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[Guide][Dota Contest]All About Venomancer

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Necromancers are evil intelligence casters who call upon poison, disease and pestilence to instill fear and death upon their enemies. They are able to summon undead pets and have the ability to drain health from enemies. Necromancers are among the best soloing classes in the game and are often sought after in both groups and raids.




Necromancers have a wide variety of fear spells, allowing  them to run, reverse kite or simply put off fighting the enemy until the fear spell wears off. They have the ability to resurrect, though it’s much more expensive to use than other classes with the same ability. They are able to snare and can summon pets to enhance their damage and hold agro.


The Necromancers most potent ability is their powerful DoT (Damage over Time) spells. They have the most DoTs in the game and in long battles, have the highest potential for DPS (Damage per Second). They are efficient and have a number of self buffs that allow them to regenerate mana at the expense of their health. Intelligence and stamina are both important stats for the Necromancer.





For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike an enemy with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.

Lesale is a great ganker early - midgame and has a powerful DOT ultimate that is very hazardous in team clashes. Normally used as support and set some Observer Wards or Sentry Wards even though he has a potential to be a great DPS hero. He is also sometimes played as a roamer, which means that instead of taking a lane, he roams the map ganking enemies from Level 1.




Necromancers are undoubtedly the best soloing class in the game. They can solo in several ways that involve no danger to the player. The most famous is their ability to reverse kite. This ability entails pulling an enemy with snare. While he is approaching, the Necromancer can cast DoT spells, followed by fear which leaves the enemy slowly walking away from the Necromancer. The pet should then attack the enemy and by the enemy dies shortly thereafter, with no damage taken.


Necromancers can also solo by simply kiting, which is basically doing the same thing as reverse kiting, except without fear. This is better in cramped situations and where you need to control where the enemy runs.


In groups and raids, the Necromancers usefulness increases as the duration of the battles increase, as their DoT spells are able to take full effect and do their maximum damage. While their fear and snare effects aren’t nearly as useful here, they also have the ability to pump their mana into other players, specifically the healer. This can often save lives, as a healer with no mana is useless and players can easily die.






Choosing Venomancer on 1 0n 1 takes a lot of risk especially when the enemy is a disabler or nuker. I consider it lucky when it faces off a strength or agility type hero for the fact that almost all strength type heroes are melee ranged which gives a lot of advantage to Venomancer and agility type heroes which has low quantity of life and also favorable to him.


In my experience of using Venomancer, I found some way to match up with those disablers and stunners in 1 on 1 matches. I take advantage of casting Plague Wards which has a fast cooldown, low mana cost, and can't be damaged by spells. In my observation, the max Plague Wards you can use is 7-8 and imagine, each of them inflicts 42 damage and has a fine attack speed. With this advantage, creeps tends to attack the wards instead of you, and the effect is that you hold the lane by that ward. The main purpose of this wards is winning the game, not to kill enemy hero. Too bad for the enemies, the wards has much life and not that easy to kill. Just let me add some few tips, Plague Wards are affected by Mekansm, which means they are affected by Mekansm's instant life restoration. Isn't that great?


Continuing the process of casting Plague Wards, the effect would be winning the game with lots of great items to Venomancer. This strategy is also a good farming technique. You got a very high chance of last hitting creeps and even towers. Also, if you want to kill Roshan with ease, just use Plague Wards again and let him attack the wards. Don't forget to continue casting wards until Roshan dies.






post-716219-1194712902-1.png:Plague Ward

Ability Type: Active Location targeting

Casting Time:None

Triggering Information: None

Base Ability:Serpent Wards



BTNCorrosiveBreath.gif:Poison Nova

Ability Type: Active Instant Ultimate

Casting Time: None

Triggering Information: None

Base Ability:Phoenix Fire

Hotkey: V


BTNOrbOfVenom.png:Venomous Gale

Ability Type: Active Unit Targeting

Casting Time: None

Triggering Information: None

Base Ability :Multiple Shadow Strikes

Hotkey: E



Ability Type: Passive On-attack

Casting Time: None

Triggering Information:None

Base Ability:Envenomed Spears





Tavern: Midnight Tavern (V)          |  Base Attack Time: 1.7

Base Damage : 24 - 26 (46 - 48)   | Attack Range : 450 (ranged)

Base Armor : 0 / 3.1                       | Acquisition Range : 800

Primary Attribute: Agility                 | Missile Speed : 900

Strength : 18 + 1.85                      | Attack Animation : 0.3 / 0.7

Agility: 22 + 2.6                             | Casting Animation : 0 / 0.51

Intelligence : 15 + 1.75                 | Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Movespeed : 290                           | Affiliation: Scourge



These are the items you might end up with Venomancer in this strategy:


    * Linken's Sphere

    * Boots of Travel

    * Butterfly

    * Mjolnir

    * Buriza

    * Aghanim's Scepter

    * Lothars lothars, ahanims, mkb, treads ofc and maybe s&y









                                                           Facing a Necromancer

Necromancers have 3 feat-trees


    * Reanimation

    * Nightfall

    * General (This is for all mage-types)





I'm going to start with Reanimation.


Reanimation is the feat-tree which improves the necromancers pets and give some very nice ulitily spells(Unholy Hands).


Reanimation Necromancers are able to summon 3 more pets (above the base limit of 8 pets). This spell calls "One with the Death", each time they press this spell they gain 1 pet point more (Maximum is 3 aditional pet points) but this spell makes them ALOT weaker, it reduces their invurnablity.


First time they use the spell (1 point) they get their invurnablity's reduced by 50

Second time by 100

Third time by 150

-> 3 Stacks make the necromancer VERY easy 1 shot-able




Reanimation Necro's also get the Unholy Hand spell, it is a channeled slow+aoe damage spell. Its compareable with blizzard, you target a place and all targets within that circle get a movement reduction and damage. But you have to channel this spell.


This spell is VERY nice and just incredible good in group pvp (All the melee's moving slower = win)


Thought in 1V1 it isn't that awesome because the targets can still reach you very fast.



Reanimation necro's also have Army of the death(Hope its right), it keeps summoning minions while channeling this spell, thought I heard alot of people find this spell very weak both in pvp and pve because you have to keep channeling, once you stop it all the pets die.


Spell : "Void"


This spell temporary(12 or 20 sec if I can remember it correctly) let your pets drain stamina and mana.


This spell works on all pets, so not only blighted ones. ALL Pets.





This tree improves the Necromancers spells, which makes him a very strong caster (Demo-like).




First very important spell is "Despoil the Soul".


Its a look-alike to "One with the death", but this spell REDUCES your pet points and gives you alot, i really mean ALOT of magic damage!


You can use this spell untill all your pet points are gone.


(I also found an exploit for this spell, look it up at the exploit and bug section)


Another very strong spell is "Grip of the Death"


Its a channeled spell which deals amazing damage to the target. But also deals damage to enemy's that are near the main target.


Example :


You cast grip of the death on "Target 1", this target will get like 600 damage/2sec (Numbers are not correct, just to create an image)

There are 2 other targets near target 1, we call them "Target 2" and "Target 3"

Target 2 and target 3 will get 400 damage/2sec




There are still alot of other spells in the tree but they kinda explain themself, like Death Eather kills one of your pets but let you gain X amount of health and X amount of health regen




Your HP increases with 400 and you get a heal effect that heals around 80 damage/sec. Something like a pot, just that this spell also increases your hp.



General Tree


The general tree is a tree which is for every mage class (Demo ,HoX and Necro)


This tree is in my opinion more a tree for Nightfall Necro's (Thought Reanimations can use this tree to, but this tree actually increases the Necromancers spells, not pets, so reanimations don't really have use of this spells. But thats my opinion)



Archmagus Talent (5 Points, Tier 2)


This talent does not really increase the power of your Vile Insight and Dark Knowledge.

BUT, this talent let this buff give magic rating to both Frost and Unholy.


Example (Because I can't really explain it nice)

Your Vile Insight gives you 33 Magic Rating (Frost)

You spend 5 point in archmagus talent.

Your vileinsight wil give 33 magic rating(frost) ----AND--- 33 magic rating(Unholy).




This spells removes all snares and roots from you, this spell is AWESOME for the both feat trees. Since all melee's will snare/root you, and your mission is to hold distance, so this spell is really really really awesome.


Thought this is mainly a PvP spell.







Necromancers have also alot of pets.There are 2 kind of pets:


You have Melee pets (which always require 1 pet point to control)

You have Mage pets (Which require 2 pet points to control)

((And you have Archmage Pets which require 4 points to control))




So I'm only going to discuss the 2 main PvP pets, you will most of the time meet them.


Blighted Ones :


Blighted ones are pets which drain mana AND STAMINA from their enemy(But the necromancer does not get any drained mana).

This pets are very strong if you go into the reanimation tree and put pets into improved blighted ones and if you get the spell "Void" you can easily drain any enemy to 0 % mana/stamina in a few seconds


This pets rule PvP, thought I haven't tested them after the Void nerf.


Thought their damage is 1/3 to 1/2 of the Corruptor's/Life-Stealer pets. So you better don't use this one while grinding






Life-stealers pets do what the name says, they steal the life of their target and give it to you.


This pets are very strong in grinding (This allows you to take multiply mobs, the heal is as strong as a pot)

And they are actually also a very strong pvp pet.


Their damage is 3/4 of the corruptors damage, which means very high.


This pets are awesome if you are on a pvp server, this allows you to grind, but still have the pets ready if some person attacks you






Necromancers have alot of spells but I'm just going to say the CC ones, since those are the most important.




This is a spell which Stuns the target for up to 10 seconds, thought it breaks very fast on damage, specially if your pets are hitting the target you better don't count on the spell, it probably doesn't even stays active for a second


- Frostblast

This is a "Cone of Cold" - like spell. Just that this spell roots your target, this also breaks very fast on damage


- The spell-with-the-worms (slowing spell, forgot name)

This is a ranged spell which decreases the targets movement speed




Tactics to beat other classes (You are playing Necro)


Reanimation specced:


Some people find this spec a "easy-mode-spec" because there are various extremely good but easy tactics.


Tactic vs a Melee : This is quite easy, lets say a melee attacks is out of stealth.

We instantly use our fear and get some range, use slow when fear is done, and just keep running (while your pets hit the target)


You hold this on for a 10-15 sec and your target is death

(This is a theori, ofc some classes can slow you to, but most of the time they can't really reach you, and if they do, you still have 2 CC spells left!)


Tactic vs a Caster : This is also quite easy, send pets and run away so they can't cast spells... Thats mainly it :P


Tactic vs caster + melee : Get 8 blighted ones (+specced for them), use void, send your pets, see them loosing all mana + stamina




Nightfall specced:


Well this is a bit harder, I can't really explain a tactic since it all depends what your enemy does. So can't really say any good tactic except "CC them if they go close/heal, the rest of the time nuke them"




Beat other classes (You are NOT the Necromancer)


Necromancers are mages which use cloth, this makes them a very easy target for melee's (Specially ranger, they 1 shot you anyway so don't bother)

We also have a quite low HP from nature, so keep this in mind.


Necromancers weaknesses are their pets, and still it are their strong part, let me explain.


For some people their pc goes totally mad if they send pets, it creates lagfests, both for the Necromancer as the enemy. So please, never do a 8VS8 pets fight, you just will run away at the end because you will only have 1 FPS ((I normally have 60 FPS on all settings max, 8V8 pets = 1-5 FPS))


Also, Necromancers pets are hard to kill, so don't really try to kill them unless you are very sure you can dish out some nice AoE damage (Like nightfall necro's, I kill reanimation necro's their pets in like 5 sec, ofc, the necro is as good as dead then )

But for all other classes specially melee's : do NOT try to kill the pets, its waist of time since if you kill them to slow this happens :

1 Or they keep summoning new onew

2 Or they just kill you while you are trying to kill them.


Also, necromancers (nightfalls) are mainly based on dots, so trying to LoS kite them (if you are ToS/PoM/Demo) is not really smart, since the dots will kill you while you can't hit them. Nuking nightfall necro's is the best tactic =)





width=444 height=480http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq277/Crafter_02/venomancer_vs_nevermore-1.jpg[/img]

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noble you mean how to use skills and etc?

not only , when to use , if it does ministuin , screenshots etc. To make a good guide you need at least 2 days , i make the guides for contest in 5days ...

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  • 1 month later...

despite those guides were for my former contest that doesnt mean that they should be locked. those guides are active and helpful as long as hero does NOT change from DotA creators

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