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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, Nevermind25 said:

stop sticking elbows, you guys are good together :D :D

@guytis can you explain me why there is 5 ?

parameter nWriteForm of the WriteRelativeAdress

7A882A                 movlpd  xmm13, cs:dbl_9CCFB0


Hex dump = 66 44 0F 12 2D 7D 47 22 00 (9 bytes)


fisrt 5 bytes 66 44 0F 12 2D

4 bytes 7D 47 22 00 (dbl_9CCFB0)


WriteForm  5  = writememory in  7A882A+5

Edited by guytis
  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 12/27/2019 at 4:20 PM, guytis said:

Hi, here is the 100% decompiled CItem::EnchantItem function


Config::ExceptionMailing: it is never false


L2Server.exe C4 In case anyone needs it.



bool CItem::EnchantItem(CItem *scroll, CItem *pItem, User* pUser)
  pUser_ = pUser;
  pItem_ = pItem;
  scroll_ = scroll;

  if ( !pItem_ )
    return false;
  pSID = pItem_->d.pSID;
  nEnchantLevel = pSID->nEnchantLevel;
  SlotType = (pSID->nSlotType >> 15) & 1;
  if ( !(pItem_->vtable->base.Config::ExceptionMailing))
    if ( nEnchantLevel < 3 )
      goto SUCCESS;
    if ( nEnchantLevel >= 20 )
      prob = 0.0;
      if ( SlotType )
        chance = WeaponEnchantTable[nEnchantLevel] * 100.0;
        chance = ArmorEnchantTable[nEnchantLevel] * 100.0;
      prob = 100.0 - chance;
    if ( nEnchantLevel >= 15 )
      prob = prob * 0.5;
    random = rand();
    dice = 100.0 - 0.0;
    if ( nEnchantLevel < 20 && prob >= random / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0 )
      CLog::Add(&g_winlog, LOG_REQUEST, L"armor enchant success, prev enchanted[%d], dice[%f], prob[%f]", nEnchantLevel, random / 32767.0 * dice + 0.0, prob);
      goto SUCCESS;
    CLog::Add(&g_winlog, LOG_REQUEST, L"armor enchant fail, prev enchanted[%d], dice[%f], prob[%f]", nEnchantLevel, random / 32767.0 * dice + 0.0, prob);
    goto FAIL;
  pII = pItem_->d.pII;
  if ( pII->nCrystalType < CrystalC || !LOBYTE(pII->magicWeapon) )
    prob_1 = 70.0;
    if ( nEnchantLevel < 3 )
      goto SUCCESS;
    if ( nEnchantLevel >= 15 )
      prob_1 = 35.0;
    random_1 = rand();
    if ( prob_1 >= random_1 / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0 )
      CLog::Add(&g_winlog, LOG_REQUEST, L"weapon enchant success, prev enchanted[%d], dice[%f], prob[%f]", nEnchantLevel, random_1 / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0, prob_1);
      goto SUCCESS;
    CLog::Add(&g_winlog, LOG_REQUEST, L"weapon enchant fail, prev enchanted[%d], dice[%f], prob[%f]", nEnchantLevel, random_1 / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0, prob_1);
    goto FAIL;
  prob_2 = 40.0;
  if ( nEnchantLevel >= 3 )
    if ( nEnchantLevel >= 15 )
      prob_2 = 20.0;
    random_2 = rand();
    if ( prob_2 >= random_2 / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0 )
      CLog::Add(&g_winlog, LOG_REQUEST, L"magic weapon enchant success, prev enchanted[%d], dice[%f], prob[%f]", nEnchantLevel, random_2 / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0, prob_2);
      goto SUCCESS;
    CLog::Add(&g_winlog, LOG_REQUEST, L"magic weapon enchant fail, prev enchanted[%d], dice[%f], prob[%f]", nEnchantLevel, random_2 / 32767.0 * (100.0 - 0.0) + 0.0, prob_2);
    etcType = scroll_->d.pII->etcType;
    if ( etcType == EtcItemBlessedScrollEnchantWeapon || etcType == EtcItemBlessedScrollEnchantArmor )
      User::SendSystemMessage(pUser_->socket, id_1517__Fallo_en_el_encantamiento_blessed_El_valor_del_encantamiento_del_item_se_convirtio_a_0);
      CDB::RequestEnchantItem(&g_CDB, scroll_, pItem_, 0, pUser_);
      CSocket::Send(pUser_->socket, "cdddddd", 100i64);
      CDB::RequestEnchantItemFail(&g_CDB, scroll_, pItem_, pUser_);
    goto END;
  if ( nEnchantLevel )
    CSocket::Send(pUser_->socket, "cdddddd", 100i64);
    v25 = 3;
    v24 = 1;
    CSocket::Send(pUser_->socket, "cdddd", 100i64, 62i64, v24, v25, pItem_->d.pSID->nItemID);
  CDB::RequestEnchantItem(&g_CDB, scroll_, pItem_, nEnchantLevel + 1, pUser_);
  return false;

WeaponEnchantTable dq 0                 ; DATA XREF: CItem__EnchantItem+27Br
.rdata:0000000000A06B88                 align 20h
.rdata:0000000000A06BA0                 dq 0.3333333333333333
.rdata:0000000000A06BA8                 dq 0.6666666666666666
.rdata:0000000000A06BB0                 dq 0.75
.rdata:0000000000A06BB8                 dq 0.8
.rdata:0000000000A06BC0                 dq 0.8333333333333334
.rdata:0000000000A06BC8                 dq 0.8571428571428571
.rdata:0000000000A06BD0                 dq 0.875
.rdata:0000000000A06BD8                 dq 0.8888888888888888
.rdata:0000000000A06BE0                 dq 0.9
.rdata:0000000000A06BE8                 dq 0.9090909090909091
.rdata:0000000000A06BF0                 dq 0.9166666666666666
.rdata:0000000000A06BF8                 dq 0.9230769230769231
.rdata:0000000000A06C00                 dq 0.9285714285714286
.rdata:0000000000A06C08                 dq 0.9333333333333333
.rdata:0000000000A06C10                 dq 0.9375
.rdata:0000000000A06C18                 dq 0.9411764705882353

.rdata:0000000000A06AE0 ArmorEnchantTable dq 0                  ; DATA XREF: CItem__EnchantItem:loc_628E83r
.rdata:0000000000A06AE8                 dq 0
.rdata:0000000000A06AF0                 dq 0
.rdata:0000000000A06AF8                 dq 0.3333333333333333
.rdata:0000000000A06B00                 dq 0.6666666666666666
.rdata:0000000000A06B08                 dq 0.75
.rdata:0000000000A06B10                 dq 0.8
.rdata:0000000000A06B18                 dq 0.8333333333333334
.rdata:0000000000A06B20                 dq 0.8571428571428571
.rdata:0000000000A06B28                 dq 0.875
.rdata:0000000000A06B30                 dq 0.8888888888888888
.rdata:0000000000A06B38                 dq 0.9
.rdata:0000000000A06B40                 dq 0.9090909090909091
.rdata:0000000000A06B48                 dq 0.9166666666666666
.rdata:0000000000A06B50                 dq 0.9230769230769231
.rdata:0000000000A06B58                 dq 0.9285714285714286
.rdata:0000000000A06B60                 dq 0.9333333333333333
.rdata:0000000000A06B68                 dq 0.9375
.rdata:0000000000A06B70                 dq 0.9411764705882353
.rdata:0000000000A06B78                 dq 0.9444444444444444



Hey, thanks for the share. One question after reading the decompiled code, wouldn't WeaponEnchantTable better called FullBodyEnchantTable ?


Since SlotType == 32768 for one piece armor, ( 32768 >> 15 &  1) evals to 1, which makes use of this table. It would also makes sense with the align 20h which makes the first value of this table be at the location used for the enchant level at 4


Other findings / value are otherwise in line with what was guessed regarding retail OE behavior, which seems fair :thumbs-up:


Now I am wondering if the function changed in Gracia Final L2Server.exe :)

Edited by ptitlaby

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