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high five [L2J]L2Elysian


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We wait for everyone to play on the high-quality server! The best stability and balance from our project.

The most famous will be here to support this great venture. We expecting +3000 players and we are ready for that!!!

Professional Gms will help you anytime.





                                                                                                                          14th of June



                                                                                                                          19th of June


Server Information

Server Rates

  • Experience EXP 25x
  • Skill Points SP 25x
  • Adena 10x
  • Drop Items 10x
  • Spoil 10x
  • Recs and Keys 5x
  • Quest Experience EXP 1x
  • Quest Skill Points SP 1x
  • Quest Adena 1x
  • Quest Rewards 2x
  • Weight Limit 5x
  • Extract Fish 3x

Scroll Stone Rates

  • Safe Enchant 4+
  • Max Enchant 16+
  • Normal Scroll chance 56%
  • Blessed Scroll chance 60%
  • Elemental Max Level 7
  • Elemental Stone chance 50%
  • Elemental Crystal chance 30%

Server Features

  • Weekly Olympiad
  • Heroes every Saturday
  • Weekly TW and Sieges
  • Ant Queen Tuesday-! Friday !/Monday
  • Baium Respawn Every Monday
  • Antharas Respawn Every Wednesday
  • Valakas Respawn Every Thursday
  • Beleth Respawn Every Saturday

All Epic Bosses Spawns start from 21:00 until 23:00 GMT +3. All wards will be return to the castles, before new TW begins


  • Maximum Clients per PC: 4
  • 2h duration on all buffs, dances, songs, summon, prophecies.
  • Buff slots: 24 plus 4 Divine Inspiration
  • Dance/Song slots: 12
  • Skills are auto learn.
  • Automatic loot for monsters.
  • Manual loot for raid bosses ! epic bosses.
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd profession change for Adena on Class Master NPC.
  • Sub-Class FREE Doesn't require Official Quest
  • Mana Potions: 1000 MP Restoration with 10 seconds cooldown.
  • Champion Monsters 2 chance to spawn
  • You CAN NOT delevel to less than 70 Level.
  • Control and click on an attribute or attribute crystal adds them all together in 1 item


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A lot has changed, we do not have the same Gms we have brought in a new structure.
No corruption no bots no free items, not even free Premium account like other servers do.
Our team is now on a different level.
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  • Psyancy changed the title to [L2J]L2Elysian

Topic title updated. Next time follow forum rules.


Now regarding this

On 6/13/2020 at 7:08 PM, Elysian said:
A lot has changed, we do not have the same Gms we have brought in a new structure.
No corruption no bots no free items, not even free Premium account like other servers do.
Our team is now on a different level.

I can vouch regarding what @IgniteServer said, so yeah i don't think anything changed at all.

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Yes we pay clans that our community gets biggers what´s so bad?
Atleast give something to the world not like other servers just obtaining money and bye bye
We work on our project 24/7 so everyone is happy on oppening.
As you can see on screenshots We dont give "ITEMS"
If server runs good we also make GvG events for real money.
And much more.
You guys just haters nothing more.

We are not like other server L2Tales/Era/dragon/lionna that give Epic jewel sets for 500e

We dont give to anyone free items or payable items.

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Clans not player! dude we give something the world, as we know they waste alot of time in Lineage 2 Why not?

Everyone can make a big clan. And beginn something with it.

Other server Give free items to close friends of the server or payed Epic jewel.

We will never do that Rule 1!!!

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52 minutes ago, Elysian said:

Clans not player! dude we give something the world, as we know they waste alot of time in Lineage 2 Why not?

Everyone can make a big clan. And beginn something with it.

Other server Give free items to close friends of the server or payed Epic jewel.

We will never do that Rule 1!!!

You really think that encouraging people to this way of thinking is good for your image? 
WHy should i join a server where people will get 200euro per week while i will be farming to compete them?

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    • @rlfem123  I’m a web developer, and I work with technologies like Next.js and React. In the last 10 years, L2 Rankzone is the only one I’ve seen that actually did something different. All the others seem to have the same source code with different templates. L2 Hopzone also did an upgrade and, for the front end, is using Vue.js. Regarding web development, we have reached a point where you can easily create websites using libraries or frameworks. Simply pick one and start working. You will learn as you go. Personally, I prefer to build my back-end APIs in Laravel if it’s a big project since the ecosystem offers everything. For smaller projects, I choose Go. Then I use either React or Next.js to call my APIs, depending on the case. Next.js also supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR) if you want to hide some things from the client. Additionally, CSS libraries have almost everything you need nowadays to start building quickly with browser compatibility. You can seriously build an L2 website with ranks, a good design, and even a simple login/register system in just 3 days. Here are some CSS libraries I personally work with: https://tailwindui.com/components   https://ui.shadcn.com/   https://mui.com/material-ui/ Regarding the top websites i dont thing its worth the time and effort.  Its pretty simple to build one and the market is already bloated. In addition l2 is dying so i suggest to build top sites for many games.  THe main problem is not the build process rather the marketing one. You can build the most awesome website iin terms of functionality but if you marketing is week you wont exceed 10 concurrent users. 
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