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L2J Acis Rev382. Selling Server+Source+ Free srv website

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I am selling my server with the following java developments and ingame informations. Most java codes is from Kara. This server has not shared codes (except dressme + 2 commands and is changed a lot). Ingame is already ready from me. Server was openned and i took possitive reviews from players. Balance skills is perfect for  this pvp server.  For sure i have forgot some extra java but when i remember something i will edit the post. More info and  photos add me discord : jeiblue#7711

Because Kara and I worked hard the price is : 199euro

Available ✅

---Java Developments Extra---
Tournament System 

Captcha Anti-bot
Sheduler for tournament
Event System
PvP zone autoflag - hide names
Balanced classes
Hero coins 1Day 1Month

PvP System (double kill-triple kill etc)

PvP reward system at pvp zone

PvP color name
Nobless item
Donate services
commands (dressme .reg/unreg .info .ranking .castlemanager .bank/deposit/withdraw .status/skills 
PvP pk monument taking top pvp and pk appearence
Vote system 
restart point giran 
5sub classes
all known bugs fixed 
Party Zone - Grand Bosses auto flag zones
Donate Panel

Cancel buff restore 10sec

Server Informations 

--Server Informations--
C6 Interlude Server
No custom armor/weapons
Balanced Classes
Custom Skins
Captcha Antibot
Tattoos and Masks
Easy Farm,Main currency Farm Coins
No weight Limit
Donate Boss 12Hours Respawn time
GrandBosses 4Hours Respawn time
Small Bosses 2Hours Respawn time
Maximun Ally x1
Vote System
Auto Learn Skills & Auto Loot
Stackable BOG/LS/Scrolls
PVP/DM zone hide name
GrandBosses Flag zone
No Sub-Class Quest
No Noblesse Quest
Free Class Change
5 Max Sub-Classes
44+4 Buff Slots
20 Seconds Unstuck
Spawn Protection
Drop Items At Karma
After Cancel Buff buffs restore after 10sec
PvP KillingSpree System
Full interlude geodata / pathnode
--Custom Npc--
Custom Buffer
Custom Gatekeeper
Custom Augment
Event manager
Skill Enchanter
Custom Gm Shop
Custom Shop
Donate Shop
Information Npc
Tournament Manager
TopPvP/TopPk 24h
--Server Rates--
Exp rate: x5000
Sp rate: x5000
Adena rate:x5000
Drop rate: x1
--Augment Rates--
Mid-Grade Life stone 8%
Hight-Grade Life stone 10%
Top-Grade Life stone 12%
Fixed Augment skills only Level 10
Maximum 1 Active + 1 Passive
--Enchant Rates--
Safe/Max +5/+16
Normal Scroll until +5 65%
Blessed Scoll until +11 90%
Crystall Scroll until +16 80%
--Custom Zones--
Safe Farm Zone x1
Farm zones x3
PvP Arenas x4
Party Zone Auto Flag With PvP reward
PvP Zone Auto Flag With PvP reward
PvP with hide name and title
Small Bosses
Donate Boss Drops donate coins
--Event Engine--
Every 90min Event
Team Vs Team
Olympiad Every day 18:00-00:00
New hero Every Week
All Sieges are Open
--Custom Commands--
.reg (events)
.unreg (events)
.ranking (top pvp,pk,clan)
.bank (.deposit, .withdraw)
.status .skills (can see your target status, skills)
.info (server information)


Photos : https://mega.nz/file/Fl1AUQIA#1fsP7U0gQtiU9ovE-zeTnlmJsI56ohObrCuM_1Z9eUU

Edited by prostylw1
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