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-------------------------------------BATTLE FORCE BUG--------------------------------------------


1)pernis 2 chars me force pano tous (warrior h mage)

2) pigeneis se kapio priest (protino shuttgart pou dn paei kai polis kosmos)

3)eiste kai me tous dio chars se party kai ksekinate me ton enan char na dinete force ston alo (prin kanete to skill prepi na mhn exete buff pano sas gia na to kanete oso pio arga mporeite )

4)kata th diarkeia pou o enas char kanei to force me ton alo kanete target ton priest alazete sub kai meta pali alazis se main class kai VUALA exete to force apo ton alo char gia panta (dld mexri na pesete kai na xathoun ta buffs)



-------------------------------LIFE STONE BUG----------------------------------------------------



einai arketa aplo:

1)pernete 1 ls (sinisto na parete apo tis mayres ls gt exoun perissoteres pithanothtes gia kapio active skill)

2)pigenete ston blacksmith kai kanete oti prepi bazete ta items ekei p prepi ala MN PATISTE OK (edo iparxoun 2 tropoi dialekste kai parte)

3i)pigenete sto wh kai bazete mesa sto wh thn ls meta patate ok sto augment kai meta tha deite mesa sto wh iparxei i ls (ayto simbainei se merikous server kai oxi se olous)

3ii) pernete ena pet (p.x. ena strider kai tou dinete tin ls) patate ok sto ls board kai VUALA to augment ginete kai exete kai pali tin ls pano sto pet (prosoxi edo prota tha kanete unsummon to pet kai meta tha kanete to augment)


-----------------------------TELEPORT BUG--------------------------------------------------------


ena alo exploit:


Mporei na fanei ligo xazo ayto se merikous server ala merikes fores mas sozei kiriolektika


1)Kata ti diarkeia tou siege stin giran an dn exete ch kante ayto ( mporei na doylepse mporei kai oxi)

2)pate gk kai patate derby track kai afou pate (eno exete to katalhlo baros dld na mn ksepernaei to

orio) pate derby track , meta kanete exit kai VUALA eiste sthn giran kata th diarkeia tou siege


------------------------ OLD MULTI SKILL BUG-----------------------------------------------------



Einai ena palio multi skill bug [se high rate server p stin pragmatikothta dn einai stuck skill alla aplos pvp server ] loipon einai kapos diskolo gt einai kapos megalo kai prepi na ta kanete ola teleia

[ayto to bug douleyei se server stous opious dn exoun kitaksei kapia pragmata]


1)kanete new char human (mage) kai ton exparete mexri na paei 20 lvl

2)meta pate ston npc stn opio ksekinaei to quest apo to class p thelete na kanete [ oxi se kapion cat manager se ena kanoniko npc opos tha kanate kai se ena low rate server] briskete tous 2 npc opou o enas s dini to Quest gia Human Wizard kai o alos gia Clerik pernete kai ta 2 ta quest kai ta ksekinate

3) telionete to 1 apo ta 2 quest (kante necromanser i sorceror kalitera gia to exp sti sinexeia oste na einai pio eykolo)

4) pate me to main class sas necromanser/sorceror 76 lvl kai sti sinexeia ksekinate na kanete to alo quest tou cleric (nai opos katalabate tou cleric) molis teliosete to quest gineste soultaker/ archmage kai meta pate ston katalhlo npc kai gineste cleric kai tha mporeite sthn sinexia na sinexisete to quest tou cleric kai na ginete mias kai iste 76 lvl bishop/prophet kai meta na kanete to 3rd class cardinal/hierophant alaloga me to 2rd class pou tha kanete



kai tora exete sto idio class kai apo ta 2 class ta skills



-----------------------------------ALL HERO WEAPONS--------------------------------------------


1)otan eiste hero mporeite na exete ena hero weapon mono.... OXI

pigenete sto wh kai anti gia to kanoniko wh xrisimopoieiste to freight  kai se merikous server tha deite oti mporeite na dosete se alo char meso tou freight to hero weapon  afou to balete sto wh pigene parte alo kai meta pigenete pali sto wh kai parte to hero weapon p afisate mesa kai VUALA exete kai ta 2 hero weapons kai oxi mono mias kai mporeite na parete ki ala


2) episis mporeite na parete ena pet apo to gmshop [ p.x. ena strider] kai na parete ena hero weapon kanete summon to pet kai bazete to hero weapon sto pet to kanete unsummon pernete alo hero weapon kanete summon to pet to dinete unsummon ayto tha ginete mexri oso eseis thelete kai meta kanete pali summon to pet kai tha deite pos to pet exei ola ta hero weapons pano tou kai meta tha mporeite na ta use kai eseis [ afou panta eiste hero an xasete to hero tote dn tha mporeite na foresete kanena hero weapon kai as fenete pos ta exete pano sas]



---------------------------------------SNIPE BUG--------------------------------------------------


oloi tha kserete to snipe pou exoun oi hawkey loipon otan to bazete leei pos tha prepei na perasoun 2 mins gia na mporesete na ksanaproxorisete kante to eksis bgalte to bow kai tha deite pos to snipe efige kai meta forate pali bow kanete rapid shot kai ksanaksekinate na proxorate kai ayto mporeite na to kanete poles fores snipe-kill-bgazete bow-bazete - rapid shot-walk :P


---------------------------------TRICK GIA NA PERNETE TA ITEMS P SAS EPESAN APO PK------------


loipon edo xriazete na exete ena kalo pc kai na kanete ta eksis bhmata


1) anigete 2 l2

2) bazete kai sta 2 to login id kai pass sto ena window omos me ton kanoniko sas char mpenete eno me to alo window oxi alos to afinete opos einai

3) me ton main char tora mpenete pernete oso pk thelete kai otan deite oti kapios guard i kapios char sas kill tote 2-3 seconds prin pesete mpenete me ton alo char apo to alo window kai an pesoun items ta mazebete



-----------------------------TRICK GIA FACTION SERVERS------------------------------------------


otan ksekinate se enan faction server kai dialegete faction aplos kante ta parakato:


1) kante mia clan dikia sas

2) balte mesa stin clan sas 1 overlord kai 1 warcryer (i prophet) gt???



loipon einai merika buff tou overlord pou tha se boithisoun poli stin arxh gia na nikiseis


Overlord Buff:


the Rage Of Pa'agrio: einai opos to berz tou prophet aplos dn katebazei toso poli to p.def opos tou prophet

Pa'agrio's Fist: Anebazi CP gia kapio xroniko diasthma kai sou gemizi to CP ligaki pio grigora kai afou briskese se clan kai o overlord einai clan/ally buffer tha mporoun ta buff ayta na ta paroun to ally/clan s


Oi Warcryers kai oi Prophet exoun ta idia sxedon buffs mono pou exoun diaforetiko onoma ta skills tous


P.atk                        P.def

Greater Might           Greater Shield

War Chant                 Earth Chant


Episis se merikous server iparxei kai o tropos na bgazete pio eykola adena [ 1kill=1 adena] me to na kanete to bug gia na metafereste apo to ena village tis mia omadas sto allo


Ayto to bug eksartate apo tin geodata tou server kai tous admin tou :


1) prepei na iparxei ston server ena spot sto opio na einai anikto [opos to cemetery p einai arketa anixto se xoro kai mporeite na glitosete apo kapion an sas dei ektos apo gm :P ]

2) anigete 2 l2

3) kanete kai sta 2 l2 2 new chars ena apo to ena faction kai enan apo to alo [kalitera na onomasoume ta faction gia na sinenooumaste kalitera to ena tha einai oi n00bs kai to alo oi k00fs ]

4) afou kanete login kai me tous 2 char pate sto window me ton k00f kai ton ntinete kanonika me items kai tou pernete buff [ kalitera na kanete human fighter kai sigkekirmena hawkey gia na barate apo makria afou pate sto alo village]

5)me ton n00b char aplos pernete merika soe gt ayto einai to mistiko tou bug aytou

6) kante kai me tous 2 char teleport sto cemetery gia paradeigma an iparxei ston server cemetery

7) me ton n00b char kanete soe kai me ton alo char bgazete to weapon an foraei kai barate me mpounies ton char p kanei soe

8) afou teliosei to soe tha deite oti ola giro sas tha xathoun [npcs kai char mazi]

9) meta me ton k00f char kanete rr afou bgi apo to battle command tou kai afou ksanampeite VUALA eiste sto alo village

10) me ton n00bs char pigenete se enan buffer kai kante ton target me ton k00f hit ton n00b meta me ton n00b kante heal ksanahit me ton k00f kai paei legontas


P.S. afto einai sigouro ban an sas piasoun kai gia na glitosete ban kante to eksis i kante to bug ayto ores p dn exei poli kosmo kai gm mesa i afou bgalete merika adena mpeite me ton main char sas kai doste ta kai etsi na piasoun ton char sas tha piasoun aplos to bot :P



-------------------------TRADE AUGMENTED WEAPONS---------------------------------------------


edo iparxoun 3 tropoi:


1) afou exete kanei ena aplo augment parte ena pet [ p.x. ena strider] kante to summon doste tou to augmented weapon kante to unsummon kai doste to pet ston char pou thelete na dosete to augmented weapon meta me ton alo char kante summon to pet kai parte to weapon kai VUALA exete to augmented weapon se alo char


2) kante me ena char buy [ p.x. an thelete na dosete ena augmented arcana tote kante me enan alo char buy arcana 1 adena] me ton alo char kante sell to arcana kai VUALA exete me ton alo char sas to augmented weapon


3) an eiste se clan kai exete to dikaioma na pernete kai na afinete items apo to wh kante to eksis



1) afiste to augmented weapon mesa sto ch wh

2) mpeite me ton alon char efoson eiste stin idia clan kai pigene sto clan wh kai parte to augmented weapon



-----------------------------STUCK AUGMENT SKILLS----------------------------------------------


edo iparxoun kai paloi 3 tropoi:


1) afou bgalete 2 weapons me skills kai thelete na exete kai ta 2 ayta skills se ena weapon kante to eksis


1) parte 1a mia dynasty shield

2) meta balte sto f1 thn shield f1 to ena weapon kai f3 to alo kai ena iparxoun kai ala weapon balte ta sti seira

3) meta patiste f1 -f2-f1-f3 .....

4) meta balte to weapon pou esis thelete na meinoun pano tou ta skills [p.x. to f2 pou tha einai ena arcana] kai tha deite oti ola ta skills apo ta augmented weapons sas exoun stuckarei



2) ayto einai gia passive skills


1) pigenete wh

2) balte to weapon pou thelete na balete sto wh ala mn patisete OK

3) meta foreste to weapon me to augment

4) kai meta patiste ok sto wh


kai etsi exete os apotelesma na stuckarei to augment  passive skills sas [pou mporei na exete mia ntouzina apo ayta kai na ta thelete ola ]




1) foreste to augment weapon sas

2) anebeite se kapio pet [strider/ wyvern]

3) kante dismount kai oriste exete stuckarei to skill :P



----------------------------------DYE & DRAWS----------------------------------------------------



einai merika class sta opia dn mporeite na balete sigkekrimane dyes loipon kante to eksis



1) parte me enan char sas dyes [ p.x. exete mage parte ta dyes pou thelete gia na anebasete csting an thelete na anebasete casting]

2) meta pigenete ston manager kai patate mexri ekei p prepi na patisete ok gia to pio dye thelete na balete ala mn patisete ok

3) pigenete kai kante to sub pou eseis thelete na balete to dye [thimithite na kanete sub sto opio dn mporeite na balete kapio dye alios to bug einai anogelo]

4) meta me to sub pigene ston manager kai pata to ok kai VUALA exete to dye eno kanonika dn mporeite na to exete [p.x. dominator pano apo +4 int]


------------------------------BIG HEAD BUG-------------------------------------------------------



thelete na ginete kefalas kai dn exete mistery potion ??? kante to eksis


1) kante .engage kapion

2) meta marry

3) afou marry afton kante target enan alo kai kante ton .engage

4) tsimpiste tora mia curse kai tha deite tin kefala sas na megalonei :P



Ola ta credits pane ston Grisom apo english section ego aplos ekana tin metafrash kai itan kai megali


P.S. merika apo ta bug dn ta ebala gt dn iksera merikes le3eis kai dn ithela na sas doso kati to opio dn einai sosto [lower exo mono  :P ]





+1 karma na pas -2 gt -3 einai poli :P


Btw bravo s megali metafrasi!

ty para poli re fakoyka to topic ayto to ekana gia 2 logous gia na boithiso arketa to greek section kai na paro kai kanena ++ karma an h douleia m htan kali kai opos fenete htan :P BTW ty kai an mporis kita kai edo kai pes m an einai kalh h douleia m h an loipei kati


http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=41265.0 einai mia collection apo ola ta kala exploits kai bugs p exoun ipothi sto greek section kai einai ola mazemena kata alfabitikh seira :P genika einai ena arketa organomeno share ayto etsi diladh pisteyo

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Min spamareis re file...-.-

plaka kaneic etc?

1 mod na to kanei lock


«  on: December 11, 2008, 07:25:10 PM » maybe?


plaka kaneic etc?

1 mod na to kanei lock


«  on: December 11, 2008, 07:25:10 PM » maybe?

ti December les? ,<< on October 05, 2009, 04:53:03 PM >>  . kai den kanw plaka ...


File Poli kala Ola Kapia ta i3era Apo Palia Ala Poli Spania Opos les sto Title Sou Thanks gia ta Ipolipa

  • 1 month later...

To topic ine apo tin epoxi twn dinosavros dn iparxi logos na exete apories ke na zitate diafora sxetika m to post, parakalo 1 mod na to kani lock gia apofigi t spamm

mias kai kaneis edo se afto to topic "report" theorise kai esi spammer ego tha to kano lock ala na kseris oti afto einai spam
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    • @Vedi don't give up bro. We are waiting for this project to come back stronger.  
    • Welcome to L2EpicFail Server developed by gamers for gamers!  OBT - 7th March 2024 at 18:00 GMT+0 GRAND OPENING - 14th March 2025 at 18:00 GMT+0 Website : https://l2epic.fail/ Discord : https://discord.gg/6hwhrkrHBG     Server Features and Rates Xp – 15x Sp – 9x Adena – 6x Drop – 2x Spoil - 2x Seal Stones drop -  3x   Epic Raid Boss drop - 1x Regular RBs - EXP 5x, SP 5x, drop 4x   Quest drop - 1x (some quests customized to 3x) Quest reward - 1x, Adena 3x, EXP 3x, SP 3x     Premium Account Xp +20% Sp +20% Adena +20% Drop +20% Spoil +20% Quest reward +20%   get by vote or donate World chat 20 times/day use ">" in chat. Buff Book outside of town. Applies to all accounts.     Special Features Classic interface ActiveAnticheat Vote System Missions Attendance check And more in information below     Noblesse There are 3 ways how to make noblesse 1 - Retail Quest with killing barakiel 2 - Modifed Quest, choose killing mobs for 100 items instead of barakiel 3 - Can be bought for Epic Coins     Raid Rank Killing regular Raids gives points according to the level of the RB to the clan of the player who killed the boss. At the end of every month, there will be rewards for top clans. For more info, follow our Discord.   monthly period killing RB = points to clan according to RB level rewards up to Valakas Necklace (not the first month) current statistics can be checked online     Epic Bosses & Respawns   Queen Ant 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 43 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% guards, nurses lvl 40   Orfen 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% earring gives +1 WIT, +1 INT   Core 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% ring gives +1 STR, +1 DEX   Zaken 44 - 54 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max A grade) doors opened only 5 mins HP boosted   Baium Every Sunday 20:30 - 21:30 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (13 - 14th ToI level) regular HP   Frintezza Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 20:00 - 21:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (all IT entrance) max 5 parties to entry max 500 range from NPC   Antharas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (bridge to heart)   Valakas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (Klein to heart)   every Epic RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level x 10     Regular Bosses all regular RBs HP boosted M. def boosted a bit to give advantage to fighters all regular RBs respawn 24 - 30 hours every RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level     Added Skills Mass Sweep - All Bounty Hunters 40+ Block Buff - All Characters, toggle Escape: 20 seconds - All Characters, no more SoEs   Skills autolearn. Losing skills after 16 levels of delevel. Max buffs 24 + 4 with books (no autolearn)     Augments NoGrade - 4% chance MidGrade - 5% chance HighGrade - 7% chance TopGrade - 6% chance   GM shop weapon/armor/jwl (max C grade) shots/spiritshots (max C grade) mana potions (500 MP, 5s)     NPC buffer all buffs, songs, dances including 3rd prof + resists 1 hour duration all chars Buff Book in inventory     Global Gatekeeper all towns including cata/necro ToI 3/5/7/10th     Olympiad Thursday to Saturday 18:00 - 23:50 UTC+0 period 7 days no class participants min 5 base class participants min 10 max enchant +6     Class Transfer 1st class 50k adena 2nd class 500k adena 3rd class 20kk adena + 700 Halisha marks (tradeable)     Noblesse Quest Quest retail like. Moonstone Shards, Demons Blood etc. quest drop boosted     Subclass Quest To get the quest, you have to be 75+ on your main character (start Reorin in Giran) Bring item from Cabrio chest Bring items from Hallate, Kernon and Golkonda chests Bring this back to Reorin Bring 984 B-grade crystals and top B weapon to Reorin Get low A-grade weapon as reward Done , you can take subclass (up to 5) from any Master in town     Clans all clan members get clan skills (no need for titles) max clan slots 65, max ppl in PvP zone 63 leave/dismiss penalty 0 hours max clans in ally 3     Others   max 3 windows per HWID (only one in PvP zone) protection after teleport for 20 seconds arrows and spellbooks drop turned off weight limit 10x, stackable enchants and LS champions blue (5x HP) min level for trade = 40, chat = 20 BoM/MoM spawned in towns Edited November 1, 2024 by NevesOma
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