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Lol what is this? I dont even get what u jus said.... whats the point of this. :S


well the point is = your char name for exemple is Unreal, when i press this "\n" it gives a big space like TAB, so you press that exmple "\n=ADM=:hi dude".


I think u undestood now..


The problem is .. I can't use "\" with my client .. Any other possibility ?


it look like a WnWnWnWn -> \n = Wn not "W" , but a crossed-out W ,ok?!?!?


it has posted 1 milion times =/

its the stupid think \\n\n\n and it works like "enter" in word but

i dont think will be anyone so... noob....

because it will say this




  =gm=chaos: hi player


p.s. this are not bugz omg

what do u want?? omfg..

i can post that super buz...

like this

u sit somewhere and you buy items.. and in mesagge for shop

you say "BB server take free items" and the noobz beleave that u dont buy but u sell

posibilty 0.00002763%


thats not bugz:(


Thanks for the reply to my earlier post .


Now , this is not useful only to "take the gm's place" .. But it's just good to know how to do it :-) Thanks for the share.


(i was always wondering how they do it >.>)


The "exploit" is in the \n. That's a dev code to break a string and go to a new line.

Problem with this is you'd get with this string: hey\nDude2: Hey...

Dude: Hey!

Dude2: Hey...


So it's easy to detect the fake. You may trick noobs with this, but I wouldn't even consider it an exploit.

So it's easy to detect the fake. You may trick noobs with this, but I wouldn't even consider it an exploit.



I agree with bonesaw because this "exploit" is made by Lineage's Admins and no as an exploit  :-\ .


It's useless as exploit, but as a trick is good  :D.


spam? lol man he say what this work and in fact this work but it was very old...


Yes don't spam, it works for everyone who knows how to use this \ also you don't must to say it works when in all server you can do that

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