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interlude [Interlude L2J]L2-Overdose PvP Server fresh and wiped Don't Miss it

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gl with this proest servah!

Amoral u think u are clever with this sig of urs?


Ok i mean dude hasnt ever played retail  But is it a reason to make fun of him?Are u better than him


WTF Has ret to do with private server and u screw servers image....


I Want to see u make a better server than overdose...


Pff all guys think they re clever just by overusing irony....




Amoral u think u are clever with this sig of urs?


Ok i mean dude hasnt ever played retail  But is it a reason to make fun of him?Are u better than him


WTF Has ret to do with private server and u screw servers image....


I Want to see u make a better server than overdose...


Pff all guys think they re clever just by overusing irony....



Why  shouldn't he make fun of him?

If he doesn't have a clue and doesn't know what he says it's his problem

He should first play l2 not being in a random server with wrong skills and hit a gremlin and go full lvl

It's just funny how people think they are pros

Anyway that's offtopic

@The server now is a lot better with not custom items


Why  shouldn't he make fun of him?

If he doesn't have a clue and doesn't know what he says it's his problem

He should first play l2 not being in a random server with wrong skills and hit a gremlin and go full lvl

It's just funny how people think they are pros

Anyway that's offtopic

@The server now is a lot better with not custom items

Did he ever say he is pro?


And u mr.pro what has retail to do with private servers?


And wassup if he doesnt know whats the max enchant in retail?


First read my post then talk...


Sorry to interupt, I want to add one last thing, no offence.I think that an expirienced L2 Player must knows EVERYTHING about L2 retail or not, and he have to play more than 3 years to gain this expirience, and have played many many private  servers....


In the next flame post i will start to share - karma's .... !




Someone Global Mod delete these flaming post's .


don't touch flaming replies !! :P




is our evidence ^^


LoL this is a real server, not the old one with full of customs!!I will not leave extreme now ofc but, i will log in for fun to see IG ;).


PS:And my opinion about the kicked Gms that was Platinum here(in the staff) is that, well for the firts 2 days is nice to be Gm, helping ppls, answer all the time.But in 1 month and more it will start to get boring and you will do things that  admin will not like.(What i said before happened to a admin that i know, he did gms some guys in a Forum, the first days was all going ok, all was happy.A month later some ppls IG starting walking around with +16 gear...)

if ur telling this Shits for me think again before talking about me man u dont even know me and i wont start a flame here beacuse i Respect the server so if u want to flame with me guy pm me

if ur telling this Shits for me think again before talking about me man u dont even know me and i wont start a flame here beacuse i Respect the server so if u want to flame with me guy pm me


agree you maggots...Flame via msn or pms not here...What evidence???:P


Lets change theme though,,, :P

GJ guys server is very good..I've joined ya but there is something u should be aware of..

More Info: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=66112.0

It is a bug i hope u fix.. :D


If it is the classic hack with the script, there is no way it can work, and it says it in the site lol --> -Phx,Exploit Protection


OffTopic:Accounts are AutoCreated??


Omg i see that you learn finnally how to fix gr shield and gr might..And you fix tattos too..But your server will not going well like the other time before wipe, Cause you remove custom armors and mask..So the server ins't interest anymore ;)


Omg i see that you learn finnally how to fix gr shield and gr might..And you fix tattos too..But your server will not going well like the other time before wipe, Cause you remove custom armors and mask..So the server ins't interest anymore ;)


Add costum armor and mask but with stats like dragonic/dc/ic


If it is the classic hack with the script, there is no way it can work, and it says it in the site lol --> -Phx,Exploit Protection


OffTopic:Accounts are AutoCreated??

Propably yes because the Register button on the site doesn't work


Omg i see that you learn finnally how to fix gr shield and gr might..And you fix tattos too..But your server will not going well like the other time before wipe, Cause you remove custom armors and mask..So the server ins't interest anymore ;)

KK... it is exacly the oposite!! Now will atract more ppls cuz the 80% searching with NO CUSTOMS.Ok enough B****ts heard, I am gonna xp cya.  ::) ::) ::)


I am gonna xp cya.  ::) ::) ::)

FFs you are telling that like it will take you will be xping for hourrssss...in x5k server...


//ontopic server seems good may i join ;)

EDIT:nah now i saw that...

Active/Passive skill = 50 euro per skill..

FInally i would not join


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