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Graphic Services

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I am offering graphic services such us 

Banners (animated/not animated) 
Logo for server/discord/website
Posts for social media instagram/facebook/discord

If you need any other graphic design fell free to contact me

Edited by DoubleTrouble
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Not to be offensive or anything but are you serious right now?


YouTube and tutorials is bad influence, everyone nowadays watch em, create something, gets excited and open a topic to sell it. Graphics and any other service require years of knowledge, skills and something that make a slight different to provoke a possible buyer. A logo from a server that you leeched 1 year ago and an Arial 8 text with a GIF fire from Google merged together does not make you a designer.


And let's no talk about this. Shame on you really.





Also you need to set a price to your objects.

PS. Even the fire GIF is not correct. You didn't even make it work as a loop.

Edited by L2-Evanthe
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36 minutes ago, L2-Evanthe said:

Not to be offensive or anything but are you serious right now?


YouTube and tutorials is bad influence, everyone nowadays watch em, create something, gets excited and open a topic to sell it. Graphics and any other service require years of knowledge, skills and something that make a slight different to provoke a possible buyer. A logo from a server that you leeched 1 year ago and an Arial 8 text with a GIF fire from Google merged together does not make you a designer.


And let's no talk about this. Shame on you really.





Also you need to set a price to your objects.

PS. Even the fire GIF is not correct. You didn't even make it work as a loop.

that... and he was too gendle

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I am very sorry that i offended you by gif examples that i selected just to show what is possible to do. It was just to show this effects not create completely new perfect banners.  

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@L2-Evanthe I had to reset my password just to point out how brain-damaged person you are, why do you even comment other people's work if you are not interested in purchase. This forum was build to share/help/sell staff not to compensate your missing brain cells on worthless comments. 

I wish MXC have more active admins, like it was back in the days, when they was banning people for this. 

I quickly opened you profile and out of last 10 posts, you was trashing 10 posts, maybe get a life, or girlfriend or simply go simp elsewhere. Cya kid

@DoubleTrouble There is definitelly room for improvment, but thumbds up and good luck with design, don't let this kind of people ruin a passion for somethng you like

Peace out

Edited by JustMero
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1 hour ago, JustMero said:

@L2-Evanthe I had to reset my password just to point out how brain-damaged person you are, why do you even comment other people's work if you are not interested in purchase. This forum was build to share/help/sell staff not to compensate your missing brain cells on worthless comments. 

I wish MXC have more active admins, like it was back in the days, when they was banning people for this. 

I quickly opened you profile and out of last 10 posts, you was trashing 10 posts, maybe get a life, or girlfriend or simply go simp elsewhere. Cya kid

@DoubleTrouble There is definitelly room for improvment, but thumbds up and good luck with design, don't let this kind of people ruin a passion for somethng you like

Peace out

Calling me brain damaged just because i said my opinion over a [WTS] topic. Beautiful.


When you tell the truth to someone who is selling shared stuff and logo that is from a copyrighted site which is illegal to take without purchase licence is not brain-damage action. 


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