!!


Im in the Ukraine right now and I have fucking old style notebook that barely reads webpages, omagad. I can't join your game so atleast I wish you luck.


P.S: If mode will be -ap and you will face Morian, don't let him choose Mirana (pomt) if you don't want to lose. KEKEKEEEKE :D

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Screw this!!!


Im in the Ukraine right now and I have -beep-ing old style notebook that barely reads webpages, omagad. I can't join your game so atleast I wish you luck.


P.S: If mode will be -ap and you will face Morian, don't let him choose Mirana (pomt) if you don't want to lose. KEKEKEEEKE :D


sorry mate... i hope you can join the next one :)




don't worry we know how much he sux xD

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Add me to zeh list!!!!


just please make the event at some decent time... something like 22:00 or something =D


Garena name: aneosSino


Preferred mode: -SD



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sunday? if it is sunday as much latetly as it can be... i will go to teh beach for swiming xD

Yes... We speak for suturday..

We are between Suturday and sunday.

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i dont have garena.. and i play in bnet :S if someone have a link for the dota garena plz make me a personal message i want to much to join


www.garena.com afterwards download from the European Mirror extract in C:\Program Files afterwards load the Garena.exe go to TFT RPG go to Europe/Greece Rooms than once you're in a room click "Start Game" That way you will either have the chance to play b-net or Garena and this will only be your decision. Just remember to not load the game before you entered in Garena Network.


On-Topic : I don't care for the date i'll make sure to be there on time.

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