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Nothing special, just some small trivia engine I wrote back in 2012 for my server that I haven't been using since then because I dropped out this feature, so I leave it here if someone finds use for it


package drake.aepvp.l2event;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import l2.ae.pvp.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import l2.ae.pvp.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import l2.ae.pvp.gameserver.network.serverpackets.CreatureSay;
import l2.ae.pvp.gameserver.util.Broadcast;
import l2.ae.pvp.gameserver.util.Util;
import l2.ae.pvp.util.Rnd;

public class TriviaEngine
	private static final ArrayList<TriviaTemplate> _trivias = new ArrayList<>();
	public TriviaEngine()
		final File file = new File("./data/trivia.txt");
		try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)))
			String line;
			while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
				final String[] explode = line.split(" - ");
				_trivias.add(new TriviaTemplate(explode[0], explode[1]));
			System.out.println("Succesfully loaded " + _trivias.size() + " Trivia Quizes!");
		catch (final Exception e)
			System.out.println("Unsuccesfully loaded " + _trivias.size() + " Trivia Quizes!");
		if (_trivias.size() > 10)
			ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(() ->
				TriviaEvent.currentTrivia = new TriviaEvent();
			}, 1800000, 1600000 + Rnd.get(400000));
	public static class TriviaEvent
		private static TriviaEvent currentTrivia;
		private static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
		private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		private L2PcInstance closeAnswer;
		private final TriviaTemplate trivia;
		public TriviaEvent()
			trivia = Util.getRandomItem(_trivias);
			Broadcast("PM \"trivia with the answer.");
			ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(() ->
				if (currentTrivia == this)
					Broadcast("The correct answer was " + trivia.getAnswer() + ", unfortunately nobody found the answer before the deadline.");
					if (closeAnswer != null)
						Broadcast(closeAnswer.getName() + " wins a small reward for being close enough!");
						reward(closeAnswer, 0);
					currentTrivia = null;
			}, 90000);
		private long getTimePassedMillis()
			return System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
		public void check(final L2PcInstance player, String answer)
			final long timePassed = getTimePassedMillis();
			toTrivia(player, answer, timePassed);
			answer = answer.toLowerCase();
			final String correct = trivia.getAnswer().toLowerCase();
			if (answer.equals(correct))
				fromTrivia(player, "That is the correct answer!");
				reward(player, timePassed);
				Broadcast(player.getName() + " found the answer in " + format(timePassed) + " seconds!");
				Broadcast("The correct answer was " + trivia.getAnswer() + ".");
				currentTrivia = null;
			else if (answer.length() > 1 && (correct.indexOf(answer) != -1 || correct.startsWith(answer) || correct.endsWith(answer)))
				fromTrivia(player, "You are close!");
				if (closeAnswer == null)
					closeAnswer = player;
				fromTrivia(player, "Thats the incorrect answer.");
		private void reward(final L2PcInstance player, final long time)
			if (time == 0)
				player.addItem("Trivia", 6320, 1, player, true);
			else if (time < 4333)
				player.addItem("Trivia", 6320, 4, player, true);
			else if (time < 8666)
				player.addItem("Trivia", 6320, 3, player, true);
			else if (time < 91000)
				player.addItem("Trivia", 6320, 2, player, true);
		private static void toTrivia(final L2PcInstance player, final String msg, final long timePassed)
			final CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(0, 2, "->Trivia", "you answered \"" + msg + "\" in " + format(timePassed) + " seconds.");
		private static void fromTrivia(final L2PcInstance player, final String msg)
			final CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(0, 2, "Trivia", msg);
		public void Broadcast(final String msg)
			Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, 18, "", "Trivia: " + msg));
		private static String format(final long time)
			return df.format((double) time / 1000);
		public static TriviaEvent getCurrentTrivia()
			return currentTrivia;
	public static class TriviaTemplate
		private final String _question;
		private final String _answer;
		public TriviaTemplate(final String question, final String answer)
			_question = question;
			_answer = answer;
		public String getQuestion()
			return _question;
		public String getAnswer()
			return _answer;
	public static class InstanceHolder
		protected static TriviaEngine instance = new TriviaEngine();
	public static TriviaEngine getInstance()
		return InstanceHolder.instance;




To connect it to your gameserver just put this somewhere in Say2.java

if (_type == TELL && "trivia".equalsIgnoreCase(_target))
	final TriviaEvent trivia = TriviaEngine.TriviaEvent.getCurrentTrivia();
	if (trivia == null)
		activeChar.sendMessage("Could not find an active Trivia Event.");
		trivia.check(activeChar, _text);

Trivia data I was using (I generated this with a java program that was leeching QAs from various sites)





Things you have to do by urself:

Don't ask the same question within a time period

Create your own QA data on trivias.txt

Unhardcode the rewards or just edit them

impelement a //reload feature


The code is tested on live server and worked great, but it is not unit tested and I don't remember if these functions are regex vulnerable


  • Upvote 1
1 hour ago, xxdem said:

didnt even touch the code, not showing off anything here just a nice feature

It's both an old shared feature and really poor code.

Just now, xxdem said:

feel free to fix it

To fix it I would have to rewrite it. I'm not gonna rewrite a shared feature.

42 minutes ago, ImBatman said:

Elfo calm down you're decent in coding but even this does not mean that back in 2012 you did binary exploitation. Obviously xdem is also decent in coding but as he mentioned the code is 6 years ago. 


I'm referring to both of you. Voluntarily you're just feeding some people like Melron and baksteen who are searching in stackoverflow and Ctrl C Ctrl V code.

You are bat man. nothing special

12 minutes ago, Solomun said:

Thanks for share! Feel free to share more of your codes :)


im making a massive clean on my project so I will probably share more

2 minutes ago, xxdem said:


im making a massive clean on my project so I will probably share more

Good news for the forum then!


I personally would be glad to see them :)

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