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Lineage 2 CritZone Interlude Server.

-Rates: 100xp/100sp/100adena/50pt xp/1drop/1spoil.

-Enchant Rates: 65%(weapon),60%(armor),55%(jewel)

-Max weapon enchant is +25, armor/jewels +10

-Very Balanced Classes

-Rebirth System,Refining System,Special Noblesse System

-Olympiad every day from 8:00 PM to 00:00.

-Custom Weapons/Armors/Jewels

-Special Raids with special drops

-Special Accesoryes

-Apella,Epic,Dynasty Armors

-Castle Sieges every week-end

-Special Clan Halls

And much more!

Join Now!;)


Link: http://www.critzone.com (the site is under construction)


u can log and see :X its not so difficult... michael what community u have on your srv??


No, cuz mi internet is really lag, so download a system to see that is not a good business..


Is better ask here .. and i dont lose really important time..


Yes it's l2off, and about the Noblesse System you have to bring to a NPC 4 crowns(red-from golkonda,silver-from cabrio,black-from hallate and gold from kernon) and to have 3 rebirths(you can perform a rebirth only if you have min lvl 78,max rebirths 3 and if you have a rebirth you can take rebirth tattoos wich gives atk speed/health/casting etc.)


well , i got some problem with the autoupdater..


when it reaches to dl the file l2encdec.exe


it stucks and it gives me an error..


can u please upload a normal patch? u know. .rar or .zip file?


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