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[UPDATED] Lineage ][ Vendetta


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Our server is up for about two months ow, about 900+ players at this moment. Our website is http://www.l2-vendetta.com, feel free to check it out for more info about the patch, registration, etc.


Below you'll be able to find out a little more about our server:


- Custom areas.

- Custom weapons with hero glow, sold at shops (New)

- Demonic Sword Zariche weapon.

- Vendetta Armor

- Baium Armor dropped by raid bosses (New)

- Improved custom raid bosses with custom drops.

- C5 skills (New)

- Geodata almost fully fixed.

- Full C4 Monsters

- All Raid Bosses are working 100%.

- C4 Skills 100% working.

- Subclasses

- Noblesse

- Ollympiad

- Hero System

- Seven signs working 100% retail-like - clan halls

- Fishing works 100%

- Recommendations 100%

- Sieges 100%

- GM Shops

- First and Second class change marks sold in shops.

- All buffs last 2 hours.

- Prophecies / CoV lasts 20 minutes.

- Third class change NPC’s.

- NPC buffers in Giran.

- Mithril and Waterfall shopping zones.


What are you waiting for? Join us today!


Our IRC channel is located at:


Server: irc.deltaanime.net

Channel: #l2vendetta


I'm looking forward to see you there.


I reccomand this server is just spectacular, i play here and it's very good, good exp/balanced class(not overpowered) gm always on, non corruption and Pyro+StormRage are the best developer i've never seen, they added new summon for summoners see them here :D:http://www.l2zion.com/summons.jpg, just come to see how mutch good it is^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

ahahah is this summons?lol very nice job...they are pro on l2off very very nice

eheh New place is borned by the fusion of TheLordOfTheRing and LineageII, Gondor and Minas Tirith are a place of hunting zone on l2 vendetta now ;D http://www.l2-vendetta.com/wiki/index.php?title=Project_Gondor

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hows the population there?

800 on per days, gm near always on(sometimes more than 1gm on), not overpowered donator, i saw nn donators kill donators ;D, olympiads work etc etc and new custom glows for epic weapons:http://www.elderberry-transmission.net/lineage2/zeusmace.JPG



Maxt0r play here too he is in my ally and hero ;D

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^^ i paly here 2 Really nice server i pmed Maxtor and he told me that he isnt from mxb anyway also about donators i think they are overpowered the told me that non donators cant have tit armor vendeta armor etc so....

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Yes this server is good but everywhere donators and when u ask them to tell u something or give u at least 1kk they don't answer,so we will think that they are afk but they are a n00bs if they think we believe them, and again why to donate to play a game???????????????and u want all things ready for u?Thats why we cant find a server to enjoy it and stay there for long time, i've played to a lot of servers and i never stood more than 1 month at them(except Good vs Evil)That's all i have to say

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^^ i paly here 2 Really nice server i pmed Maxtor and he told me that he isnt from mxb anyway also about donators i think they are overpowered the told me that non donators cant have tit armor vendeta armor etc so....

Donators aren't overpowered, i saw donators die vs nn donators, and you can craft vendetta/epic armor and by killing raid bosses you can gain epic weapons and cloacks.

I always answer players when they ask something and i always gived 1kk.

On epic challange mob are hard but on other place are easy and u can gain adena easy, SA weps s is easy so is a balanced server, i play here and i like it.


Just for rememeber, L2vendetta developers maked epic weapons and armos ;D


a screen of ingame style:62sxvdg.jpg

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