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interlude [Interlude L2J]L][Rise Of HeLL


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By the way,how do you think if the server grow like 100 ppl will farm in a small room?Lag as hell,PvP non-stop,PK non-stop and that will fail. Enjoy nuff said.

w8 tiLL we reach 40 ppl at least..Then i am thinking to make primeval farm zone..
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It's offline 'coz yesterday some retarded were complaining about a little bug.....They couldn't understand that it's a fresh start and we try to do our best.....BTW server will be online in 2 hours the most....

P.S.:I will post some pics with weapons later....

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Server is On Now I Fixed all god dawn Bugs Lets Have Fun Playing


Btw We Make at least 10 events per day its funny ;)


events like :


Rusian Rullet (2 types)

Mass PvP


Team pvp

King Of The Hill

TvT (auto)

With Reward Hero coins medals and other things ;)

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