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OK this guide is for everyone who want to create a website that does not means your website will be perfect in one time

This means you must work on it self without any generators or help programs except for Dreamweaver because you can see your website faster with it when your creating it


OK so if you want to make a website make it first visual so you know how your website will look like use Photoshop CS3 (or higher versions) to make it a good quality


OK so what are the requirements I need ?

You need to know some PHP knowledge for scripts etc (I will also tell you here some scripts and handy stuff for examples)


You seriously need to know about HTML, without HTML your website cannot be build or you must use ASP but that I will not discuss here


And for the last requirement you really need patients because in the first time you want to build a website it will not always work for the first time but believe me when your doing it again and again you will be better and better



OK so buy a good book about PHP and HTML and if you want some CSS, Its always handy just go to a good book store DON'T buy a book that says you can do it in days or hours you must have a book with a good start that you will understand and choose a big book about a few hundert paces, You don't need to read that whole book to become a website maker



OK so here are the begins of making a website this does not mean you can build a super nice website from it or you must have the knowledge already




<title> My First Website </title>
My First Website is working and I can read my text here :)<BR>
This is my second line and Its also working :)



Ok let me explain it


<HTML> stands for the begin of your website you must always starts with it!


<head> stands for the head of the HTML you can include files like CSS, Java with it and you can include a title (<title>)


</head> stands for closing the HEAD or else it will be never closed and that will be bad for a website programmer


<body> the body stands for that you can include here all the scripts you want the layout of your website


</body> stands for closing the body or else it will be open at the end of your website it maybe can give errors or bugs and you will never go through W3C Validations


</HTML> stands for closing the HTML scripts, If you want to input html scripts be sure its between the <html> and the </html>





echo "My First PHP Script :)";



Ok let me explain this


<?PHP stands for opening the php script so you and the website know its php


echo stands for to visual text/HTML scripts so you can input HTML scripts in echo

behind the echo stays: "";

Between the "" you can put text like I did on the example

And the ; is for closing it if you don't use it you will have a error for 100%


?> is for closing the PHP script if you don't use it will probatly will be shown as a HTML script



Ok so maybe you quit the guide already and if you didn't and your still here you reading and learning ;)


Ok so I will show how I make my first Website it shouldn't be beautiful at the begin of course


<title><?PHP echo $title  ?></title>
This is my website :)<BR> <BR>

<a href="http://My URL Link">My Text for the Link</a> <BR>
<a href="http://My Second URL Link">My Text for the Link</a>

<!-- This is a comment always handy for a website maker ;) -->

<!-- My PHP Script -->
echo "My Website PHP Script is Working Good";

<!-- Ok I hate to copy the html/php layout file for some little changes at the website so here is my PHP Script that will only change what will change at the website when clicking at a link -->

//This is a single comment
/* This is for more comments and I'm going to create here my switch */
// PHP Scripts will not be shown when some one want to view your source code
switch (strtolower($_GET['mypage']))
case "myfirstwebsite": // For example it will be shown in your browser URL as: index.php?mypage=myfirstwebsite
break; //ending the switch function for one URL

default: //No page found ? Standard text for example the website news
//My script ends here

<!-- OK lets make my PHP useful -->

<a href="index.php?mypage=myfirstwebsite">My First PHP URL Switch Function</a><BR>

<!-- Ending the website :) -->



I hope you would understand the code and BTW don't copy/paste it but write it your self instead of not learning it if you write it self you are more learning then using control-c and control-v buttons (copy/paste)


You also can include other files it can be handy for configuration files You saw I was using

<title> echo $title </title>


Ok now lets make a configuration file


//This will say what $title is
$title = "My Website Title";

//My Own configuration options....

//Write here your own script!



If you page includes PHP and html Scripts save it as .php

If your page only includes html save it as .html



Questions are welcome and thanks for reading my guide and happy website making :)





This is an example from photoshop I made today so you can see already how the website must look like and then you can start working on it




This rocks..lol im so excited..im halfway to make the test site xD thx agian

You can read my other guide for a more advanced website... that will bring people more to something real

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