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[HELP]I Need class Balance for my server!!


11 answers to this question

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Set up ur server in beta mode say that all will be wiped(if you want) at first time and tell the ppl to report bugs and post in your forum the unbalanced classes!



Also wrogn section... it should be posted here


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Hi all


I need a class balance for my server! :P


Please help me....


My Datapack: l2jfree 1.2.9 The Class Balance not good for this pack!! Please help





epic lol, its not the fault of the pack, its the fault of a server admin that make able that a player get 50+ buffs, has a AIO Buffer, got mp pot and cp pots, gives Donation away that dmg the balance, etc

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epic lol, its not the fault of the pack, its the fault of a server admin that make able that a player get 50+ buffs, has a AIO Buffer, got mp pot and cp pots, gives Donation away that dmg the balance, etc


What he suppose to do?? i can't understand your meaning ...he try to find some1 to make a balanced he's characters..


If some1 have custom full buffer etc that not mean the class are unbalanced ,,,if some1 have the knowledge he can make...


a balanced server...!! 

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csao, hát ebben nemhiszem hogy sokan segítenének neked. mivel több féle fajta módon meglehet csinálni és aki nem kezdő a lineage-ben akkor az meg is tudja csinálni. nagy munka, de hát ez van :)


ps.: frissíts az 1.2.10-es pack-re :P





sorry for non english language :)

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make class balance its a really hard thing because its not the same for all ppl lets see you are a he and you go to pvp with a tyrant for example because of the "idiot noob" players if the he win the he is OP and they want -200 atk speed from the he, if the tyrant win they want -200 atk speed from the tyrant...(just an example)

so its a hard thing the best thing is stay in retail like with the classes like zunix said buff limit atk/casting limit correct buff times because for example the duelist spirit give you +10% pvpdmg and everybody set it to 1h or else but if you set it for 1min example they need to use a little brain...:D

ohh and to make class balance in my opinion the first thing is learn java...and why?

potion restriction,scroll restriction(ex no bsoe in pvp),armor/weapon restriction and so on...

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make class balance its a really hard thing because its not the same for all ppl lets see you are a he and you go to pvp with a tyrant for example because of the "idiot noob" players if the he win the he is OP and they want -200 atk speed from the he, if the tyrant win they want -200 atk speed from the tyrant...(just an example)

so its a hard thing the best thing is stay in retail like with the classes like zunix said buff limit atk/casting limit correct buff times because for example the duelist spirit give you +10% pvpdmg and everybody set it to 1h or else but if you set it for 1min example they need to use a little brain...:D

ohh and to make class balance in my opinion the first thing is learn java...and why?

potion restriction,scroll restriction(ex no bsoe in pvp),armor/weapon restriction and so on...


thank u, so i am not the onlyest person that know what balance mean and what destroy a balance if its not set it correct

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you can easy fix that just go to one server that you thing is balance make new chars exp them to lvl 76 and copy the stats men int con str etc (alt+t) then goto navicat open character_templates and past them there :)

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