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Poia htan h prwth sas epilogi L2 char otan ksekinisate to L2 kai giati ton epileksate?

poion server k giati?


O 1st mou char htan enas Bladedancer,ton epileksa epidi htan Dark elf kai htan poli cool se emfanisi alla poio poli epidi mou arese to class name mou (like Blade-dancer ww0000www ;D


server:st0rmgaming  x50 giati sto Gnet pou arxisa na paizw L2 oloi epaizan afton ton server kai genika oloi epaizan L2!


ego protos char itan gladiator itan human kai  etixe na gino gladi afou itan gladi kai o filos m p m emathe l2 ti tha ginomoun??? :D


protos server itan o illicit alla posi sintoma ton stamatisa(chars kato apo 40lvl diagrafontousan ana kamposo kairo kai etc m ixe diagrafi poles fores o char ara ksenera :D)

kai meta epeksa enan low rate pali gladi  kai eki den iksera ti m ginotan :D alla ixe fash :D


egw pali ston tg c3 me ebale ena filaraki m kai ekana human mage epidh ithela na einai san ton gandalf name:Stamatakos


mexri 29 lvl ton piga dn me arese kai ekana new DaggerIsMyLifeII <3


l2 st0rmgaming.. Lionna


HuMan... Gt i8ela na kanw arch3r huMan ^^


haha etrexes ka8olou coliseum? gt sigoura 8a me eixes dei me thn StupidGril(name) na rixnw 10-10 ta atoma full buffed :P

se kapoia fash empene enas gm k me ekane cancel hahahah!


me ti name epaizes?


emena o protos m Gladiator ...meta brika ena bug me ta filarakia m k eimastan multi xD


1os m server FightClub (ton kratouse ena net..dn 3erw an epezan alloi :P) C4 x200 :P


1os server Bnb c3... ekana elfina name Pilor... thymamai sta 15 lvl kapou eki.. eirthan 2 paixtes st elven village ntimainei D.. kai m edosan kati nograde fist me p.attack 34.. po po ti xara eixa tote gt eixa to kalytero gear apo olous tous filous mou..


1os server Bnb c3... ekana elfina name Pilor... thymamai sta 15 lvl kapou eki.. eirthan 2 paixtes st elven village ntimainei D.. kai m edosan kati nograde fist me p.attack 34.. po po ti xara eixa tote gt eixa to kalytero gear apo olous tous filous mou..


hahaha fist sou edwsan? xD

ti na ta kaneis? :P

malon gia na se vlepoun na xwneis me afta k na se koroidevoun heheheh(plakitsa)


haha etrexes ka8olou coliseum? gt sigoura 8a me eixes dei me thn StupidGril(name) na rixnw 10-10 ta atoma full buffed :P

se kapoia fash empene enas gm k me ekane cancel hahahah!


me ti name epaizes?


Ntax xalarwse to liGo... :P 10-10.. ksefyges...


Epaiza me name Punisher k KarmaArrows


Btw sixnaza coli me 5 buffers apeksw na me perimenoUn ;)

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