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i cant understand the problem,

well many ppl are making preconfigured

packs to help some guys who wanna to open

one server.The owners of each server must buy

one domain ++ hosting and add more npc/customs if he wanna to open one pre-pack.

With all these i wanna  say that if you see one server

like www. mxc.ucoz.com you know that the server will

close in 1-2 weeks so, dont join! if you see one server like

www. mxc.tk and have ucoz theme then you know the same

that he will close soon.If some guys are stupid and they cant

choose one good server, then what i must say? GO PLAY OFFICIAL?!


in my opinion this is an useless topic

and it must go to junkyard


No its not useless :) i agree with you about the go to offi part but...

make preconf packs to help others...bullshit...the truth is make preconf packs to get karma to higher your post count or just from ego thats all...

the ucoz and tk thingy...yes if you see them dont join BUT nobody knows that and if lets say somebody wants to play l2 for thee very first time he dont know these things so he going to hate l2 because of 1 shit server and thats what zanter said with the "disapoints the player basis"...

and about the money thing...most of the servers are for donations only nothing more they are donation oriented they ruin a game to get more and more money and what they do actully is nothing...


No its not useless :) i agree with you about the go to offi part but...

make preconf packs to help others...bullshit...the truth is make preconf packs to get karma to higher your post count or just from ego thats all...

the ucoz and tk thingy...yes if you see them dont join BUT nobody knows that and if lets say somebody wants to play l2 for thee very first time he dont know these things so he going to hate l2 because of 1 shit server and thats what zanter said with the "disapoints the player basis"...

and about the money thing...most of the servers are for donations only nothing more they are donation oriented they ruin a game to get more and more money and what they do actully is nothing...


most of the server are for donations? i dont agree.

All the server's have donations and the only think

that the owners/admin's want is MONEY!

Everyone who open he want is to make

more and more and more MONEY!

that's the reason that are so many private servers on l2

and only 3-2 have not donations, well we cant change that

because we make our world in this way and it suck's.Always

some ppl will are very rich and some other ppl very poor.



I made this post to say only my opinion not to flame




PS: i dont have to say something else about

pre-packs part


most of the server are for donations? i dont agree.

All the server's have donations and the only think

that the owners/admin's want is MONEY!

Everyone who open he want is to make

more and more and more MONEY!

that's the reason that are so many private servers on l2

and only 3-2 have not donations, well we cant change that

because we make our world in this way and it suck's.Always

some ppl will are very rich and some other ppl very poor.



I made this post to say only my opinion not to flame




PS: i dont have to say something else about

pre-packs part


LOL?you dont agree with most of the servers are for donatation and to get money but you say

All the server's have donations and the only think

that the owners/admin's want is MONEY!

Everyone who open he want is to make

more and more and more MONEY!

i really dont understand that but ok :D



I thought of it as well; well, anyone wants to buy my two months? Cause Im bored already -.-


PS: if we must stop posting pre-packs

then we must stop posting also customs armors/jewels/weapons

and npc's so, we must delete the develop

section from our forum.

I disagree with you on this; because adding custom things and npc's does require some brain activity: does this imbalance my server? what stats shall I give this custom items? How much adena do I sell or shall I make them only droppable? Etc. etc.


imho pre-conf packs are like they are advertised: 3 CLICKS AND YOU'RE DONE.



I made this post to say only my opinion not to flame someone.

Same here :)

LOL?you dont agree with most of the servers are for donatation and to get money but you say

All the server's have donations and the only think

that the owners/admin's want is MONEY!

Everyone who open he want is to make

more and more and more MONEY!

i really dont understand that but ok :D


in the fact i didnt agree with the

word that you used "most" of the servers..

you must change this word and put "All" the servers

well, i can explain it only in this way :D

i hope to understand what i mean.




I disagree with you on this; because adding custom things and npc's does require some brain activity: does this imbalance my server? what stats shall I give this custom items? How much adena do I sell or shall I make them only droppable? Etc. etc.


imho pre-conf packs are like they are advertised: 3 CLICKS AND YOU'RE DONE.

you have a point but i dont wanna

to say about pre-pack's more i said about them.



About customs,npc's it doesnt "ruin" the game?

because many server have npc's/custom items

without to edit something.I agree that they

require some brain activity




I agree too... I said again... why all the guyz ? became developers ?!


But keep it without flamming and spamming :P or i will lock it..


Whats the point of this discussion?? Some things are not going to change if they are 1000(e.g) l2 servers (crup or not)  or 10.

I think Maxtor is not going to change anything cuz if he does our forum will lose community or even close and this is a very bad situation for a professional...


C'mon people. L2 is a game for kids-teens.

Let' em have some fun, and don't worry, the good servers will succeed soon or late.

The others will stay on for a month maximum.


Whats the point of this discussion?? Some things are not going to change if they are 1000(e.g) l2 servers (crup or not)  or 10.

I think Maxtor is not going to change anything cuz if he does our forum will lose community or even close and this is a very bad situation for a professional...


now it's my turn you cant avoid my spam :D

i agree with you.Maxtor will not remove the

L2 develop/L2 private section and if someone have one

idea how to "stop" the pre-pack's (the main reason that exist this topic)

it's free to say his opinion here.


I am tired of all this crappy servers comming to life everyday. By the day you started sharing all those preconfigured packs with the customs and all that kind of crappy stuff, most server open from home pc's and close after a week. that disapoints the player basis and they choose not to play anymore or to start another mmorpg. This happend all the great servers with potential have like 20 players online at these days. I am very upset atm so i'll come with more tomorrow. I am waiting to be flamed i dont care, every serious person will understand i am right.

You talk to much.You can't stop priv servers!With this topic you damage maxcheaters.I am waiting for mod juge.I am just furious with this topic beacause everyone have the right to do what ever they want about priv servers.


I can't understand your problem... Like it or not everyone who wants to open a server is free, he is also free to post it here, he is also free if maxtor add a rule that will not allow ucoz site servers.

All people will have to start from somewhere and fast or slow they will start learning things...

Dont tell me that the holy enlightenment came to you, totally agree with billGR you are destroying maxcheaters...

Like it or not that will never stop, i promise you!


You talk to much.You can't stop priv servers!With this topic you damage maxcheaters.I am waiting for mod juge.I am just furious with this topic beacause everyone have the right to do what ever they want about priv servers.





he is talking about precon-pack servers not about ALL the PRIVATE servers.damaging mxc ? relax he just said an opinion without flaming,



and i agree about these kind of servers 13 y.o. kids making a server with Precon-pack and wow :O he is admin he can fly with teh wyvern omg , later making a free website (ucoz/tk example) and it's pro. a server with no protection - no fixes. But it is your own option to log in or not , you can see a server if it will lasts or not by his website for example ... it is unique? bad-modified? etc...



My point is that servers without endurance are mixed up with the good one that must have people...

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