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[Dota #DreaM [Dota Contest] ] Raigor , the EARTHSHAKEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR!

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Here we go guide about



#What should the item/skill build look like, n why?

#Which are the best heros that could support us while playing him?

#Which enemies should we fear the most?

#What are the pros and the cons?[why to play earthshaker]

#Is jungling something we should do or its not recommended?



Starting stats


Ending stats




Before we begin the guide here is a small story about this creature, the tauren.


In the barren-lands, tales spoke of tauren sages reaping the essence of dirt. Their consciousness melds with the brown beneath them. The loam becomes the conduit of their mental thought and reality. These warriors were feared for they could summon massive ruptures at their mere whim. So tremendous was their power that their magic leaks out of the earth violently with every spell. Sadly these sages mysteriously faded from the land. When the World Tree was threatened, couriers searched these mighty ones but found just one. A young adept, Raigor Stonehoof, seeks battle to weave new tales of these shamans. Raigor is one of the best Battle Initiators thanks to his Fissure and Echo Slam








Slams the ground with the Raigor's mighty totem, causing the ground to crack open front of him, damaging opponents and leaving an impassable crevasse for a period of time.


Level 1 - 125 damage, 1 second stun.

Level 2 - 175 damage, 1.25 second stun.

Level 3 - 225 damage, 1.5 second stun.

Level 4 - 275 damage, 1.75 second stun.


Cooldown: 15 seconds.


Level 1: 125 mana, 15 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 140 mana, 15 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 155 mana, 15 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 170 mana, 15 sec cooldown.





Enchant Totem


Empowers the totem resting on Raigor's back, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack.


Level 1 - 50% increased damage.

Level 2 - 100% increased damage.

Level 3 - 150% increased damage.

Level 4 - 200% increased damage.


Cooldown: 7 seconds.


Level 1: 50 mana, 7 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 50 mana, 7 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 50 mana, 7 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 50 mana, 7 sec cooldown.





The power of Raigor casting a spell causes the earth to shake below him, dealing additional damage and stunning.


Level 1 - 25 damage, .3 second stun.

Level 2 - 45 damage, .7 second stun.

Level 3 - 75 damage, 1.2 second stun.

Level 4 - 115 damage, 1.5 second stun.





Echo Slam


Raigor sends shockwaves shooting through the ground, dealing damage ricocheting to nearby targets for additional damage.


Level 1 - 200 initial damage, 35 echo damage.

Level 2 - 275 initial damage, 45 echo damage.

Level 3 - 350 initial damage, 65 echo damage.


Cooldown: 150/130/110 seconds.


Level 1: 145 mana, 150 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 205 mana, 130 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 265 mana, 110 sec cooldown.


Now that we know the skill's the next question that comes out is the skill build



Skill Build


1 -> BTNShockWave.gif

2 -> PASBTNAftershock.gif

3 -> BTNShockWave.gif

4 -> PASBTNAftershock.gif

5 -> BTNShockWave.gif

6 -> BTNEarthquake.gif

7 -> BTNShockWave.gif

8 -> PASBTNAftershock.gif

9 -> PASBTNAftershock.gif

10 -> BTNSmash.gif

11 -> BTNEarthquake.gif

12 -> BTNSmash.gif

13 -> BTNSmash.gif

14 -> BTNSmash.gif

15 -> BTNStatUp.gif

16 -> BTNEarthquake.gif


From 17-25 you have only 1 option and its to level this skill BTNStatUp.gif


Skill Use/Rules


-Use Fissure to block your enemies as an example here is one screen [its not that good but it is just to express the main idea.



You will not need attack speed because you will be gang initiator and basically you are a support char most likely a tank but tank with the ability to mega kill :).You will use only your skill and not your attack power so you will get this item.



You have to do this item no matter what its the item that makes your char complete the item that lets you escape and the item that let you use your ulti with 100% of doing something with it not just the another waste of ulti.



You will need this item so you can spam your ulti + Shiva which is a item you will have to do as well so make sure you make it also don't forget it gives mana too!



Shiva is like a second ulti for you and its the most useful item on your hero because its the best combination known with your ultimate you simply own with it since once you spammed ulti and the guy tries to run you slow him with this and you can catch him so you can stun him with your combo of Enchant totem + Aftershock and afterwards totally finish him with blocking his way with fissure, but if he escape in some way don't forget you have Dagger of Escape which will guarantee your victory :).


Since you will need a lot of mana so you can use your items + skill 2x times you have to do something that boost the mana drastically and believe me ... bloodstone is the best option.



Mjohnir, a rejected item for some ppl that play eartn but i say YES YOU MUST DO IT because it makes you a perfect tanker with this i mean that if you lure enimies and you use it on yourself and your massive skills you are sure to low/kill your enemies.


Rejected items




Many ppl do this item, and i do not know why it just slows you down in making Dagger of Escape which is the most important item on earthshaker it totally makes your game so i reject this item for the start build.

BTNHeartOfAszune.gif or BTNHornOfDoom.gif


You already have bloodstone to give your HP and you do not need life steal since you are going to use your skills mainly and you will not use your attack power so much so you will be based on skill-killing strategy.




You have bloodstone you don't need any items that give health points of defense power anymore.


Other items that give AS/Attack Power are totally rejected as i already said why, you are going to use skills not attack power!


Optional Items




The passive skill is useful so you can make that item if you like.




Disable item helps in gangs or duels [not to forget the + mana it gives], so you can also make that item in replacement of Mjohnir.




If you have mage's enemies you should do this item.


Good Allies



And more...

Why are the followings heros useful to you in combat?


-They have stun skills

-Because they have lure skills

-Because they have slow/blink skills

-Because they have disable skills

-Because they have hold skills

-Because they are good tanks and they can help you in gangs


Worst Enemies



And more....

Why are the following hero's enemies to you?

-Because they have the ability to escape from you [how dare they ';.;']

-Because they have the ability to disable your skills

-Because they can stun you and ruin your gang

-Because they can confuse you and you might waste your skills on the stupid illusion's of theirs..

-Because they have big defense power




And more, but basically INT heros which have low Health Points or those who don't have big move speed.

Why are they preys?

-Because you can kill them easily they don't have much health

-Because you can kill their clones

-Some of them simply don't have a way to escape you


Finally we arrived at pros'n'cons which are




-Best Disable skills in the map

-One of the best pusher/gang initiator in map

-He doesn't have so many item builds





-Not so easy to control the char and hardly ever to master the usage of his skills

-Low stats qualified as below-average

-Bad start hero , hard to farm with him.





Jungling is not recommended for earthshaker.


[glow=red,2,300]Things you should do/not to do.[/glow]


-Never ever ever solo with earthshaker you should only gang with your team and never leave their sight you are not that good in 1v1 duels

-If you maintain a good usage of fissure you can get some start kills to collect some money which will help you for the items you will build but save mana incase you are in danger to have an escaping option with it.

-Start to push at mid game when you have completed kaleen's dagger and shiva...

-Don't forget to never let the enemies to escape after all you have a skill with 1000 range [fissure] with which you can either block/final hit/stun in order to finish him off with teamamates.

-Late game you should again push because than you will probably have most of the items done and you are ready for your ownage.


PS: I may have forgot something, but after all im not perfect you can also correct me in something if you think im wrong , proposal's are more than welcome.

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People make arcane ring because your mana can't handle your spell spamming until you finish Shiva's or Bloodstone. I don't reject it, I usually buy it, or I just make a perservance.

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Only english in here The end what do you mean with buttlefury?


PS: Arcane ring slows you down in the start you shouldn't spam skills you should just use your skill's to escape or stun so your allies can kill the guy or why not finish it with a final fissure anyway i think AR slows you down in your item's build.


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Well maybe he is right if he add's battlefury to rejected items so yeah i agree with him but i deleted his post because rules are rules and they are meant to be followed.

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Great guide!


How about some boots? Power threads or BoT should be cool, earthshaker is quite useless without speed, dagger won't be saving him all the time.

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Something is wrong with the picture of BoT but its there about dagger of escape it always saves you but ofc it differs when earth is played but some retard ofC :P. Guide cannot teach you how to play it can give you few clues but if you want to play 1v1 with me on earth you are more than welcome to say it out loud i will accept and see which strategy is better :X.

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i like Raigor with dagger rather with bots or treads :P since fissure has great range its is more than enough time to escape or initiate a battle :P  bots or treads are acceptable but it will result in better farming  kelens is chosen by mega raigor imbas without bots or treads

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i like Raigor with dagger rather with bots or treads

Yeah you have a point , so if you think you can manage without BoT's or PT you can freely make a Guinso for a disable or Radiance for AOE damage in combination with SHIVA/AFTERSHOCK/ECHOSLAM

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Only english in here The end what do you mean with buttlefury?


PS: Arcane ring slows you down in the start you shouldn't spam skills you should just use your skill's to escape or stun so your allies can kill the guy or why not finish it with a final fissure anyway i think AR slows you down in your item's build.


Add Battle Fury In Your Items(Stuck With Totem,Aftershok For More Power) And You Are Ok.



Someone delete  his  post :P


Dager 4 ever!  Earthshaker  with  dager =escape=kills!

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