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[Discussion] Favorite Hero/Favorite Build/Justification

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One of my fav heroes is Traxex!Nbrn.gif


My Skill Build![/move]


2)BTNRevenant.gifWraith Band

3)BTNRevenant.gifWraith Band

4)BTNRevenant.gifWraith Band



This isnt too difficult build u can make it.....u can make also satanic at late game if u want....u will pwn :P !

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  • 2 months later...




you've been playing DotA for 7 years?!

this means you started when you were 3!

'cause only 10 year olds act like that...


go to a 10 year old, and say that you can play his favorite game better than him...

he'll say EXACTLY the things you said...!!!




@On Topic... :


My favorite char is Mortred, but since you already wrote about him I'll write about my 2nd best favorite char, the Earthshaker...






So, he is STR attribute, and has 3 different stuns :D



Item build (at least my best item build) :


I make STR Treads for some additional STR and attack speed...

I also sometimes change them from STR to INT to do skillz if I'm out of mana...



I make this so that at early game I can do many skills...



I make this item for lifesteal since he attacks pretty hard...



pretty good attack speed bonus + armor :)  (if you find it too expensive a hyperstone is enough)



for additional damage and armor reduction of enemies (combines with Assault Cuirass it's -11 armor :D )



If the game hasn't finished yet, or if some lame leavers haven't left yet then I make this item for more HP and damage...






TearsOfHolly here ><


1st of all yes im playing 7 years dota and i dont care if u dont belive me

2nd im not 10 i am 20 years old and i play from 13-14

3rd your item build on Earthsaker -beep-ing unbelivable SUX !!!! I NEVER HAVE SAW THIS ITEMS  DPS??????? WTF?????LS?


you're making vladimirs of what? for lifesteal ? what the -beep- man you're not dps you are skiller

i mean that earthshaker it sonly skills* not dmg


desolator ? for what????? wtf men better find another *Favourite hero*

you should avoid the orb effects and create a dagger  that help you 2 mutch about your stun and easier kills


i think dagger must be the 1st item.


treads? why again ? omfg the only item for speed that earthsaker must have is phase boots and travel Only This

for more speed to cauch your enemies


as for other items sux 2 only arcane ring warths about spam skills but nvm


you should make an refresher Orb for your ulti ..... and no those shits


keep it up !

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  • 2 months later...

My favourite hero is Axe :)


Item bulid is simple i use it for 1st 30mins owning.. Late game it's not so owerpowered but anyways can pwn


1st item : Vanguard

2nd item : Vanguard

3rd item : Phase boots

4th item : Battle fury

5th item : Assault Curitas

6th and last item in late game (if they survive ofc) is divine reaper or miolnir

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My favourite hero is Axe :)


Item bulid is simple i use it for 1st 30mins owning.. Late game it's not so owerpowered but anyways can pwn


1st item : Vanguard

2nd item : Vanguard

3rd item : Phase boots

4th item : Battle fury

5th item : Assault Curitas

6th and last item in late game (if they survive ofc) is divine reaper or miolnir

Instead of BF or AC u could make a kelen's
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my favorite hero is razor that i started the game dota gh7s6oulrqdjyt7ef0oz_thumb.gif


items : that pwnz every game with best enemies for razor + magina witch is Anti-Mage














With this items on razor i never have lose and im not lie

ask in garena LV: 35 name ToulipaS_Cs :P

Raz0R Ownz



C:\Documents and Settings\WORK STATION 2\Επιφάνεια εργασίας






man you take drugs ? i think you are really noob you just see what items have good status and post here

in dota you dont take the items with +75 attack,etc you must take some items for agility player or inter or str.. is not the same for all :/

i am sure you lie you cant win with this shity weapon and cost meny gold for buy all in 1 match..


btw take Lion from undead and Razor in 1 vs1 and if Lion have dagon lvl 1-5 with ulti and stun Razor is 3 hit.. first stun then ulti and then active from dagon and bb Razor.. ;)

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my favorite and my first char from mages.. lion.png Lion(Demon Witch)


Good Items for this Char..itemso.png

Item:1 Dagon lvl 5(upgrade)

Item:2 Necronomicon lvl 3(upgrade)

Item:3 Linken's Shpere

Item:4 BloodStone

Item:5 Eye of Skadi

Item:6 Aghanim's Scepter

is very good items coz you have mp/hp/attack/inter+ and passives,skills..


if you have eye of skadi and linkens shpere is not the best coz eye or skadi give +25 to all and shpere+15..

is better if you have eye of skadi and other item for heal or def or something ;)

(i am too lazy and just look the time from posts :D)

(sry for double post i make 1 quote to TearsOfHolly about razor..)


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my favorite and my first char from mages.. lion.png Lion(Demon Witch)


Good Items for this Char..itemso.png

Item:1 Dagon lvl 5(upgrade)

Item:2 Necronomicon lvl 3(upgrade)

Item:3 Linken's Shpere

Item:4 BloodStone

Item:5 Eye of Skadi

Item:6 Aghanim's Scepter

is very good items coz you have mp/hp/attack/inter+ and passives,skills..


if you have eye of skadi and linkens shpere is not the best coz eye or skadi give +25 to all and shpere+15..

is better if you have eye of skadi and other item for heal or def or something ;)

(i am too lazy and just look the time from posts :D)

(sry for double post i make 1 quote to TearsOfHolly about razor..)


Theres no way a game will last this long
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@Just4hax, I'd remove dagon ( you are a support hero, not a hardcore killer that steals with dagon ) and I'd buy a Mekansm, Hex(!) or a Refresher's ORB. More useful imo.


Dagon lvl 5 = too expensive


Blades of attack (500)+ Staff of wizardry (1000) + Dagon lvl1 (1350) + Dagon lvl 2(1350) +Dagon lvl 3(1350) +Dagon lvl 4 (1350) + Dagon lvl 5(1350) = 8250. That's a lot ain't it?


More than a divine rapier :P

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My favorite hero is Alchemist


build :Boots of travel



      :Black king bar


      :Assault Cuirass


and noone can win you but if u are totally noob yes u will die.

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my favorite hero is razor that i started the game dota gh7s6oulrqdjyt7ef0oz_thumb.gif


items : that pwnz every game with best enemies for razor + magina witch is Anti-Mage














With this items on razor i never have lose and im not lie

ask in garena LV: 35 name ToulipaS_Cs :P

Raz0R Ownz



C:\Documents and Settings\WORK STATION 2\Επιφάνεια εργασίας







that's what you call 7 years of dota?

so you're going to have lifesteal AND stygian..... mmmm? Orb Effect sounds familiar?

and Sange & Yasha of course..... why? no particular reason, just throwing your gold away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No you should just go for a battle fury in the start he doesn't need vanguard. His starting items are gonna be Gauntles of strengh Quenneling Blade a set of tangos and if you have money left a circlet of nobility or another gauntles. Then you go for persv + boots of sped you finish your battlefury and power threads so then you got for sange yasha once you have done that you can either go for a hot or bkb [bkb if a lot of casters or stunners if not do hot] then you have 2 slots left 1 will be for assault other one will be for any damage item you want burize de kanyon or mkb.

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No you should just go for a battle fury in the start he doesn't need vanguard. His starting items are gonna be Gauntles of strengh Quenneling Blade a set of tangos and if you have money left a circlet of nobility or another gauntles. Then you go for persv + boots of sped you finish your battlefury and power threads so then you got for sange yasha once you have done that you can either go for a hot or bkb [bkb if a lot of casters or stunners if not do hot] then you have 2 slots left 1 will be for assault other one will be for any damage item you want burize de kanyon or mkb.

omg thnx a lot :) im starting learning dota with you guys ;)


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