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Gatekeeper > Bsoe


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36 minutes ago, Dhrayn said:



Hello. I want to ask how to make using gatekeeper teleports like bsoe animation?


Go in


find the line that teleport the player, it should look like "activeChar.teleToLocation" or something

and add a line to broadcast the soe animation.

  • 0
40 minutes ago, Kara` said:


Go in


find the line that teleport the player, it should look like "activeChar.teleToLocation" or something

and add a line to broadcast the soe animation.

Here is nothing with that:


public final class L2TeleporterInstance extends L2FolkInstance
    // private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(L2TeleporterInstance.class);
    /** The Constant COND_ALL_FALSE. */
    private static final int COND_ALL_FALSE = 0;
    /** The Constant COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE. */
    private static final int COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE = 1;
    /** The Constant COND_OWNER. */
    private static final int COND_OWNER = 2;
    /** The Constant COND_REGULAR. */
    private static final int COND_REGULAR = 3;
     * Instantiates a new l2 teleporter instance.
     * @param objectId the object id
     * @param template the template
    public L2TeleporterInstance(final int objectId, final L2NpcTemplate template)
        super(objectId, template);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2FolkInstance#onBypassFeedback(com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance, java.lang.String)
    public void onBypassFeedback(final L2PcInstance player, final String command)
        if (Olympiad.getInstance().isRegisteredInComp(player))
            player.sendMessage("You are not allowed to use a teleport while registered in olympiad game.");
        if (player.isAio() && !Config.ALLOW_AIO_USE_GK)
            player.sendMessage("Aio Buffers Can't Use Teleports");
        final int condition = validateCondition(player);
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " ");
        String actualCommand = st.nextToken(); // Get actual command
        if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("goto"))
            final int npcId = getTemplate().npcId;
            switch (npcId)
                case 31095: //
                case 31096: //
                case 31097: //
                case 31098: // Enter Necropolises
                case 31099: //
                case 31100: //
                case 31101: //
                case 31102: //
                case 31114: //
                case 31115: //
                case 31116: // Enter Catacombs
                case 31117: //
                case 31118: //
                case 31119: //
                case 31103: //
                case 31104: //
                case 31105: //
                case 31106: // Exit Necropolises
                case 31107: //
                case 31108: //
                case 31109: //
                case 31110: //
                case 31120: //
                case 31121: //
                case 31122: // Exit Catacombs
                case 31123: //
                case 31124: //
                case 31125: //
            if (st.countTokens() <= 0)
            final int whereTo = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
            if (condition == COND_REGULAR)
                doTeleport(player, whereTo);
            else if (condition == COND_OWNER)
                int minPrivilegeLevel = 0; // NOTE: Replace 0 with highest level when privilege level is implemented
                if (st.countTokens() >= 1)
                    minPrivilegeLevel = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
                if (10 >= minPrivilegeLevel)
                    doTeleport(player, whereTo);
                    player.sendMessage("You don't have the sufficient access level to teleport there.");
        st = null;
        actualCommand = null;
        super.onBypassFeedback(player, command);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance#getHtmlPath(int, int)
    public String getHtmlPath(final int npcId, final int val)
        String pom = "";
        if (val == 0)
            pom = "" + npcId;
            pom = npcId + "-" + val;
        return "data/html/teleporter/" + pom + ".htm";
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance#showChatWindow(com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance)
    public void showChatWindow(final L2PcInstance player)
        String filename = "data/html/teleporter/castleteleporter-no.htm";
        final int condition = validateCondition(player);
        if (condition == COND_REGULAR)
        else if (condition > COND_ALL_FALSE)
            if (condition == COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE)
                filename = "data/html/teleporter/castleteleporter-busy.htm"; // Busy because of siege
            else if (condition == COND_OWNER)
                filename = getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 0); // Owner message window
        NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
        html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));
        html.replace("%npcname%", getName());
        filename = null;
        html = null;
     * Do teleport.
     * @param player the player
     * @param val the val
    private void doTeleport(final L2PcInstance player, final int val)
        L2TeleportLocation list = TeleportLocationTable.getInstance().getTemplate(val);
        if (list != null)
            // you cannot teleport to village that is in siege
            if (!SiegeManager.getInstance().is_teleport_to_siege_allowed() && SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ()) != null && !player.isNoble())
                player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_PORT_THAT_IS_IN_SIGE));
            else if (!SiegeManager.getInstance().is_teleport_to_siege_town_allowed() && TownManager.getInstance().townHasCastleInSiege(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY()) && !player.isNoble())
                player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_PORT_THAT_IS_IN_SIGE));
            else if (!player.isGM() && !Config.FLAGED_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK && player.getPvpFlag() > 0)
                player.sendMessage("Don't run from PvP! You will be able to use the teleporter only after your flag is gone.");
            else if (player.isAio() && !Config.ALLOW_AIO_USE_GK)
                player.sendMessage("Aio Buffers are not allowed to use GateKeepers.");
            else if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK && player.getKarma() > 0) // karma
                SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2);
                sm.addString("Go away, you're not welcome here.");
                sm = null;
            else if (list.getIsForNoble() && !player.isNoble())
                String filename = "data/html/teleporter/nobleteleporter-no.htm";
                NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
                html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));
                html.replace("%npcname%", getName());
                html = null;
                filename = null;
            else if (player.isAlikeDead())
                player.sendMessage("You can't use teleport when you are dead.");
            else if (player.isSitting())
                player.sendMessage("You can't use teleport when you are sitting.");
            else if (list.getTeleId() == 9982 && list.getTeleId() == 9983 && list.getTeleId() == 9984 && getNpcId() == 30483 && player.getLevel() >= Config.CRUMA_TOWER_LEVEL_RESTRICT)
                // Chars level XX can't enter in Cruma Tower. Retail: level 56 and above
                final int maxlvl = Config.CRUMA_TOWER_LEVEL_RESTRICT;
                String filename = "data/html/teleporter/30483-biglvl.htm";
                NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
                html.replace("%allowedmaxlvl%", "" + maxlvl + "");
                filename = null;
                html = null;
            // Lilith and Anakim have BossZone, so players must be allowed to enter
            else if (list.getTeleId() == 450)
                if (Config.DEBUG)
                    LOGGER.debug("Teleporting player " + player.getName() + " to new location: " + list.getLocX() + ":" + list.getLocY() + ":" + list.getLocZ());
                final L2BossZone _zone = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getZone(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ());
                _zone.allowPlayerEntry(player, 300);
                player.teleToLocation(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ(), true);
            else if (!list.getIsForNoble() && (Config.ALT_GAME_FREE_TELEPORT || player.reduceAdena("Teleport", list.getPrice(), this, true)))
                if (Config.DEBUG)
                    LOGGER.debug("Teleporting player " + player.getName() + " to new location: " + list.getLocX() + ":" + list.getLocY() + ":" + list.getLocZ());
                player.teleToLocation(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ(), true);
            else if (list.getIsForNoble() && (Config.ALT_GAME_FREE_TELEPORT || player.destroyItemByItemId("Noble Teleport", 6651, list.getPrice(), this, true)))
                if (Config.DEBUG)
                    LOGGER.debug("Teleporting player " + player.getName() + " to new location: " + list.getLocX() + ":" + list.getLocY() + ":" + list.getLocZ());
                player.teleToLocation(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ(), true);
            LOGGER.warn("No teleport destination with id:" + val);
        list = null;
     * Validate condition.
     * @param player the player
     * @return the int
    private int validateCondition(final L2PcInstance player)
        if (CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleIndex(this) < 0) // Teleporter isn't on castle ground
            return COND_REGULAR; // Regular access
        else if (getCastle().getSiege().getIsInProgress()) // Teleporter is on castle ground and siege is in progress
            return COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE; // Busy because of siege
        else if (player.getClan() != null) // Teleporter is on castle ground and player is in a clan
            if (getCastle().getOwnerId() == player.getClanId()) // Clan owns castle
                return COND_OWNER; // Owner
        return COND_ALL_FALSE;


  • 0
55 minutes ago, Kara` said:

How it has no 


I already seen it 3 times and i didn't even hit Control + F. 

There isn't, there is only player.teleToLocation :(

  • 0
1 hour ago, Kara` said:

How it has no 


I already seen it 3 times and i didn't even hit Control + F. 

and how it must looks like? Because i don't know what to do here.

  • 0
7 minutes ago, Dhrayn said:

and how it must looks like? Because i don't know what to do here.


That some basic knowledge of java. Obviously the variable name (i refer to activeChar) wont be the same. In your case is player.teleToLocation().


Now after that you can add the line you can get from BSOE which broadcast the animation.

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