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And its not just GREECE there were several mass murders in USA, from teenagers inspired from the virtual world imitating what they have already done in the game. The screen blurs their vision and makes them think everything is a game, there should be limit and you should all ask your selves "does the computer changed me somehow" because yes it does maybe you deny the truth but playing Online games sometimes leaves a mark on some ppl with not so strong nerves or most likely kids, causing them to become more aggressive and to refuse to believe that the virtual life has no place to take in real life.


And its not just GREECE there were several mass murders in USA, from teenagers inspired from the virtual world imitating what they have already done in the game. The screen blurs their vision and makes them think everything is a game, there should be limit and you should all ask your selves "does the computer changed me somehow" because yes it does maybe you deny the truth but playing Online games sometimes leaves a mark on some ppl with not so strong nevers or most likely kids, causing them to become more aggressive and to refuse to believe that the virtual life has no place to take in real life.


It's the first time that such an incident occurs in Greece. I don't know if this guy shot these 2 ppl, because of video games, but as I heard on the news and according to BBC he did it to revenge. It is said that he was frequently being mocked by the victims and just couldn't take this anymore.


More info: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7993401.stm


The fact video games create aggression is just bad. Lately when i watch TV its nothing but the another murder born from a desperate act of revenge.


And its not just GREECE there were several mass murders in USA, from teenagers inspired from the virtual world imitating what they have already done in the game. The screen blurs their vision and makes them think everything is a game, there should be limit and you should all ask your selves "does the computer changed me somehow" because yes it does maybe you deny the truth but playing Online games sometimes leaves a mark on some ppl with not so strong nevers or most likely kids, causing them to become more aggressive and to refuse to believe that the virtual life has no place to take in real life.



Agree with you but some kids as you said that they cant find any  person to stand on him to tell everything that he has in ther mind .These kids are closed in a room all the day an playing video games.Then after some weeks these kids  thinks that if they kill someone  he will press to village or bishop res him thats an Eg from l2



here at greece this kid wrote a letter before he died he said that he doesnt care about anyone any more somth like this



here at greece this kid wrote a letter before he died he said that he doesnt care about anyone any more somth like this

Well yeah that's the bad side on playing games they build a distance from your real life friends/family or you can say it replace it with the guys you chat with , the guys you can't actually see but you somehow believe.


Well yeah that's the bad side on playing games they build a distance from your real life friends/family or you can say it replace it with the guys you chat with , the guys you can't actually see but you somehow believe.


Some video games create fake reality thats the bad side as you said dream .For these kids all his life had become a video game they think that at the right turn he will kill one monster especially thats with kids that they are 10-15 years.These kids needs fast a psychologist


Some video games create fake reality thats the bad side as you said dream .For these kids all his life had become a video game they think that at the right turn he will kill one monster especially thats with kids that they are 10-15 years.These kids needs fast a psychologist


I am kinda like that...

I like sitting on pc...

But i go at the nets with my friend and playing css...

But this doesn't mean i will go kill my schoolmates :P


No comment....simple idiots!



Why idiots?


These kids need help anyone give to them help thats why they ound a stand at video games

I am kinda like that...

I like sitting on pc...

But i go at the nets with my friend and playing css...

But this doesn't mean i will go kill my schoolmates :P




u said  with ur friends lol


pote egine auto re paidia???kai dn pira xampari.kai eleoc pia me auto to kolo pc.dn eiparxei monon auto.vgeite kamia volta me tous filous sas einai 100000fores kalitero apo to l2 i video games.epidi to kalokairi epeza poromena l2 gi'auto to lew.dn evgena kai tpt.e mia mera eida poso gamata einai me tous filous.episis to video einai apolita katatopistiko.PARAKALW POLI OLOUS TOU KAMENOUN AFISTE TA PC KAI APOLAUSTE TIS GKOMENES TOU FILOUS SAS KAI TIN EKSOXI AMA PATE.einai apla paixnidia kerdofora gia tis etairies.tpt parapanw.


pote egine auto re paidia???kai dn pira xampari.kai eleoc pia me auto to kolo pc.dn eiparxei monon auto.vgeite kamia volta me tous filous sas einai 100000fores kalitero apo to l2 i video games.epidi to kalokairi epeza poromena l2 gi'auto to lew.dn evgena kai tpt.e mia mera eida poso gamata einai me tous filous.episis to video einai apolita katatopistiko.PARAKALW POLI OLOUS TOU KAMENOUN AFISTE TA PC KAI APOLAUSTE TIS GKOMENES TOU FILOUS SAS KAI TIN EKSOXI AMA PATE.einai apla paixnidia kerdofora gia tis etairies.tpt parapanw.



[GR]Apo afta ta kerdofora pexnidia e3artiounte polla atoma lol>>.<<O allos ama klisi to l2 8a pai na aftoktonisi leme tora


nai omws apla ama dn eixan anoi3ei dn tha itan kalitera??

kai episis dil. ti einai auto pou dn mporeis na zisis xwris na pai3eis???mporeis kai para mporeis na to kopseis arkei na exeis katalavei oti exeis provlima.polloi to katalavenoun kai apla dn theloun na to kopsoun epidi pisteuoun oti einai iperano twn allws kai oti dn tha pathoun tpt.episis an 3ereis sto agia sofia iparxei pteriga ape3artisis upologistwn.kai esi akoma mporeis na ton voithiseis.ama dn peis esi p.x. ston geitona s pou ton evlepeis oti dn exei filous kai einai sinexeia se ena pc mporeis na tou peis na pate mia volta na 3eskasei.etsi ksekolas.ama dn niazete kanenas dn ginete tpt.apla voitha ligo ton allo na ginei koinonikos kai meta tha mporei kai monos tou na antape3elthei ola ta alla.


nai omws apla ama dn eixan anoi3ei dn tha itan kalitera??

kai episis dil. ti einai auto pou dn mporeis na zisis xwris na pai3eis???mporeis kai para mporeis na to kopseis arkei na exeis katalavei oti exeis provlima.polloi to katalavenoun kai apla dn theloun na to kopsoun epidi pisteuoun oti einai iperano twn allws kai oti dn tha pathoun tpt.episis an 3ereis sto agia sofia iparxei pteriga ape3artisis upologistwn.kai esi akoma mporeis na ton voithiseis.ama dn peis esi p.x. ston geitona s pou ton evlepeis oti dn exei filous kai einai sinexeia se ena pc mporeis na tou peis na pate mia volta na 3eskasei.etsi ksekolas.ama dn niazete kanenas dn ginete tpt.apla voitha ligo ton allo na ginei koinonikos kai meta tha mporei kai monos tou na antape3elthei ola ta alla.



Dn tous ipe kaneis na ani3i stin arxi bori na mn ixan tetio skopo alla meta alla3e k ontos kalo einai afto me to kentro ape3artisis alla poloi dn 8eloun na to paradextoun


dn eiparxei dn mporoun apla dn theloun file m.apla leei e siga tha pe3w ligo akoma kai ligo akoma.auto einai olo.esi omws opws eipa exeis "ipoxrewsi"ws anthrwpws na voithiseis twn allwn pou menei dipla s gt exei auto to provlima kai to anagnwrizeis.episeis vlepontas to video auto poio panw vlepeis mexri pou mporei na katantisei o anthrwpos.etsi thetis se kindino tin  swmatiki s akaireotita.episis egw prwsopika na s pw ama eixa ena tetoio geitona i filo i oti allo i akoma kai an evlepa ena paidi pou dn to i3era akoma kai auton tha tou milaga 3erw gw kai tha to voithaga.alliws, gia emena panta, tha eixa tipseis pou dn ton voithisa enw to eixe anagki kai as min to zitisi g poli apla tou exoun kanei plisi egkefalou kai dn mporei.pisteuw auta pou lew na ta katalaveneis gt apo oti nomizw etsi einai.


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