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[Guide] Ultimate Olympiad Tutorial


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Konnichi-wa, miina.

Ogenki de-suka? Watashi-wa... uhm...


Hello, fellas.

Howdy? I'm ill, got flu', drinkin Coldrex "Defeat Influenza!", but it is not defeating influenza at all, eh, cheap vietnam crap.


Are you an olympiad loser? Ha-ha, loser! Loser! Loser! Loser! Okay, today your loss rate ends. You'll get your skill finally overenchanted, ya happy? Maybe even become a shining god, ya happy enough? Behold, the guide is starting now:


Okay, in case you were born yesterday, Grand Olympiad is a competition among all players, you sigh up at Grand Olympiad Manager, who is in every larger town. You wait for few mins and you get in Grand Olympiad Stadium. You fight and stuff, you win and obtain points, you lose, you lose points. More about Grand Olympiad will tell you Mr. Google.


Use SA'ed Staffs! Get adittional buffs in Olympiad Battle!


Bless The Body:


[C] Crystal Staff -> Bless The Body Lv. 2

[C] Stick of Eternity -> Bless The Body Lv. 3

[C] Ghoul's Staff -> Bless The Body Lv. 3

(B) Staff Of Evil Spirit -> Bless The Body Lv. 5


Mental Shield:

[C] Heavy Doom Hammer -> Mental Shield Lv. 2

[C] Stick of Faith -> Mental Shield Lv. 2

[C] Club of Nature -> Mental Shield Lv. 3

[C] Paradia Staff -> Mental Shield Lv. 3

[C] Deadman's Staff -> Mental Shield Lv. 3

(B) Sprite's Staff -> Mental Shield Lv. 4 (max)

(B) Spell Breaker -> Mental Shield Lv. 4 (max)

(B) Hell Knife -> Mental Shield Lv. 4 (max)

[A] Themis' Tongue -> Mental Shield Lv. 4 (max)


Has a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield when using a skill which has a good effect on a target. Effect X. ( X = 2;3;4)

Just use some of your basic skills like Battle Heal as mage, Noblesse Of Blessing or any other self-buff as fighter.




(B) Staff of Evil Spirit -> Magic Focus Lv. 3 (max)

[A] Themis' Tongue ->  Magic Focus Lv. 3 (max)


Has a 20% chance of casting Focus when using a skill which has a good effect on a target. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Just use some of your basic skills like Battle Heal as mage, Noblesse Of Blessing or any other self-buff as fighter.

This time it will be more harder, b'cuz it has only 20% to success.




[C] Heavy Doom Hammer -> Magic Regeneration Lv. 1

[C] Paradia Staff -> Magic Regeneration Lv. 2

[C] Deadman's Staff -> Magic Regeneration Lv. 2

(B) Sprite's Staff -> Magic Regeneration Lv. 2

(B) Sword of Valhall -> Magic Regeneration Lv. 3 (max)

(B) Hell Knife -> Magic Regeneration Lv. 3 (max)


Known bugs & glitchs & tricks in Olympiad Battles


1) Get married. Let your partner to enter Olympiad Battle, wait until he's/she's in arena and use command ".gotolove". You will appear next to you partner and can help him!


2) Get support characters like bd, sws, pp, wc, etc. Get castle. Get strider. Mount Wyvern in Castle with support character and fly to Olympiad Stadium. Unmount Wyvern and place the support character somewhere safe and where it's not suspicious. Before battle simply buff your. You'll pwn.


3) You sigh up in Olympiad Battle. It says you'll be ported, you check your opponent and you know you won't defeat him. Pres CTRL+ALT+DELETE and kill your L2.exe. In most cases you won't lose points, it will go tie. If you're using IG walker you don't have to bring up the Task Manager, just press CTRL+Q


4) Sigh up in Olympiad Battle, before you get ported, die. Wait in that state until you get ported. Use resurrection on yourself with help of friend or bot, but don't accept the resurrection. Get ported and wait until the battle is over in few seconds -> Time to get up and hit your opponent. You hit them and battle ends -> You get the points. (credits: Frenzy)


5) Also, if your server is jailing for bad words like noob, idiot, cunt, asshole, dickhead, etc., you can use them in Olympiad as well. If you see you're losing the match, use one of the bad words and you'll be ported to jail. Sit there, get your HP and CP recovered and it will be match tie. Because on IL it depens on HP and CP quantity.


6) Get summoner. Use party cubics for your character, who's gonna participate in Olympiad Battle. Your character is ported to Olympiad Battle and the cubic remains (the best cubic -> Elemental Summoner's -> Aqua Cubic = 120 afflication damage over 10-13 secods)


What feeding is?

Feeding is thing, when you get 2 noblesse chars and give points from one to other for free. You can perform this by sighing up to Different Classes Olympiad with 2 noblesses or 2 same class noblesses to Class Based Fights.


Trick and Tips for some classes in Olympiad Battles [short version - guide in few words]


Duelist: Charge your self. Use Duelist Spirit and Sonic Move at the start of the match. Blast Sonic Blaster and keep hitting enemy with Sonic Rage. Spam-click attacks: Sonic Rage, Sonic Blaster, Triple Sonic Slash, Double Sonic Slash.

Deathnought: You're good at self-buffs. Get all your self-buffs, a good spear. Start with Health spear, when your HP is lowered, take Spear with Haste. Don't forget to use Shock Stop.

Hell Knight: Spam-click attacks: Judgement, Normal Attack, Shield Slam, Stun Shield. Don't forget to buff yourself and your panther. Don't forget to use your Physical Mirror. Start with Health Weapon, lowered Health -> Haste Weapon.

Phoenix Knight: Lower your HP before the match. Get ported in Stadium and use your Angelic Icon. Get self-buffs and start with Health Weapon. Then switch to Haste weapon. Don't forget to use Touch Of Heal, Physical Mirror.

Saggitarius: Don't forget to use Snipe. Try to land a Lethal Strike, otherwise you got a low chance to win. Also try to stun an enemy.

Adventurer: Don't forget to use Ultimate Evasion. Try to land a Lethal Strike, otherwise you got a low chance to win.

Archmage: You've got Cancel. If opponent is buffed by staffs, cancel his buffs and get him down by launching surrender and nukes. You can also try landing Fear. Don't forget to launch up Arcana Power.

Soultaker: You've got a good summon. Don't forget to buff him up. Don't forget to turn on your Transfaren Pain, and just spam-click attacks: Gloom, Death Spike, Vampiric Claw and Dark Vortex.

Arcana Lord: The main is to buff your summon, don't forget cubics. Don't forget you've got Summon Ultimate Defense. Don't forget summon's shots. Keep the summon hitting the enemy and run in circle.

Hierophant: You've got good self-buffs. Buff up. Try to land root and get the bow and shoot enemy down. When you're hurt just heal yourself. Drain opponent's mana.

Cardinal:  You've got good self-buffs. Buff up. Shoot enemy down with bow. When you're hurt just heal yourself. Drain opponent's mana.

Sword Muse: You've got good self-buffs, the main is Song Of Wind -> you're very fast, get the bow and kill the enemy by running in a circle and shooting the enemy. Don't forget you've got UD.

Eva's Templar: Get self-buffs and start with Health Weapon. Then switch to Haste weapon. Don't forget to use Touch Of Heal, Magical Mirror. Don't forget cubics.

Wind Rider: Don't forget to use Ultimate Evasion. Try to land a Lethal Strike, otherwise you got a low chance to win.

Moonlight Sentinel: Try to land a Lethal Strike, otherwise you got a low chance to win. You've got good self-buffs. Try to stun enemy and heal yourself.

Mystic Muse: You've got Cancel. If opponent is buffed by staffs, cancel his buffs and get him down by launching surrender and nukes. You can also try landing Fear. Don't forget to launch up Arcana Power.

Elemental Master: The main is to buff your summon, don't forget cubics. Don't forget you've got Summon Ultimate Defense. Don't forget summon's shots. Keep the summon hitting the enemy and run in circle.

Eva's Saint: You've got good self-buffs. Buff up. Shoot enemy down with bow. When you're hurt just heal yourself. Drain opponent's mana.

Shillien Templar: Get self-buffs and start with Health Weapon. Then switch to Haste weapon. Don't forget to use Touch Of Death, Magical Mirror. Don't forget cubics.

Spectral Dancer: You've got good self-buffs. Use medusa to paralize enemy target, meanwhile recover yourself.

Ghost Hunter: Don't forget to use Ultimate Evasion. Try to land a Lethal Strike, otherwise you got a low chance to win.

Ghost Sentinel: Try to land a Lethal Strike, otherwise you got a low chance to win. Try tu stun your enemy target.

Storm Screamer: Use surrender for first, and then nuke enemy down with vortexes and harrucanes.

Spectral Master: The main is to buff your summon, don't forget cubics. Don't forget you've got Summon Ultimate Defense. Don't forget summon's shots. Keep the summon hitting the enemy and run in circle.

Shillien Saint: No idea. :D Sorry

Titan: Lower your HP before the match, get ported to Stadium and then you'll be able to use Zealot + Guts or Frenzy on the start of the match! Pretty pwnful. End your match in few seconds. (My record: 1,83 seconds against Elven Elder :D)

Grand Khavatari: Same as Titan, but you'll be able to use Zealot, since GK doesn't have Frenzy. But Zealot is better then nothing.

Doomcryer: Fear, Chant Of Victory, Freezing Flame. Combination of Death. You've got crazy self-buffs and also Freezing flame which destroys much HP. Try to land Fear also.

Dominator: You've got crazy self-buffs and also Soul Guard so you've good at defense & attacking.

Fortune Seeker & Maestro: Don't even sigh up! XD


Please, this guide is just few words, I don't really play all classes to discribe all the moves and techniques. If you would like to create some guide [how to play] for some class, please pm me and I'll give you credits and put it here, to help people.




Lain's Grand Olympiad Support©


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Well first off you are in the wrong section, so a mod should move it to general.

2nd are you serious about haste weapon for HK and ST? I have been a Hero on those 2 class on every server i played. And frankly haste weapon is worst thing you get and specially for ST you dont start a fight and keep up with health weapon untill your hp is lowered to the level. Health weapon, ToD, back to Focus sword.

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Well first off you are in the wrong section, so a mod should move it to general.

2nd are you serious about haste weapon for HK and ST? I have been a Hero on those 2 class on every server i played. And frankly haste weapon is worst thing you get and specially for ST you dont start a fight and keep up with health weapon untill your hp is lowered to the level. Health weapon, ToD, back to Focus sword.

This is the hidden content, please

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That's more a guide than a share :)


Also it has more general info about olympiad than exploits,etc and it's going on General Discussion.


+1 karma for your work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Work But please dont do double post u can edit ur Post ;)


Post-edit doesn't bring you topic up, I had to do that, b'cuz I wanted to bring it up.

This topic hasn't been discussed much yet, and I think could help a lot of people.



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