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  • 2 weeks later...

This kind of apps only change your IP to Websites, but not in applications like L2.


You can try proxys but it will be very slow. Free proxys are usually slow, I download tons of free proxy lists everyday but sometimes it only last 1 or 2 days working...

  • 2 weeks later...

there is simple way for static ip users:

1)right click anywhere then new then new Text Document (".txt")

2) paste this lines onto the new txt document and modify your own settings:

@echo off
@created by Les Paul Man (c) 2007
rasdial "YourConnectionName" /disconnect
echo ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /flushdns
echo ipconfig /release
ipconfig /release
echo ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /renew
rasdial "YourConnectionName" "YourUserName" "YourUserPassword"

3)now press file and "save as"

4)save it like "reconnect.bat" without quote ofcourse (before saving make sure u change the save as type to "All Files" - just change it from text file to all files and save it)

5)whenever your static ip is ban for some reason from any site or game double click it and it'll disconnect->flash dns->release your ip->renew your ip->connect using your dialer to the net.


note:there is some sites or sharewares or leechsite or games or whatever on the net that ban ip range so if your ip is from swis starting for example 74. the baner will choose to ban all connections from 74. -->static users can change their ip address but not the first ip address num (depends your int provider).


PS - everything in the code that is inside a quote should stay WITH quote,just change what inside the quote to your settings

  • 1 year later...

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