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Awww i starting loving this community no1 will hack us if he just try this we gonna burn his house and his whole family together!!!!! MXC NEVER DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually i still believe that this is a joke...and i think that when the time will be 12:01 Noble will come here and say "It was 1st of april guy mxc wil never close etc etc etc... :P :P :P "

happy April 1st guys xD i really enjoyed the pms i got especially about donations status  :)


main idea for this joke was from w3bm0nster

the text writing/inspiration/sticky was NobLe idea :P


have fun


happy April 1st guys xD i really enjoyed the pms i got especially about donations status  :)


main idea for this joke was from w3bm0nster

the text writing/inspiration/sticky was NobLe idea :P


have fun


You Got OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha ^^^


8essalonitiko xioumor :P oloi to idio exete? :P


Ela vre krioplasma... ti na m peis gia humor.. asovare.. :P


K sinexizeis ta asteia ekei seri... h mera s perase prwtaprilia k esy akoma ekei tn xava s sinexizeis.. ante ftanei tou xronou pali  :-\ :-*


GJ Noble its good that you finally said the truth, im sure you saved somebody's life.

im sure that many ppls' hearts returned back to their place

Ela vre krioplasma... ti na m peis gia humor.. asovare.. :P


K sinexizeis ta asteia ekei seri... h mera s perase prwtaprilia k esy akoma ekei tn xava s sinexizeis.. ante ftanei tou xronou pali  :-\ :-*


xa0xa0axxa0 I was sure that it was joke, that's why I didn't post. ax0x0ax0a0 I am smart ^^ . Kidding :D


To be honest, I believed this shit, but I was wondering why NobLe posted here and not Maxtor :D , Anyway it was cool! hahaha :D


yes I get that error, and it seems to have a problem. Noticed some delays recently...


Let's hope it ain't a joke!

last year i open my pc and it was doing some silly things because it was a virus programmed to run at 2008 1st April

happy April 1st guys xD i really enjoyed the pms i got especially about donations status  :)


main idea for this joke was from w3bm0nster

the text writing/inspiration/sticky was NobLe idea :P


have fun


Yeah i told you from the start hehe but you posted 12:02 not 12:01 :P


Errors are still out there.Holes? Of course.Everything is hackable.But we are cheaters, aren't we? XD



PS: Fuck the day.The section "Spam Topic" made me suspect you NobLe funny guy! :P



PS: -beep- the day.The section "Spam Topic" made me suspect you NobLe funny guy! :P



The topic was at aNNouncement section before ^^




Errors are still out there.Holes? Of course.Everything is hackable.But we are cheaters, aren't we? XD



PS: -beep- the day.The section "Spam Topic" made me suspect you NobLe funny guy! :P


The topic was at aNNouncement section before ^^



there is still the redirection topic in announcement section :P

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