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classic [L2OFF] L2Elmore


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:globe_with_meridians: Website: https://l2elmore.com 
:globe_with_meridians: Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yhJHAMB

World's #1  Project based on Classic Client with Pure Interlude Game Play!! 
Real L2OFF PTS Server

Exp/SP: x15


Adena: x15


Drop: x10


Spoil: x15


Seal Stones: x15


Quest Drop: x3


Quest Reward: x3/x4


Manor: x1


Raid Boss Drop: x1


Epic RB Jewel Drop: x1

br_xmas_scroll_i00.pngENCHANT RATES


Safe Enchant: +3



Max Enchant: +16



Normal Scroll of Enchant Chance: 56%



Blessed Scroll of Enchant Chance: 60%

quest.pngQUEST RATES
Quest Name Count/Drop Reward *Notice
The Finest Food 1x x3  
Heart in Search of Power (Valley of Saints) 1x x3  
Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1/ Part 2 1x x3  
Supplier of Reagents 1x x2  
War with Ketra Orcs 1x x2  
War with Varka Silenos 1x x2  
Relics of the Old Empire, Gather The Flames 1x x4  
Alliance with Ketra Orcs 1x x2  
Alliance with Varka Silenos 1x x2  
The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 1x x2  
Halisha's marks 1x x2  
Whisper Of Dreams Part 1, 2 1x x3  
Legacy of Insolence 1x x3  
In Search of Fragments of Dimension 1x x3  
An Ice Merchant's Dream 1x x3  
Protect the Water Source 1x x3  
Delicious top Choice Meat 1x x5 (Increased reward)
Seekers of the Holy Grail 1x x4  
Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe 1x x4  
The Zero Hour (Stakato Nest) 1x x3 (To whole party)
Clean up the Swamp of Screams 1x x4  
A Powerful Primeval Creature 1x x4  
etc_scroll_of_memory_i00.pngGAME SETUP
SkF6lnm.jpg Server Platform: Official PTS Files - Grand Crusaders Client
Etc_pccafe_point_i00_0.jpg Maximum Clients per PC: Unlimited
 Windows 10 Compatible
skill1499.png 1Hour duration on all buffs, dances, songs, prophecies.
skill1499.png Retail Buff Time on summon buffs.
skill0333.png Maximum Inventory Slots: 200 (Usual& Dwarf - Englare Inventory Slot Skill is Useless)
skill0000.png Free Teleportation around the map by NPC (Located next to Usual Gatekeepers).
etc_add_buffslot_i03.png Buff slots: 22 (+4 Divine Inspiration)
skill0534.png Skills are auto learn.
9CDXSll.jpg Automatic pickup for monsters.
9CDXSll.jpg Manual pickup for raid bosses & epic bosses.
Necromancer_icon.png 1st, 2nd class change for Adena on Class Master NPC.
Soultaker_icon.png 3rd class change for x700 Halisha Mark on Class Master NPC. (Dropped at Shrine of Loyalty area)
elemental.png Sub-Class Quest is not necessary.
etc_reagent_blue_i00.png Mana Potions: 800 MP Restoration with 7 seconds cooldown.
skill0758.png 20-Level Player Gap System has been disabled.
skill1056.png Cancel removes 0-3 buffs randomly.
Etc_quest_add_reward_i00_0.jpg Global Chat (&) has global range and works with 5 seconds delay (10 Chat Per Day Allowed).
etc_mineral_unique_i03.png All Giants Codex, Enchant Scrolls & Life Stones are stackable.
Etc_quest_account_reward_i00_0.jpg Shift+Click on the monster shows you its droplist & chances.
Etc_exchange_box_i00_0.jpg Offline Shops - Yes, just setup your shop and log out! (Not Restart).
weapon_unique_zariche_i00.png Cursed Weapons - Available from 28 September 2020.
skill0078.png All Epic Zones, including Cabrio, Hallate, Kernon, Golkonda & Barakiel are Chaotic Zones.
 100% retail Geodata with flawless pathnodes.
etc_ssq_scroll_i00.pngMAMMON & SEVEN SIGNS
  • First Quest Period from Monday, 28th of September 2020.
  • Blacksmith of Mammon & Merchant of Mammon available in the city of Giran & Retail Spawn Points.
  • Players may exchange Seal Stones to Ancient Adena only during seal validation period.
  • Curse of Destruction, from the Preacher of Doom working retail like, so beware in which cabal you will choose to register.
Skill Gain Possibilities depending on Life Stone:

etc_mineral_general_i00.pngNo-Grade Life Stone: 1%
etc_mineral_special_i00.pngMid-Grade Life Stone: 2%
etc_mineral_rare_i02.pngHigh-Grade Life Stone: 5%
etc_mineral_unique_i03.pngTop-Grade Life Stone: 7%

Note: All Tyrannosaurus have 10% drop rate of Top LS 76 and High LS.
etc_quest_subclass_reward_i00.pngSUBCLASS QUEST
Attention, The Quest is not Required!
Attention, You are not Required to hit raid bosses just talk to the chest that appears after death the raid is enough to get the item.

In order to get the Subclass Status you will need:
  • The 4 Scepters (Cabrio, Golkonda, Hallate, Kernon)
  • 25,000,000 Adena
  • Minimum Char Level: 75+

Note: Scepters are not tradeable/soldable, you can only delete them.
Note: The required NPC for getting subclass is located into Giran.
accessory_noblesse_tiara_i00.pngNOBLESS QUEST
In order to get Nobless Status, you will need to be subclassed already and complete the 4-Part Quest.
By doing ALT+B (The Old macro for community board), a new "Auction House" window will open in front of you.
You are free to buy/sell every time which you want (including items with augmentation effect).

Note: The server takes a fee everytime you put an item for sell.
Note: You can buy an item from Auction House only inside peace zones, while not having a pet summoned and without karma -or- pvp flag.
etc_bloodpledge_point_i00.pngCLAN ENTRY
For Players:
When you enter In-Game and you are not part of a clan, you will see a small indicator at the left of your screen which will open you the Clan Entry Box.
There you can submit your application for a specific clan which you will find on the list or just submit your application on spare so every clan leader will see that you are available for entering into a clan.

Note: In case you close the Clan Entry Tab you can re-open it by going System->Clan Entry.

For Clan Leaders:
You can access Clan Entry System by going on your clan tab and press the -Clan Entry- button.
You can register your clan on the main list and wait for the applicants to get registered for entering your clan.
You can access the spare list of the applicants and invite a player that is available.

Note: Only Clan leader or a clan member with -Rank Managing- privilege can apply/remove the clan from the board.
skill0391.pngCLAN CHANGES
Clan Level up Reputation points needed have been decreased!
skill0390.pngClan Level 1: 20,000 SP & 650,000 Adena
skill0390.pngClan Level 2: 100,000 SP & 2,500,000 Adena
skill0390.pngClan Level 3: 350,000 SP & Proof of Blood
skill0390.pngClan Level 4: 1,000,000 SP & Alliance Manifesto
skill0390.pngClan Level 5: 2,500,000 SP & Seal of Aspiration
skill0390.pngClan Level 6: 7,500 Rep. Points & 30 Clan Members
skill0390.pngClan Level 7: 15,000 Rep. Points & 80 Clan Members
skill0390.pngClan Level 8: 30,000 Rep. Points & 120 Clan Members

Other Changes:
quest.pngClan Skills Reputation points have been decreased to 50%.
skill0406.pngEvery Raidboss Reputation Point Bonus has been increased by 50%.
etc_scroll_of_return_agit_i01.pngInside Every Clan Hall exists an Advanced Buff System (You need to buy it with the usual way) & a Warehouse Manager.
etc_scroll_of_return_agit_i01.pngYour clan need to be at least 5 Level in order to participate into Clan Hall Auction System.
etc_scroll_of_return_agit_i01.pngClan Hall Auction & Renting prices have been increased by 80%.
skill5076_a.pngClan/member penalties have been removed.
skill0013.pngALLIANCE SYSTEM
Maximum Clans per ally has been set at 2!
mercenary_certification_i02.png 7 days Olympiad period!
accessory_hero_cap_i00.png Heroes will appear on 22 MAY, .
skill1375.png Olympiad operates every day from 20:00 until 24:00 GMT+3.
skill1561.png Both class based & non classed based competitions are available.
  • 7 Required registrants to begin non class based competition daily.
  • 3 Required registrants to begin class based competition daily.

skill1085.png skill1059.png skill1204.png Mages get: Acumen Lv 2, Empower Lv 2 & Wind Walk Lv 2 before game.
skill1086.png skill1068.png skill1204.png Fighters receive: Haste Lv 1, Might Lv 1 & Wind Walk Lv 2 before game.
K3WrkUQ.jpg Participants can register only 1x character per HWID into the olympiad games.
skill0045.png Participants are fully healed only when they enter the stadium and not before the game begins.
skill0022.png Entering the stadium all cubics, pets or summons are erased. (Soultaker pets doesn't need a mob to die in order to get summoned!)
skill0172.png Using common craft and targeting your self with a special ability buff weapon will not provide any buff.
skillraid.pngRAIDBOSSES & EPICS
Orfen (Lvl 80)
48Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Core (Lvl 80)
48Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Ant Queen (Lvl 80)
24Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Zaken (Lvl 80)
50Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Frintezza (Lvl 80)
48Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Baium (Lvl 80)
120Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Antharas (Lvl 80)
192Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Valakas (Lvl 80)
264Hours Respawn - Random: 30min
Note: Baium/Antharas/Valakas/Frintezza HP has been reduced by 50%.
Note: Core/Orfen/Zaken/Ant Queen HP has been increased by 150%.

Subclass/Nobless Raidbosses:

etc_imperial_scepter_i00.pngDeath Lord Hallate (Lvl 80): 5-6 Hour
etc_imperial_scepter_i02.pngKernon (Lvl 80): 5-6 Hour
etc_imperial_scepter_i01.pngLonghorn Golkonda (Lvl 80): 5-6 Hour
etc_bead_white_i00.pngDeath Lord Cabrio (Lvl 80): 5-6 Hour
weapon_sprites_staff_i00.pngFlame Of Splendor Barakiel (Lvl 80): 5-6 Hour

Alliance Raidbosses:

etc_barka_badge_grunt_i00.pngKetra's Hero Hekaton (Lvl 80): 11-13 Hour
etc_barka_badge_captin_i01.pngKetra's Commander Tayr (Lvl 80): 11-13 Hour
etc_barka_badge_officer_i02.pngKetra's Chief Brakki (Lvl 80): 11-13 Hour
etc_ketra_badge_grunt_i00.pngVarka's Hero Shadith (Lvl 80): 11-13 Hour
etc_ketra_badge_captn_i01.pngVarka's Commander Mos (Lvl 80): 11-13 Hour
etc_ketra_badge_officer_i02.pngVarka's Chief Horus (Lvl 80): 11-13 Hour

Other Raidbosses:

skillraid.pngAll Other Raidbosses: 23-25 Hour
accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.pngCUSTOM EPIC ITEMS
Some epic jewels are upgradable! Every level of upgrade provide some specific bonuses!
Item_49575.jpg Enchanted Earring of Orfen
Produces the following effects: MP+31, +5% HP, +5% M.Def, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Item_49578.jpg Refined Earring of Orfen
Produces the following effects: MP+31, +10% HP, +10% M.Def, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Item_49576.jpg Enchanted Ring of Core
Produces the following effects: MP+21, +15 physical critical attack rate, +5% P.Attack, +5% M.Attack, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Item_49579.jpg Refined Ring of Core
Produces the following effects: MP+21, +30 physical critical attack rate, +10% P.Attack, +10% M.Attack, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy. If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Team Vs Team

Participation: 65+Lvl, All Classes, Max 80 Players
Limitations: 1 Player Per PC
Event Time: 10min Registration / 15min Fight
Respawn Time: Instant
Winner: The team which will have the most kills
Prize: 200 Event Medal per player, winning team
Korean Style

Participation: 65+Lvl, Support Classes are Forbidden, Max 80 Players
Limitations: 1 Player Per PC
Event Time: 10min Registration / No-Limit on Fights
Respawn Time: No Death Respawn
Winner: The team which will kill all the opponents
Prize: 200 Event Medal per player, winning team
Capture The Flag

Participation: 65+Lvl, All Classes, Max 80 Players
Limitations: 1 Player Per PC
Event Time: 10min Registration / 15min Fight
Respawn Time: 5 Sec
Winner: The team which will collect more flag points
Prize: 200 Event Medal per player, winning team
Last Man Standing

Participation: 65+Lvl, Support Classes are Forbidden, Max 80 Players
Limitations: 1 Player Per PC
Event Time: 10min Registration / No-Limit on Fight
Respawn Time: 15 Sec / Max Deaths 3
Winner: The last alive player
Prize: 1000 Event Medal to the winner
skill5239.pngDuring the day will be handled 6 Events! 1 Event per 4 hours! Stay online and tuned for the Announcement in order to register your participation.
etc_trophy_i01.pngParticipants get picked by the system automatically.
etc_summon_aga_agit_i00.pngPVP EVENT REWARD
Automatic PvP Event Reward System! Every time which you win a pvp/pk you have a chance to win event medals!
  • At 3 Kills: 5 Greater CP Potions
  • At 5 Kills: 25 Greater CP Potions
  • At 7 Kills: 1 Event Medal
  • At 10 Kills: 2 Event Medal
  • At 12 Kills: 5 Event Medal
  • At 15 Kills: 10 Event Medal
Edited by L2Elmore
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Open BETA Today 18/09/2020 at 21:00 GMT+3
L2Classic with Pure Interlude GamePlay!

Download Links:
you have to download FULL client so you can get also the updater to avoid any errors
Client/ updater: https://mega.nz/file/b0wzGZJK#bgXpF35AAmKtnwTT_piq5fk3oaOQbgnOm6JVrbTzcpg

Edited by L2Elmore
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4 hours ago, xXxInvaderxXx said:

Server is well organised and unique! Staff  is also helpfull and answering within minutes! 

I totally recommend it! Good luck!

thank you very much! We are under developing 1 year and trying give something unique and special for the players... it wasn't easy to transform a Classic client with Pure interlude Gameplay, but your experience on interlude servers are gonna change !
Interlude Chronicle is a very old style , loved and unique that why we changed it !  

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Your client download will be the biggest reason your server will fail.  you have to download mega app first, then a 11 GB client to connect?.... good luck with this bullshit.

Edited by L2who
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2 hours ago, L2who said:

Your client download will be the biggest reason your server will fail.  you have to download mega app first, then a 11 GB client to connect?.... good luck with this bullshit.

Noone has to download the mega APP lol.. and i downloaded it in 25 minutes...
It's not his fault if you play from a microwave

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7 hours ago, xXxInvaderxXx said:

Noone has to download the mega APP lol.. and i downloaded it in 25 minutes...
It's not his fault if you play from a microwave

Who the fuck is going to download a 11 GB CLIENT and Wait 25 mins to download just for a private interlude server? Of which 90%+ fail the first week? Most patches are less than 100mb and take less than 30 secs to download... even on my microwave. This download just makes it that much more difficult for an interlude server to succeed...not to mention there is no forum, which is a major RED FLAG that this server has intention of staying online very long....That's why i say.GOOD LUCK with that...

Edited by L2who
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11 hours ago, L2who said:

Who the fuck is going to download a 11 GB CLIENT and Wait 25 mins to download just for a private interlude server? Of which 90%+ fail the first week? Most patches are less than 100mb and take less than 30 secs to download... even on my microwave. This download just makes it that much more difficult for an interlude server to succeed...not to mention there is no forum, which is a major RED FLAG that this server has intention of staying online very long....That's why i say.GOOD LUCK with that...

It’s Classic Interlude not IL,you don’t Download a patch but a whole client,classic is very weird and as fas as I understood instead of a patch you need to Provide players the whole client so instead of rage in a servers topic you won’t play just continue your search in other servers you may download they’re patch and check.

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6 hours ago, InTheEndॐ said:

It’s Classic Interlude not IL,you don’t Download a patch but a whole client,classic is very weird and as fas as I understood instead of a patch you need to Provide players the whole client so instead of rage in a servers topic you won’t play just continue your search in other servers you may download they’re patch and check.

It does not matter "WHY" the download is needed. The point is it is 11 GB, takes 25+ mins to download, this server has no forum on its website,  when so many interlude servers fail.

Who would want to waste their time trying to connect to this server, when players can test 20 other servers in the same time it takes to connect to this server? I think having this download just makes it even more difficult to attract players when it is already challenging enough with a patch that takes 30 secs to attract and keep players.

As i said GOOD LUCK!

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4 hours ago, L2who said:

It does not matter "WHY" the download is needed. The point is it is 11 GB, takes 25+ mins to download, this server has no forum on its website,  when so many interlude servers fail.

Who would want to waste their time trying to connect to this server, when players can test 20 other servers in the same time it takes to connect to this server? I think having this download just makes it even more difficult to attract players when it is already challenging enough with a patch that takes 30 secs to attract and keep players.

As i said GOOD LUCK!

It's amazing how this dude is getting mad at something for no reason hahaha

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1 hour ago, xXxInvaderxXx said:

It's amazing how this dude is getting mad at something for no reason hahaha

It's amazing you keep responding as if i am mad.. i'm not .. but if you keep acting like a douche bag .. you may get me there...

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  • Posts

    • For upcoming changes, You should consider making those 3 tabs (or whatever more You will have with new games) more visible and standing out, because right it looks like all topics hidden under those 3 tabs.
    • While not particularly active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. The main issue, in my humble opinion, is that the sector has been commercialised to an unsustainable extent. When nobody is willing to share anything, even if it is just a rework of an open-sourced or already-shared resource, the sense of "community" gets deminished. Now back on the pressing matter. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. But just as an example, from a more user/human perspective, having an easily identifiable way to get into "the club of the cool kids on the block", figuratively speaking, is an incentive on its own. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.
    • There was no way I didn't refunded or delivered files. I don't see You on my conrtact list on Discord, can You send me a message or at least tell me for what project was this updater? I always resolve if I can't deliver on time or customer bailes.
    • @rlfem123  I’m a web developer, and I work with technologies like Next.js and React. In the last 10 years, L2 Rankzone is the only one I’ve seen that actually did something different. All the others seem to have the same source code with different templates. L2 Hopzone also did an upgrade and, for the front end, is using Vue.js. Regarding web development, we have reached a point where you can easily create websites using libraries or frameworks. Simply pick one and start working. You will learn as you go. Personally, I prefer to build my back-end APIs in Laravel if it’s a big project since the ecosystem offers everything. For smaller projects, I choose Go. Then I use either React or Next.js to call my APIs, depending on the case. Next.js also supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR) if you want to hide some things from the client. Additionally, CSS libraries have almost everything you need nowadays to start building quickly with browser compatibility. You can seriously build an L2 website with ranks, a good design, and even a simple login/register system in just 3 days. Here are some CSS libraries I personally work with: https://tailwindui.com/components   https://ui.shadcn.com/   https://mui.com/material-ui/ Regarding the top websites i dont thing its worth the time and effort.  Its pretty simple to build one and the market is already bloated. In addition l2 is dying so i suggest to build top sites for many games.  THe main problem is not the build process rather the marketing one. You can build the most awesome website iin terms of functionality but if you marketing is week you wont exceed 10 concurrent users. 
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