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L2 Interlude Craft Manager



Hi guys. I am sharing an older code for Interlude with what i have a small issue. This is the Craft Manager what i recently managed to make it work. The code works fine, except for a little detail. This code loads up the items that are eligible for crystallization from D grade up to A grade. Problem is it loads up the items that are equipped aswell. How can i bypass it so it will ignore those items on the character so the user wont accidentally crystallize the equipped gear. My knowledge for this is mediocre at best, and i tried multiple aproches and have come up with nothing. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Here is the updated code for the Craft Manager for anyone who wants to use it. The only known issue so far, is the one on my 2nd post with the item selection crash after a certain amount.


package com.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.instance;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import com.l2jmobius.Config;
import com.l2jmobius.commons.util.Rnd;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.datatables.csv.RecipeTable;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.datatables.sql.IconTable;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.datatables.xml.ItemTable;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.Inventory;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.L2RecipeList;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.multisell.L2Multisell;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.templates.item.L2EtcItemType;
import com.l2jmobius.gameserver.templates.item.L2Item;

public class L2CraftManagerInstance extends L2MerchantInstance
	public static final int ADENA_ID = 57;
	public static final int ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 6; // items list size in craft and crystallize pages
	public L2CraftManagerInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
		super(objectId, template);
	public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command)
		if (command.startsWith("multisell"))
			L2Multisell.getInstance().generateMultiSell(Integer.parseInt(command.substring(9).trim()), player, false, this);
		else if (command.startsWith("Crystallize")) // List player inventory items for crystallization
			int _pageId;
			ArrayList<Integer> _itemsSelected = new ArrayList<>();
			Inventory _inventory = player.getInventory();
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command.substring(11).trim());
				if (st.countTokens() > 1)
					_pageId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
					while (st.hasMoreTokens())
						int _itemObjId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
						if ((_inventory.getItemByObjectId(_itemObjId) != null) && (!_itemsSelected.contains(_itemObjId)))
					_pageId = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(11).trim());
			catch (NumberFormatException e)
				_pageId = 0;
			ArrayList<Integer> _items = new ArrayList<>();
			int _priceTotal = 0;
			ArrayList<Integer> _crystals = new ArrayList<>();
			_crystals.add(0, 0);
			_crystals.add(1, 0);
			_crystals.add(2, 0);
			_crystals.add(3, 0);
			_crystals.add(4, 0);
			_crystals.add(5, 0);
			for (L2ItemInstance _item : _inventory.getItems())
				if (!_item.isStackable() && (_item.getLocation() != L2ItemInstance.ItemLocation.PAPERDOLL) && (_item.getItem().getCrystalType() != L2Item.CRYSTAL_NONE) && (_item.getItem().getCrystalCount() > 0))
					if (_itemsSelected.contains(_item.getObjectId()))
						int _count = _crystals.get(_item.getItem().getCrystalType()) + _item.getCrystalCount();
						_crystals.set(_item.getItem().getCrystalType(), _count);
						int _crystalId = 1457 + _item.getItem().getCrystalType();
						int _price = (int) ((Config.ALT_CRAFT_PRICE * _count * ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_crystalId).getReferencePrice()) / 55);
						if (_price == 0)
							_price = Config.ALT_CRAFT_DEFAULT_PRICE;
						_priceTotal += _price;
			if (_items.size() == 0)
				sendOutOfItems(player, "at least one", "breakable item");
			int _itemsOnPage = ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
			int _pages = _items.size() / _itemsOnPage;
			if (_items.size() > (_pages * _itemsOnPage))
			if (_pageId > _pages)
				_pageId = _pages;
			int _itemStart = _pageId * _itemsOnPage;
			int _itemEnd = _items.size();
			if ((_itemEnd - _itemStart) > _itemsOnPage)
				_itemEnd = _itemStart + _itemsOnPage;
			String _elementsSelected = "";
			for (int i = 0; i < _itemsSelected.size(); i++)
				_elementsSelected += " " + _itemsSelected.get(i);
			NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
			StringBuilder replyMSG = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
			replyMSG.append("<center>Items to Crystallize</center>");
			replyMSG.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=300 height=1> <img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=1 height=3>");
			replyMSG.append("<table width=270><tr>");
			replyMSG.append("<td width=66><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + ((_pageId == 0) ? "_Chat 0" : "_Crystallize ") + (_pageId - 1) + _elementsSelected + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\"></td>");
			replyMSG.append("<td width=138></td>");
			replyMSG.append("<td width=66>" + (((_pageId + 1) < _pages) ? "<button value=\"Next\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_Crystallize " + (_pageId + 1) + _elementsSelected + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\">" : "") + "</td>");
			replyMSG.append("<table width=270><tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=35><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_BreakItem" + _elementsSelected + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill0248\" fore=\"icon.skill0248\"></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=135>");
				replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=100%>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"B09878\">Crystallize</font></td></tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"B09878\">selected items " + (_itemsSelected.size() == 0 ? "" : "(" + _itemsSelected.size() + ")") + "</font></td></tr></table></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=100>");
				replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=100%>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"A2A0A2\">Total price:</font></td></tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"B09878\">" + _priceTotal + " Adena</font></td></tr></table></td>");
			for (int i = _itemStart; i < _itemEnd; i++)
				L2ItemInstance _item = _inventory.getItemByObjectId(_items.get(i));
				if (_item == null)
				int _crystalId = 1457 + _item.getItem().getCrystalType();
				String _crystal = _item.getItem().getCrystalType() == 1 ? "D" : _item.getItem().getCrystalType() == 2 ? "C" : _item.getItem().getCrystalType() == 3 ? "B" : _item.getItem().getCrystalType() == 4 ? "A" : _item.getItem().getCrystalType() == 5 ? "S" : "S";
				int _count = _item.getCrystalCount();
				int _price = (int) ((Config.ALT_CRAFT_PRICE * _count * ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_crystalId).getReferencePrice()) / 55);
				if (_price == 0)
					_price = Config.ALT_CRAFT_DEFAULT_PRICE;
				replyMSG.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=300 height=1> <img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=1 height=1>");
				replyMSG.append("<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=44 height=41 align=center><table bgcolor=FFFFFF cellpadding=6 cellspacing=\"-5\"><tr><td><button width=32 height=32 back=" + IconTable.getIcon(_item.getItemId()) + " fore=" + IconTable.getIcon(_item.getItemId()) + "></td></tr></table></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=240 height=20>");
				replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=100%>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"A2A0A2\">" + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_item.getItemId()).getName() + (_item.getEnchantLevel() == 0 ? "" : " +" + _item.getEnchantLevel()) + "</font></td></tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"A2A0A2\">" + _crystal + " Crystals:</font> <font color=\"B09878\">" + _count + "</font></td></tr></table></td>");
					if (_itemsSelected.contains(_items.get(i)))
						replyMSG.append("<td valign=center width=20><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_Crystallize " + _pageId + _elementsSelected.replace(" " + _items.get(i).toString(), "") + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td>");
						replyMSG.append("<td valign=center width=20><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_Crystallize " + _pageId + " " + _items.get(i).toString() + _elementsSelected + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td>");
					replyMSG.append("<td valign=center width=20></td>");
		else if (command.startsWith("BreakItem") && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_CRYSTALLIZE)
		// Crystallize selected items
			ArrayList<Integer> _itemsSelected = new ArrayList<>();
			Inventory _inventory = player.getInventory();
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command.substring(9).trim());
				while (st.hasMoreTokens())
					int _itemObjId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
					if ((_inventory.getItemByObjectId(_itemObjId) != null) && (!_itemsSelected.contains(_itemObjId)))
			catch (NumberFormatException e)
			if (_itemsSelected.size() == 0)
				sendOutOfItems(player, "at least one", "breakable items");
			int _priceTotal = 0;
			ArrayList<Integer> _crystals = new ArrayList<>();
			_crystals.add(0, 0);
			_crystals.add(1, 0);
			_crystals.add(2, 0);
			_crystals.add(3, 0);
			_crystals.add(4, 0);
			_crystals.add(5, 0);
			for (int i = 0; i < _itemsSelected.size(); i++)
				L2ItemInstance _item = _inventory.getItemByObjectId(_itemsSelected.get(i));
				if ((_item != null) && (_item.getOwnerId() == player.getObjectId()) && !_item.isStackable() && (_item.getItem().getCrystalType() != L2Item.CRYSTAL_NONE) && (_item.getItem().getCrystalCount() > 0) && (i < _itemsSelected.size()))
					int _count = _crystals.get(_item.getItem().getCrystalType()) + _item.getCrystalCount();
					_crystals.set(_item.getItem().getCrystalType(), _count);
					int _crystalId = 1457 + _item.getItem().getCrystalType();
					int _price = (int) ((Config.ALT_CRAFT_PRICE * _count * ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_crystalId).getReferencePrice()) / 55);
					if (_price == 0)
						_price = Config.ALT_CRAFT_DEFAULT_PRICE;
					_priceTotal += _price;
			if (_inventory.getInventoryItemCount(ADENA_ID, 0) < _priceTotal)
				sendOutOfItems(player, Integer.toString(_priceTotal), "Adena");
			InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
			player.destroyItemByItemId("CraftManager", ADENA_ID, _priceTotal, player, true);
			for (int i = 0; i < _itemsSelected.size(); i++)
				L2ItemInstance _item = _inventory.getItemByObjectId(_itemsSelected.get(i));
				if ((_item != null) && (_item.getOwnerId() == player.getObjectId()) && !_item.isStackable() && (_item.getItem().getCrystalType() != L2Item.CRYSTAL_NONE) && (_item.getItem().getCrystalCount() > 0))
					if (_item.isEquipped())
						L2ItemInstance[] unequiped = player.getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(_item.getEquipSlot());
						if (_item.isEquipped())
							for (L2ItemInstance element : unequiped)
					player.destroyItem("CraftManager", _itemsSelected.get(i), 1, player, true);
			for (int i = 0; i < _crystals.size(); i++)
				if (_crystals.get(i) > 0)
					int _crystalId = 1457 + i;
					SystemMessage sm = null;
					sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S);
					_inventory.addItem("CraftManager", _crystalId, _crystals.get(i), player, player.getTarget());
		else if (command.startsWith("Manufacture"))
		// List recipes from player inventory
			int _pageId;
				_pageId = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(11).trim());
			catch (NumberFormatException e)
				_pageId = 0;
			Inventory _inventory = player.getInventory();
			ArrayList<Integer> _recipes = new ArrayList<>();
			for (L2ItemInstance _item : _inventory.getItems())
				if (_item.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.RECEIPE)
					L2RecipeList _recipe = RecipeTable.getInstance().getRecipeByItemId(_item.getItemId());
					if (_recipe != null)
			if (_recipes.size() == 0)
				sendOutOfItems(player, "at least one", "recipe");
			int _itemsOnPage = ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
			int _pages = _recipes.size() / _itemsOnPage;
			if (_recipes.size() > (_pages * _itemsOnPage))
			if (_pageId > _pages)
				_pageId = _pages;
			int _itemStart = _pageId * _itemsOnPage;
			int _itemEnd = _recipes.size();
			if ((_itemEnd - _itemStart) > _itemsOnPage)
				_itemEnd = _itemStart + _itemsOnPage;
			NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
			StringBuilder replyMSG = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
			replyMSG.append("<center>List of Recipes</center>");
			replyMSG.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=300 height=1> <img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=1 height=3>");
			replyMSG.append("<center><font color=\"FFFF00\">To craft multiple items first press </center></font>");
			replyMSG.append("<center><font color=\"FFFF00\">CALCULATE to see if you have the required amount!</center></font>");
			replyMSG.append("<table width=270><tr>");
			replyMSG.append("<td width=66><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + ((_pageId == 0) ? "_Chat 0" : "_Manufacture ") + (_pageId - 1) + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\"></td>");
			replyMSG.append("<td width=138></td>");
			replyMSG.append("<td width=66>" + (((_pageId + 1) < _pages) ? "<button value=\"Next\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_Manufacture " + (_pageId + 1) + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\">" : "") + "</td>");
			replyMSG.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=300 height=1> <img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=1 height=1>");
			for (int i = _itemStart; i < _itemEnd; i++)
				L2ItemInstance _recipe = _inventory.getItemByObjectId(_recipes.get(i));
				if (_recipe == null)
				L2RecipeList _recipeList = RecipeTable.getInstance().getRecipeByItemId(_recipe.getItemId());
				if (_recipeList == null)
				boolean _isConsumable = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).isConsumable();
				int _price = (int) ((((Config.RATE_CRAFT_COST * _recipeList.getSuccessRate()) / 100) * ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).getReferencePrice()) / 55);
				if (_price == 0)
					_price = Config.ALT_CRAFT_DEFAULT_PRICE;
				L2Item item = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipe.getItemId());
				String name = item.getName();
				if (name.startsWith("Recipe: "))
					name = "R: " + name.substring(8);
				String _recipeIcon = IconTable.getIcon(item.getItemId());
				replyMSG.append("<table width=300 bgcolor=000000><tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<td valign=top width=35><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_CraftInfo " + _recipes.get(i) + " 1 " + _pageId + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"" + _recipeIcon + "\" fore=\"" + _recipeIcon + "\"></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td valign=top width=235>");
				replyMSG.append("<td valign=center width=320 height=20>");
				replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=100%>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"FFFF00\">" + name + "</font></td></tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"A2A0A2\">Product:</font> <font color=\"B09878\">" + (_isConsumable ? _recipeList.getCount() + " " : "") + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).getName() + "</font></td></tr></table></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=300 height=1> <img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=1 height=1>");
		else if (command.startsWith("CraftInfo"))
		// Show information about choosen recipe
			int _recipeObjId = 0;
			int _pageId = 0;
			int _quantity = 1;
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command.substring(9).trim());
				if (st.countTokens() > 2)
					_recipeObjId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
					_quantity = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
					_recipeObjId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
				_pageId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
			catch (NumberFormatException e)
			Inventory _inventory = player.getInventory();
			L2ItemInstance _recipe = _inventory.getItemByObjectId(_recipeObjId);
			L2RecipeList _recipeList = RecipeTable.getInstance().getRecipeByItemId(_recipe.getItemId());
			boolean _isConsumable = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).isConsumable();
			if ((_recipe.getOwnerId() == player.getObjectId()) && (_recipe.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.RECEIPE))
				int _price = (int) ((((Config.RATE_CRAFT_COST * _recipeList.getSuccessRate()) / 100) * _quantity * (_isConsumable ? _recipeList.getCount() : 1) * ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).getReferencePrice()) / 55);
				if (_price == 0)
					_price = Config.ALT_CRAFT_DEFAULT_PRICE;
				L2Item item = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipe.getItemId());
				String name = item.getName();
				if (name.startsWith("Recipe: "))
					name = "R: " + name.substring(8);
				NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
				StringBuilder replyMSG = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
				replyMSG.append("<center>Craft Info</center>");
				replyMSG.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=300 height=1> <img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=1 height=3>");
				replyMSG.append("<table width=270><tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=66><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_Manufacture " + _pageId + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\"></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=138></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=66></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<table width=270><tr>");
				if ((_recipeList.isDwarvenRecipe() && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_CRAFT) || (!_recipeList.isDwarvenRecipe() && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_COMMON))
					replyMSG.append("<td valign=top width=35><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_CraftItem " + _recipeObjId + " " + _quantity + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill0172\" fore=\"icon.skill0172\"></td>");
					replyMSG.append("<td valign=top width=35><img src=icon.skill0172 width=32 height=32 align=left></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td valign=top width=235>");
				replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=100%>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"FFFF00\">" + name + "</font></td></tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"A2A0A2\">Product:</font> <font color=\"B09878\">" + (_isConsumable ? (_recipeList.getCount() * _quantity) + " * " : _quantity > 1 ? _quantity : "") + " " + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).getName() + "</font></td></tr>");
				if ((_recipeList.isDwarvenRecipe() && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_CRAFT) || (!_recipeList.isDwarvenRecipe() && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_COMMON))
					replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"A2A0A2\">Price:</font> <font color=\"B09878\">" + _price + " Adena</font></td></tr></table></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<table width=210>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td valign=top width=70><font color=\"B09878\">Enter quantity:</font></td><td></td></tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<tr><td valign=top width=70><edit var=\"quantity\" width=70></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<td valign=top width=70><button value=\"Calculate\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_CraftInfo " + _recipeObjId + " $quantity " + _pageId + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\"></td>");
				replyMSG.append("<table width=270><tr>");
				replyMSG.append("<td width=220><button value=\"Ingredients\" width=60 height=21 back=\"botaoes1.s04_over\" fore=\"botaoes1.s04_over\"</td>"); // width=120 height=21 back=\"botaoes1.s03_over\" fore=\"botaoes1.s03\">"
				replyMSG.append("<td width=50><button value=\"Quantity\" width=60 height=21 back=\"botaoes1.s04_over\" fore=\"botaoes1.s04_over\"</td></tr>");
				L2RecipeInstance[] _recipeItems = _recipeList.getRecipes();
				for (L2RecipeInstance _recipeItem : _recipeItems)
					L2ItemInstance _item = _inventory.getItemByItemId(_recipeItem.getItemId());
					String _quantityState = "<font color=\"55FF55\">" + (_quantity * _recipeItem.getQuantity()) + "</font>";
					if ((_item == null) || (_item.getCount() < (_quantity * _recipeItem.getQuantity())))
						_quantityState = "<font color=\"FF5555\">" + (int) (_quantity * _recipeItem.getQuantity() * Config.ALT_RATE_CRAFT_COST) + "</font>";
					replyMSG.append("<tr><td width=220>" + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeItem.getItemId()).getName() + "</td>");
					replyMSG.append("<td width=50>" + _quantityState + "</td></tr>");
		else if (command.startsWith("CraftItem") && (Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_CRAFT || Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_COMMON))
		// Craft amount of items using selected recipe
			int _recipeObjId = 0;
			int _quantity = 1;
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command.substring(9).trim());
			if (st.countTokens() != 2)
				_recipeObjId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
				_quantity = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
			catch (NumberFormatException e)
			Inventory _inventory = player.getInventory();
			L2ItemInstance _recipe = _inventory.getItemByObjectId(_recipeObjId);
			L2RecipeList _recipeList = RecipeTable.getInstance().getRecipeByItemId(_recipe.getItemId());
			boolean _isConsumable = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).isConsumable();
			if ((_recipe.getOwnerId() == player.getObjectId()) && (_recipe.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.RECEIPE) && ((_recipeList.isDwarvenRecipe() && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_CRAFT) || (!_recipeList.isDwarvenRecipe() && Config.ALT_CRAFT_ALLOW_COMMON)))
				L2RecipeInstance[] _recipeItems = _recipeList.getRecipes();
				boolean _enoughtMaterials = true;
				for (L2RecipeInstance _recipeItem : _recipeItems)
					L2ItemInstance _item = _inventory.getItemByItemId(_recipeItem.getItemId());
					if ((_item == null) || (_item.getCount() < (int) (_quantity * _recipeItem.getQuantity() * Config.ALT_RATE_CRAFT_COST)))
						_enoughtMaterials = false;
				int _price = (int) ((((Config.RATE_CRAFT_COST * _recipeList.getSuccessRate()) / 100) * _quantity * _recipeList.getCount() * ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).getReferencePrice()) / 55);
				if (_price == 0)
					_price = Config.ALT_CRAFT_DEFAULT_PRICE;
				if (_inventory.getInventoryItemCount(ADENA_ID, 0) < _price)
					sendOutOfItems(player, Integer.toString(_price), "Adena");
				if (!_enoughtMaterials)
					sendOutOfItems(player, "proper amount", "materials");
				int _quantitySuccess = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < _quantity; i++)
					if (Rnd.get(100) < _recipeList.getSuccessRate())
				InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
				for (L2RecipeInstance _recipeItem : _recipeItems)
					player.destroyItemByItemId("CraftManager", _recipeItem.getItemId(), (int) (_quantity * _recipeItem.getQuantity() * Config.ALT_RATE_CRAFT_COST), player, true);
				player.destroyItemByItemId("CraftManager", ADENA_ID, _price, player, true);
				if (_quantitySuccess > 0)
					SystemMessage sm = null;
					sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S);
					sm.addNumber(_quantitySuccess * _recipeList.getCount());
					sm = null;
					_inventory.addItem("CraftManager", _recipeList.getItemId(), _quantitySuccess * (_isConsumable ? _recipeList.getCount() : 1), player, player.getTarget());
				iu = null;
				sendCraftedItems(player, _quantitySuccess * (_isConsumable ? _recipeList.getCount() : 1), (_quantity - _quantitySuccess) * (_isConsumable ? _recipeList.getCount() : 1), ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_recipeList.getItemId()).getName());
			super.onBypassFeedback(player, command);
	public String getRecipeIcon(int grade)
		return "icon.etc_recipe_" + (grade == 1 ? "blue" : grade == 2 ? "yellow" : grade == 3 ? "red" : grade == 4 ? "violet" : grade == 5 ? "black" : "white") + "_i00";
	public String getCrystalIcon(int grade)
		return "icon.etc_crystal_" + (grade == 1 ? "blue" : grade == 2 ? "green" : grade == 3 ? "red" : grade == 4 ? "silver" : grade == 5 ? "gold" : "white") + "_i00";
	public void sendOutOfItems(L2PcInstance player, String count, String itemname)
		NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
		StringBuilder replyMSG = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
		replyMSG.append(getName() + ":<br>");
		replyMSG.append("Come back later, when you will have  <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + count + "</font>  of " + itemname + ".");
	public void sendCraftedItems(L2PcInstance player, int success, int failed, String itemname)
		NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
		StringBuilder replyMSG = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
		replyMSG.append(getName() + ":<br>");
		if (success == 0)
			replyMSG.append("I am sorry, " + player.getName() + ", but all attempts to create <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + itemname + "</font> failed. All your materials have been lost.");
		else if (failed == 0)
			replyMSG.append("Congratulations, " + player.getName() + ", I created " + success + " <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + itemname + "</font> for you!");
			replyMSG.append("Here you go, " + player.getName() + ", " + success + " <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + itemname + "</font> successfully created, but " + failed + " broken while craft.");
	public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val)
		String pom = "";
		if (val == 0)
			pom = "" + npcId;
			pom = npcId + "-" + val;
		return "data/html/default/" + pom + ".htm";


Edited by stalker66
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On 7/14/2019 at 1:06 PM, SweeTs said:

... && !_item.isEquipped()


That's all you have to add to your check(s).

Thanks SweeTs! Im sorry for the late response, I just didn't have time to test it! But I did now and its works! Thanks a bunch! On the other hand, I encountered a problem with this code. As it seems if a player selects more than 21 items to crystallise, the game client crashes with the following error.


History: FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 00000034 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*4 <- NCHtmlViewer::ReleaseHtml <- NCHtmlViewer::LoadHtmlFormString <- NCNPCHtmlViewer::LoadHtml <- NConsoleWnd::ReceiveHtmlMessage <- UGameEngine::OnNpcHtmlMessage <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=NpcHtmlMessageP <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


My guess is it has to do with the limitations of the html files but im not sure.

My question, is there a way I can limit the number of items the player can select? If its possible, I would appreciate any help.


Here is a link to the Craft Manager in works:



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Yea, pagination (pages) are required. I guess you won't handle it alone, but you can try. You can take a look at acis sources, admin command handler, memos file for example.


Eventually, easier, you can limit items show view to 20. Under a foor loop, you have to add some counter and break loop if reached.

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1 minute ago, SweeTs said:

Yea, pagination (pages) are required. I guess you won't handle it alone, but you can try. You can take a look at acis sources, admin command handler, memos file for example.

Yes, but I have the pages set, a max of 6 items/ page, problem is when you check the items and go over the 21 checkboxes ticked, then it crashes. But I will check out the acis, thanks for the hint.

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Restrict it to 10 items checked max. You already got a counter, so it's easy to implement.


If you don't want to impose a limit to the user, you have to paginate as SweeTs says. //bk admincommand on aCis would give you some hints about how to do it and keep it readable.




Your own code got a pagination system, already, normally.


int _itemsOnPage = ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
			int _pages = _items.size() / _itemsOnPage;
			if (_items.size() > (_pages * _itemsOnPage))
			if (_pageId > _pages)
				_pageId = _pages;
			int _itemStart = _pageId * _itemsOnPage;
			int _itemEnd = _items.size();
			if ((_itemEnd - _itemStart) > _itemsOnPage)
				_itemEnd = _itemStart + _itemsOnPage;


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So apparently this is the error it throws now... even though it worked. Now for some reason, it wont return any item from the players inventory at all. 

Bad RequestBypassToServer: java.lang.NullPointerException
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
	at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:68)
	at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:662)
	at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:770)
	at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2CraftManagerInstance.onBypassFeedback(L2CraftManagerInstance.java:69)
	at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.runImpl(RequestBypassToServer.java:526)
	at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.clientpackets.GameClientPacket.run(GameClientPacket.java:55)
	at org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.GameClient.run(GameClient.java:837)
	at org.l2jmobius.commons.concurrent.RunnableWrapper.run(RunnableWrapper.java:38)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1130)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:630)
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:832)


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