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Aion ~ Lineage 2 | Which One is Better?

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i think aion is something like l2 and wow.Have the good gameplay style of wow (move with W,A,D,S) u can jump also. But aion have and something like soulshots (this item have a text that says a reason why it gives this power not like l2 that is says nothing :P. With this i want to point that aion have something like stoyry like wow)u can enchant items,u can fly(i havent fly yey but i ll fly for sure :P)


It is a new game with fantastic graphics(i like the terrain,the shadows,the animations of char.


You can costumize your char.I mean that u can choose a hair between about 24, you can make him taller or shorter,with big armis(like big muscles) or with small,and others,you can add him tattoo on the face(or a scratch),change eyes color etc


Have really nice animations on skills.They have made their skills for the user to be able to do something like combos.


I think Aion is much better than l2 or wow!

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i think aion is something like l2 and wow.Have the good gameplay style of wow (move with W,A,D,S) u can jump also. But aion have and something like soulshots (this item have a text that says a reason why it gives this power not like l2 that is says nothing :P. With this i want to point that aion have something like stoyry like wow)u can enchant items,u can fly(i havent fly yey but i ll fly for sure :P)


It is a new game with fantastic graphics(i like the terrain,the shadows,the animations of char.


You can costumize your char.I mean that u can choose a hair between about 24, you can make him taller or shorter,with big armis(like big muscles) or with small,and others,you can add him tattoo on the face(or a scratch),change eyes color etc


Have really nice animations on skills.They have made their skills for the user to be able to do something like combos.


I think Aion is much better than l2 or wow!


nuuuu wow ftw! and im sure you will fly in time, we all get the chance, even if its off a multistory building :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think and i hope that l2rulex will pwn Aion :D...anyway i didnt tried aion till now..i am waiting for european release and for a unofficial server(to 1 yearxD)...but it seems good..so i vote L2!!

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Guys do u understand that this is an unfair voting against L2? Aion CAN'T be compared with l2!!!

Aion has all the good stuff of L2, WoW, Silkroad, Cabal and maybe other games too!

to whoever hasn't played it, take some screenshots of me!












press to zoom


EDIT: FovosGR eisai stin ΕΛ Team? (Legion toun Aion) (Legion="clan")

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those who didnt try aion. There is a private server www.avol.lt few hours of downloading and only environment will pwn your lineage. I'm also playing l2, but i've been playing aion in closed beta. and... Its way better than l2!

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