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Fak_r1p [Scammer]


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Hello, this topic is useless since he is new member (not vip) but just a warning to whoever open buisness with this person.

I said i need 7-10 days to complete his request and we had a deal in some money. I worked for 4 days and at that day he stopped sending me. 

Today he told me he dont want work with me cause i didnt finish his request by the time even tho it was just 4th day and i had 3-6 more days and

he won't pay me.


Any moderator can join and check skype or send photos by the time i said i'll finish it and by the time he said he won't work with me to prove that i haven't

pass the limit. He just change mood fast and he found new deal bying Lineage 2 Dreams.


I don't care if he get banned (he is 3 post account for god sake..) Just for client devs who will work with him beware. I was friendly with him, i defended him in this topic

where all are against 


I went against aVVe and others who flame him cause he change his mood in a second but now he proved to be a bitch by simply finding best offer. 

I asked him to pay me at least 20% of what we deal for the 4 days i worked and to continue work together and he denied working with me + pay me. 


Any mod who want can join my PC or ask for photos from skype to see the dates e.t.c 


Profil: https://maxcheaters.com/profile/215053-fak_r1p/

(He is goin to re-open Lineage 2 Dreams)

Edited by Evie Frye
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I don't want to argue you and especialy here , the thing is very simple at the start we agreed into giving you money every time you add something to the server . You said everything will last 4-5 days TOP , after 4 days you didn't even made the Event Engine so our deal is off , and afterwards you ask me 50 euro more only because you worked on the engine . Dude 1 thing is for sure working at a thing but not being able to do'it is not the same with working and being able to keep your word. 


PS: at the end i even told you if you show me the EVENT ENGINE is working i will give you the extra money but you refused Case Closed. Good luck

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19 minutes ago, Fak_r1p said:

I don't want to argue you and especialy here , the thing is very simple at the start we agreed into giving you money every time you add something to the server . You said everything will last 4-5 days TOP , after 4 days you didn't even made the Event Engine so our deal is off , and afterwards you ask me 50 euro more only because you worked on the engine . Dude 1 thing is for sure working at a thing but not being able to do'it is not the same with working and being able to keep your word. 


PS: at the end i even told you if you show me the EVENT ENGINE is working i will give you the extra money but you refused Case Closed. Good luck


No it's not about money its about breaking deal and working with someone else when i said 7-10 days. U stopped our coop in 4th day. So basically you're a scammer cause i worked for 4 days for nothing. I don't care if u didn't take ur work u cannot put someone to work for 4 days while u have a deal and at the end change ur mind. Go make a pro server kid

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i've been scammed a million times but trust me i would never do something like that , i payed you 50 at start for nothing then i told you i will add every time i see some progress after 4 days you didn't even finished the event engine .. 4 days man , of course i can not pay you for just not doing nothing i am sorry  as i said this is my last post good luck and ... yeah .

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you know i created an engine in 4 hours but i was fixing stuff for the next 2 days but not everybody can make a fucking engine in 4 days dude and since its prepaid he should have at least 1-2 days free pass i am telling you a gain its AN ENGINE its not title colors or in general 4 lines of code but i would like to know how many events are inside and why

4 hours ago, Fak_r1p said:

i payed you 50 at start for nothing then i told you i will add every time i see some progress after 4 days you didn't even finished the event engine ..

you pay in start to "close the deal and the persons time to start it"

then you told him (out of the deal?) that you pay every time you see some progress so that changes the deal to free time for me but you decide to cut him off (what a bastard if you want my friendly oppinion)

4 hours ago, Fak_r1p said:

 4 days man , of course i can not pay you for just not doing nothing i am sorry

how you want to see progress on an engine thats not finished join the test server and then what? if the engine is not finished all the proper checks it wont start or it wont work at all, i am sorry but you're bad


the fact that he ditched him for another dev and beign total dick for me its a scam

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10 hours ago, Fak_r1p said:

i've been scammed a million times but trust me i would never do something like that , i payed you 50 at start for nothing then i told you i will add every time i see some progress after 4 days you didn't even finished the event engine .. 4 days man , of course i can not pay you for just not doing nothing i am sorry  as i said this is my last post good luck and ... yeah .


What a fucking liar you're, you're a fucking married man probably 30-32 years old and you lie over a forum because you opened a server and you don't want bad reputation? What a girly attitude. When 2 PEOPLE have a deal. You cannot cut the deal before is over. I said 10 days and you stopped our deal in 4th day. 

let's ignore the fact that i was pming you 3 days and you didn't answer. So how the deal is off when it's only 4 days while deal was for 10? I said ill finish the engine within the first days and i did it + you joined and play. The Instances and other shit i would focus on the end but simply what you can't admit is that you found another deal from the stupid dev who gave u Lineage 2 Dream files and you try act as if i broke the deal to avoid pay me. You're a scammer nothing more. 3 days ago all forum flamed you including Strain and aVVe cause and i joined and defended you and 2 days later you betray me. At least inform your wife that you're a pussy and nothing more. 


Lineage 2 Dreams wannabe owner who expect 5.000 people rofl

Edited by Evie Frye
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Why don't you give moderator access to group chat we did to show all people that our deal was for 10 days and you cut me off at the 3rd one? 

You afraid kiddo? It's not about money it's about deal so plz show them our group history :) 


And you know what is more ironic? I even helped you - adviced you 3 days now . So just by this you're a whore Nothing more. I might no be the best person in the forum and have a bad history (which i did restore) but your move quiting me for another dev and let me wait 3 days and lying is even more gay


@Maxtor for once take a fucking action... you got 30 euro to advertise a scammer's server. Just take a fair action for once.

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