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paparia mantoles leitourgei auto to guide.dil. ti enow:

enas newbie dev. pou tha trexei me xp,dn kserei tpt dn prokitai na vrei pote pws tha anoiksei twn server tou.to exw kanei 6-7 fores kai tpt ma tpt.dn kserw dn leitourgei dn einai kalo kapoio programa dn kserw.egw to iposxomai oti ama mathw pws ftiaxnete server to prwto pou tha kanw einai na ftiaksw ena video pou tha ta leei ola ma ola.esas sas einai eukola epidis ta kserete.egw omws pou eimai oufo kai dn kserw ti m ginaite??ti tha kanw tin proseuxi m kai tha ta mathw???etsi paei kai etsi einai...


paparia mantoles leitourgei auto to guide.dil. ti enow:

enas newbie dev. pou tha trexei me xp,dn kserei tpt dn prokitai na vrei pote pws tha anoiksei twn server tou.to exw kanei 6-7 fores kai tpt ma tpt.dn kserw dn leitourgei dn einai kalo kapoio programa dn kserw.egw to iposxomai oti ama mathw pws ftiaxnete server to prwto pou tha kanw einai na ftiaksw ena video pou tha ta leei ola ma ola.esas sas einai eukola epidis ta kserete.egw omws pou eimai oufo kai dn kserw ti m ginaite??ti tha kanw tin proseuxi m kai tha ta mathw???etsi paei kai etsi einai...

eisai o monos p m exei kanis parapona mexri tora ti simasia exei ti win exeis re ele0s kolima me ena win..... exoune gini paromia guide me video...


wraia afou eimai toso gkasmas esi tha me help apo team na me to kaneis akrivws etsi pws to les kai sto topic s na doume???

thelw na dw kai egw poso mlks eimai kai ti kanw lathos.

tha me to kaneis na dw??

ta exw katevasei ola auta pou m dineis.thes??

ama einai kane m ena pm afou ola auto pou les einai swsta na dw kai egw pws einai swsta.


Poli wreo Guild exis k ta ports pou m bgike i ipsixi na bro pos na ta kano alla exo 1 mikro problimataki me no-ip .... :(


k kati allo pou blepo ti marka einai to rooter mou?


Poli wreo Guild exis k ta ports pou m bgike i ipsixi na bro pos na ta kano alla exo 1 mikro problimataki me no-ip .... :(


k kati allo pou blepo ti marka einai to rooter mou?

ti problima exeis me to no-ip to grafi pano sto ruter px ; OnTelecom @4567

kati paromio

wraia afou eimai toso gkasmas esi tha me help apo team na me to kaneis akrivws etsi pws to les kai sto topic s na doume???

thelw na dw kai egw poso mlks eimai kai ti kanw lathos.

tha me to kaneis na dw??

ta exw katevasei ola auta pou m dineis.thes??

ama einai kane m ena pm afou ola auto pou les einai swsta na dw kai egw pws einai swsta.


pes m pou kolas!


tha s pw apo pm na min me lene spamer.


Kita3e edo p lew gia tin ip


9) Tora 8a pame Server/gameserver/config/server 8a to aniksete me notepad edo 8a kanete akribos opos sas ta dino ego :)


# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname

# If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *

ExternalHostname= (>>>>edw bazete Internet No-Ip sas<<<<< - an 8elete na pai3ete moni Thn Briskoume apo edw www.whatismyipaddress.com)


# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname

# If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *

InternalHostname= (edw bazete thn lan ip sas pou tin briskete start run cmd ipconfig (p.x ama 8elete na pai3ete monoi


MinProtocolRevision = 1

MaxProtocolRevision = 999 (edo 8a ta balete kai ta dio etc gia na min exete kanena problima.)




Kai gia to no-ip lew sto deleteuteo komati sto guide m kita3e to


exei gini poli katanoito to topic twra pia


Gz!! poli kalh i douleia s ama sinexisis


etc tha exeis kai +1 karma ;)


aplos apofige to spam


btw ksexases ta credits


gia auto



lipon prota mpeneis edw ~~> http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm


dialegis to router pou exeis kai meta


dialegis to game pou thes!! gia Lineage 2


tha pas sto gramma "L" kai tha vreis to "Lineage II"


meta s exei kapoies odigies gia na aniksis ta ports



dn einai tpt spoudaio aplos sto ipenthimizw..


exei gini poli katanoito to topic twra pia


Gz!! poli kalh i douleia s ama sinexisis


etc tha exeis kai +1 karma ;)


aplos apofige to spam


btw ksexases ta credits


gia auto


dn einai tpt spoudaio aplos sto ipenthimizw..




A nai sosta ;P blood to kano tora add :)


re cis se afto den prepi na plirosoume?



ego pou exo CONNEX mou exoun pi oti prepi na paro sta kedrika na mou vgaloun mia asfalia pou exoun kai kati tetia :/



oxi more pata stard/cmd/ipconfig bres tin ip tou router s meta psakse to modem s apo to portforward meta bres to game sto grama "L" k 8a s diksi merikes plirofories gia to pos na aniksis to port....


re cis se afto den prepi na plirosoume?



ego pou exo CONNEX mou exoun pi oti prepi na paro sta kedrika na mou vgaloun mia asfalia pou exoun kai kati tetia :/



stin arxi epidi dn iksera oute egw pws na aniksw ta ports.. pira kai egw til

sta kedrika grafeia tou conn-x kai m eipan kati papa...s pou dn eixan kamia sxesi

me auto pou epsaxna... sto portforward.com dn plironis tpt kai einai poli eukolo na

aniksis apo ekei ta ports psaksto ligo kai tha vreis tin lisi!

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