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[EXPLOIT!] How to log any account

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mhm... This dont work in any servers wich has paclet fillter... so sad ^^ Btw  PM me if you have any good info about c4 off server's bugs, explots or hacks, I could change it c4 off aden bug wich still works in some good servers or my own off server crasg  packet ;] good luck ^^

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well, to me that script Don't give any error. I have Uploaded My for you.

Go here and Download it : *Click-ME*

Place it in c:/program files/LineageII/system/data/scripts.

Good Luck. ;D


Nope still goit the same error >.<


Could you post your hlapex, maybe it will work then >.<

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I am trying it to a server named EternalSin but i got a prob


I open hlapex

then i open client

i go to script and i change account=1;  to account=myaccount;

Then i press Call init and it says in bottom:[ERROR] Undeclared Identifier:'myaccount'


What i am doing wrong and what should i do?

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Let me quote it once..


Xmmmm maybe i didn't tell it clearly enough... (lol ok hlapex2008, it works even if you press CALL INIT, even if not, i didn't look at the script to see that it is executed normally on login :P)


1. LOAD hlapex

2. RUN l2.exe

3. GO TO scripts tab and LOAD the script (you must create it first, to do so, open one of these scripts there, delete the code in it, paste this code, save as... loginhack.pst or whatever)

4. AT account=1; EDIT the account=1; and add for example account=252; (1 should be the administrator's account, maybe not, try it first...)

5. LEAVE hlapex ALONE and go to client

6. LOGIN NORMALLY as you do with your account everytime... I suggest nor to use your main account, neither have the same IP as your main, as latest version of amped (damn Cypher x.x) tracks you down...


VOILA!!! You PWNED THEM (if it works, you will see some chars, or an empty account, if this account is empty.....)

If you:


1. Can't even pass the select server screen

2. See your char

3. Hlapex isn't loading




1. Fixed, leave it for this server...

2. Maybe fixed, maybe you did something wrong...

3. Server's patch is protected against l2w/hlapex/etc...


Now let me explain some things...


(before this, @ miki: It will help you to estimate where to search (you will find your account's id, do you want to hack it? :P You will find an ID and say: This may be around here...) Put it in integer ~> hex to normal and you will find it.


It works like this (or i suppose so):


Login server simply gets you in your account. After you login and you want to get into GS, login sents again a packet so it says to the db server: Hey dude, load the account xxx, the user logged in successfully. Now, this scripts changes this pack, and says: Hey dude, load the account xxx, the user logged in successfully (but you logged in from anoter account :P But, nobody knows that, db don't have the power of human brain....)


Just some thoughts while looking the script/the login packs...


Also, the account=x; SAYS: Hey mr DB, load account which is NUMBERED as 15th in your db... It doesn't say: load killer's account. When you registered, you was for example the 454554 user who made an account there. Now in db, there are other 454553 rows, from other accounts. So, add a number, and see if that noob just created an account there and left the server or he did some cool things for you... SO YOU ADD A NUMBER NOT A NAME.


The third thing is...


This DOESN'T WORK to l2j, isn't it clear? ONLY official servers...


---------OFF TOPIC MODE /on-----------


@ Those who speak for revenge (GMs, admins, noobs that say that are gms/admins)


If i had donated (i would never do) and log in one day, and BOUM, wtf my char is NAKED??? I would never trust you again for donate (yes, i gave you my money, and that's the security you offer me???). Even if you could see that they were stolen, and you could gimme them back, i would leave... Personal opinion, NOTHING TO FLAME, just consider...


And as for the phraze that we are noobs who steal other people's work, (items on 1x servers etc), we aren't supposed to ask you before, YOU DO THAT, by offering such a low quality protection on your servers (lol 2 week after it was actually published, and it is still working???). Also, these <<players>>, shouldn't be so noobs to play on private servers... FBI, NCSOFT, hackers, exploits, some admins that want donations (weeeeee, do you think that a man with +25 can be got owned by a man with a +10??? If it was like this, there would be no donations, so the whole <<DONATIONS HERE>> tag is setted up, just a trick, to get money, not to have your server hosted etc.

If they want to have safety and l2 experience ~> www.lineage2.com

If they want exploits and etc. ~> www.xxxPRIVATESERVERxxx.com


Personal opinion.......................


It says how this damn thing works :)


Do you know the ID of the account? It's the db order it has... Sooooooooooooooooooo, you put that ID into ACCOUNTID, otherwise, forget that script...

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As many accounts exist, there will be so many account IDs... From 1, to 500000000000... Or maybe 554435464646444... Have fun trying :P If it works on that server, search between IDs of 1 to 10 and you will find the GM's account, otherwise it is patched ^^

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