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[L2J Gracia Final] L][Seraph 1000x [New]


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Our team made it... Alot of new updates took place today. Check our forum... and why not join our server! And thx guys for your good words.

Lol yeah my ass,this is a free template you just added the elf in the background + few flash and shiny images and thats all,nothing more to say.Enjoy

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omg man if you just keept your mouth shut and dont show us how stupid you are! tell me is this a free template? http://demo.rockettheme.com/ and choose refraction june 09 I cant stand stupid ppl like you that come and talk bullshit and they know nothing.


ps: i just saw you posted a server go there and post let other topics alone if you have nothing else to say.

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Reported for flaming.Anyway you didn't make it as i said you changed few images you could atleast say the truth.And i do post in my topic i am not flaming im saying my expressions and i hate people who are lying about stuffs.And btw just a suggestion remove that images next to L2Seraph logo would look lots better,they don't fit to design.

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