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[L2J]New No Donate Server On L2mafia.gr Network.


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04: Im talking about mage dude.

02: There are in  restricted  area lawl...

03: Dimis host it, DIMIS DEVELOP it.

04::mage?? how can this happen??

02: where do you mean that there are mobs??

03: Dimis host it, Dimis maybe developed it but Dimis isn't the ADMIN not the GM, the ADMIN of the server, so the server isn't his. He just only helped some.

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04::mage?? how can this happen??

02: where do you mean that there are mobs??

03: Dimis host it, Dimis maybe developed it but Dimis isn't the ADMIN not the GM, the ADMIN of the server, so the server isn't his. He just only helped some.

04: if i knew i would report it

02: There are  mobs IN A restricted area WHERE ONLY DONATORS  HAVE ACCESS  ffs


Now lets stop with the flaming ffs.



Could u make leo & tiga drop more gds?

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Well, you protect so much the server that you make me rething, and log again to see any improovment from the last time i logged(half a year).Well, as i was reaching the village, heros were screaming in Hero shout and flaming with mothers,fathers,god,and something metioned about someones sister.

When i went to Giran:Only archers and necros running around, oh and there were one poor Gladi ..


Well, nothing is improved, all were the same.The same disatractive server.But ok gerero this, you may call it a funn server, maybe you like this kinds of servers lol, but my opinion is that it 300x sucks.

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Well, you protect so much the server that you make me rething, and log again to see any improovment from the last time i logged(half a year).Well, as i was reaching the village, heros were screaming in Hero shout and flaming with mothers,fathers,god,and something metioned about someones sister.

When i went to Giran:Only archers and necros running around, oh and there were one poor Gladi ..


Well, nothing is improved, all were the same.The same disatractive server.But ok gerero this, you may call it a funn server, maybe you like this kinds of servers lol, but my opinion is that it 300x sucks.

lol man... what is your prob with necros and archers??? nowdays these are the chars that like more from the other noob servers...


and about the hero char flames this still continues until now but this happens in every server. At core too [pfff...], at DW too and many other server. This doesn't happen only here. BTW, man if you want to have opinion about any server not only mafia about eery server then test the server for a little time and then tell your opinion. Not a 5min test!!!

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1. Stuck is a nice server and funny.

2. 03 The admin of the server with the meaning that he is owner is Dimis, and the girl who has it is gm.

3. Necros,  and Archers are the best chars of mafia.

4. Dimis please log in your server more often.

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1. Stuck is a nice server and funny.

2. 03 The admin of the server with the meaning that he is owner is Dimis, and the girl who has it is gm.

3. Necros,  and Archers are the best chars of mafia.

4. Dimis please log in your server more often.

i agree with the most of these you told but not with all


at the 2nd i don't agree. The admin of the server is called =Admin=Rangel and not =Admin=Dimis,as i know. So the admin of the server is the girl!


at the 4rd answer i answer too that Dimis has 5 servers and he works on them out of the servers. I mean to DB. Also, he logs late at the night so any1 can see him and break his balls with telling him admin plz adena, items etc!!!

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Well, in the past In one of the KvN there was a buged skill with war lord.It was the Shock Stomp skill, which you could do it as far as you wanted.

Ex: You are in Cemetery and you spot a player that you can't even see him cuz is far away, and you just target him press the skill and (that is a stun) and you stun your enemy from infinity distance..


I don't know if it exists now (lol..)

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ye thats right ^^ . Rangel is a very good person.

Dimis doesn't log late at night, sometimes if i can't sleep i play till the morning and i dont see anything. Just spanish ppl. //offtopic Btw you should see at greek channel star 8-9 at morning lazlo camp, its fun :D

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  • 2 months later...

well dimis is the best youre job in mafia networks. i left that server, cuz i dont wanna waste my time anymore playing l2. only thing what you should do in mafia servers is wipe ken orwen and remove augument skills, also from donations


Greetings from one of oldest  Ken Orwen players "Skyline"

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  • 8 months later...

so that server is fail.

i play there 5-6 month server have to many bugs no gm fix it for 5 month.

well server lose all the players, so dimis do that to leave abigail(no donate) server to join in the (ken owren)(stucksub)etc more players and more (euros)for dimis :)

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so that server is fail.

i play there 5-6 month server have to many bugs no gm fix it for 5 month.

well server lose all the players, so dimis do that to leave abigail(no donate) server to join in the (ken owren)(stucksub)etc more players and more (euros)for dimis :)

they fixed hitting olympiad manager bug(5000+ evasion) but you can still join oly with 5 bots behind you...(a bit undig by skills :) )
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