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[GZ Stefoulis15 L2 MOD!!]


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Stef you know little bitch that u deserve this promo :D


(rolleyes) , what a nice weather we have here.. in kiato xD



ehm , i should give a special thanks to webm0nst3r.. he knows the why. . .




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G/J To u both guyz...You Really deserved it...Now some1 has to take try 'n' try's place...I Suggest GrisoM or ManiakMike :D

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i will do my best! 66.gif


we hope so !!


just kidding :P you do an amazing work on exploit section ;) keep it up son :D


*(if you see me saying a lot the word: "son" is something normal i saw SCARY MOVIE 1 again today and it got sticky in my mind from the black guy (with wazzaaaa) i am still a normal person :P)*

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