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			if (!activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE) || !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.TOWN))
				activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use outside of peace zone.");

in BoardsManager.java and i think i am done

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29 minutes ago, Dragic said:

Tryskell hold on a minute, first of all this is L2Java help section right ? This section created for help new developers, people makes topic with the problem and people who still want to help people like him they can give the solution. Second if you dont want to explain just dont quote it's simple. When you quote and you dont have the desire to help him you quote for what ? Just for count post ? when you are L2J Developer you are a staffer you have first of all to respect forum rules, your self and then the "others" when you are staffer and you speak like this you dont deserve to be staffer none have the right to be rude if you dont want to explain just don't quote! I respect you because you allways helping people i know that just don't go off topic.


Mate, you're the one beginning a "out topic" comment (about staffer behavior) in the middle of a help topic. You could open a proper topic in "report" section regarding RooT behavior or in "general", but you didn't. I only quote you to explain what is RooT/SweeTs logic, with a context ; the context being your out-topic comment.


If you didn't want an answer, maybe keep it for yourself. Because now I'm forced to answer.


Regarding my own behavior, I already don't answer to topics when I judge the people didn't make what he could. I stopped to do like SweeTs/RooT do few years ago, I simply ignore the people, and I help when the question is legit. It saved me a lot of time.


Regarding post count and reputation - it is irrelevant, I'm probably the dude who cares less about it, I'm 32y old mate. I got other things to think. I believe than 75% of my posts are concentrated to L2J Help section.


Also, you white-knight alot, but I didn't see your answer to criss22. Your comment about RooT behavior generated almost 2 pages of out-topic comments. In internet langage,  that's called a "troll".




And criss22, you don't need to act like a victim. I already commented your behavior few weeks ago, what is happening to you is simply "normal".


The correct solution would be than none comment your "help" topics, but I believe that would be also rude.

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42 minutes ago, criss22 said:

But in 41 answers i don't get anything

If you think so.. Even tho I gave you A READY CODE EXAMPLE, what you had to do, is to copy it and rename. Your pack has other structure? No problem, you have an example, you have many examples in config file, follow it.

If you can't understand 2 simple lines, how and where to paste it, following other true/false config from property.. Well, you are lost.

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I'm done SweeTs...relax. I am not lost. I learn basics....anyway, With your help i did it! Anyway, God make world in 6 days , yes? + i learn java too late. When all already know everything. And pro help pro. Never pro help newbie.


Anyway, in your case, u did it! U help newbie because u are pro. Pro=good explications without critics. Without judges. 


I post here because i think and i i'm wrong, correct me, i post because i need help. It is a help section. Peoples cannot understand something. And yes, if u copy/paste something, somewhere wrong, u broke all code. It is important even a : . : (Dot).


But basics i learned by you SweeTs. And in this way i want to thank you!

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