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Greetings fellow players, We are proud to announce a brand new server: Classic 2.9 Secret of the Empire ! After all of the received requests from Players, Clans and PTs we are ready to open our Winter server. So with this global pandemic going on, what better way to spend your time than to join the server and enjoy the game ! Grand Opening 12.02.2021 at 21:00 (GMT +2)


website: https://l2warheart.com

rates_icon_exp.jpg Exp/SP Rate EXP and SP x15
rates_icon_adena.jpg Adena Rate adena x5
rates_icon_drop.jpg Drop Rate drop x1.5
rates_icon_spoil.jpg Spoil Rate spoil x1.5
rates_icon_quest.jpg Quest Rate quest x1.5
elemental_evol_stone_fire_i00.png Elemental Rate elemental x7
weapon_crystal_of_deamon_i00.png Raid Boss Rate XP/SP/DROP x3
rates_icon_epic.jpg Epic Boss Rate XP/SP/DROP x3
yogi_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_grade_i00. Safe Enchant Rate enchant Safe +3
yogi_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_grade_i00. Max Enchant Rate enchant Max +20
etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04.png Normal Scroll Rate chance 60% Weapons / 55% Armor
etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04.png Blessed Scroll Rate chance 50% Weapons / 45% Armor
Server rates information!
Server rates are specifically made in a way, that farming in designed areas rewards the players handsomely. All adena, drops, quests and rewards are perfectly balanced in the in-game store.
Here is how you can speed up you character leveling !
 You can purchase a Premium Account (+ 30% XP / SP, + 20% Drop, + 5% Craft / Enchant), for a whole month.
Basic Information Date of presentation
 Grand Opening 12 February 21:00 GMT +2
 Open Beta Test 5-11 February at 21:00 GMT +2
New Server Classic 2.9 Secret of the Empire x15
Dear friends, we have prepared a new server for the new year. The whole team is proud to present you it’s brand new project: Classic 2.9 Secret of the Empire x15
Important dates!
 Grand Opening: 12 February at 21:00 GMT +2
 Open Beta Test: 5-11 February at 21:00 GMT +2
General Settings
 Max Level: 85 (Increase Experience Requirements)
 Auto Loot
 Auto Learn Skills to 76
 Advanced Auto Farm
 Free Class Transfers
 3 Clients per HWID
 Anti Bot / Anti DDoS
 Full Community Board With All Necessary Functions
 Attendance Rewards(28 Days)
 Adena Based Economy and Warheart Coin
 Shops to C-Grade (Including Mana Potion)
 Retail Buff Slots (20+4) 12 Dance/Song Slots
 4 Hour Buff Duration 85 (Increase Experience Requirements)
 Weekly Castle Sieges / Olympiad
Promotions and bonuses for players!
Bonus for coming clans! To get the rewards, you must register your clan before 12/02/2021 and get more than 15 players 70+ lvl. First come first serverd ! The prizes will be awarded 7 days after the start on 19.02.2021
Bonus for donate! When you donate you will receive from 3% to 15% more on your donation coins amount.
Bonus for facebook repost! On the Grand Opening of the server, we will giveaway 150euro prizepool to the players which participated in the facebook event. In order to be sure that your are in this giveaway you have to: Comment, Tag 3 of your friends who are playing Lineage 2, Like and Share this post!
Bonus for coming clans!


Bonus for donate!


Bonus for facebook repost!
Server concept at a glance!

We decided to move away from the standard concept of the Mid servers and keep the mechanics of our beloved Lineage 2! Massive battles for epic bosses, balanced economy and much more.


This server is a combination of Craft-PvP and Only-PvP concepts. The goal is to gather players with a wide variety of preferences in the game and create a high-quality, interesting PvP server with alternative options for character development and improvement. We understand perfectly well that "grind" is an integral part of the game, but we strive to bring you the maximum nostalgic feeling of classic oldschool Lineage 2.

Everyone needs to know!

Despite the fact that the server rates are x15, the character development rate is moderate. Be prepared to face epic bosses, fight fierce battles and conquer challenges, because this is the real classic experience.


Together for L2Warheart!

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