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Spawn one monster after anothers death


5 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

It is exactly what does the script SummonMinions (can be named differently on different pack than aCis, but it exists on every L2J server normally). Simply add your own entry on MINIONS Map.


About the chance aspect, you have to edit it slightly to add such stuff, since it's 100% chance for now. That's a matter of 5 lines : make your own class holding the int[] and the int chance and feed Map with this class model instead of int[], then you Rnd.get( your chance.

Edited by Tryskell
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Toi angels works like that. You kill monster x, and angel appears, simply do the same stuff and add chance. 



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1 hour ago, SweeTs said:

Toi angels works like that. You kill monster x, and angel appears, simply do the same stuff and add chance. 




Right, SummonMinions is only on attack.

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I want to modify acis packet to spawn 5 mobs of the same type in FoG with a chance after a mob uses the skill 'NPC Death Bomb'

This is actually what happen on retail. Any ideas how to achieve that?

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I found the solution and share it

I added this new Class into  net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.scripts.ai.group

 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.scripts.ai.group;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.commons.random.Rnd;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.EventType;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.QuestState;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.scripts.ai.L2AttackableAIScript;

 * Forge of the Gods spawns... When one mob dies, there is a chance to spawn 5 other mobs of the same type.
public class ForgeOfTheGods extends L2AttackableAIScript
	private static final Map<Integer, Integer> FOG_SPAWNS = new HashMap<>();
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21376, 21376);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21377, 21377);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21378, 21378);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21379, 21379);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21380, 21380);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21381, 21381);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21382, 21382);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21383, 21383);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21384, 21384);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21385, 21385);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21386, 21386);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21387, 21387);
//		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21388, 21388); // Archer type
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21389, 21389);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21390, 21390);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21391, 21391);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21392, 21392);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21393, 21393);
//		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21394, 21394); // Lavasaurus
//		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21395, 21395); // Elder Lavasaurus
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21652, 21652);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21653, 21653);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21654, 21654);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21655, 21655);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21656, 21656);
		FOG_SPAWNS.put(21657, 21657);
	public ForgeOfTheGods()
	protected void registerNpcs()
		addEventIds(FOG_SPAWNS.keySet(), EventType.ON_SPELL_FINISHED);
	public String onSpellFinished(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, L2Skill skill)
		if (skill.getId() == 4614)
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				final L2Attackable newNpc = (L2Attackable) addSpawn(FOG_SPAWNS.get(npc.getNpcId()), npc, false, 0, false);
				attack(newNpc, player);
			if (player != null) {
				// Output list.
				final List<L2PcInstance> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
				int torch = 7264;
				String qn = "Q617_GatherTheFlames";
				QuestState st = null;
				if (player.isInParty())
					// Filter candidates from player's party.
					for (L2PcInstance partyMember : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
						st = partyMember.getQuestState(qn);
						// Check party members' quest state and range from npc.
						if (st.isStarted() && partyMember.isInsideRadius(npc, Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE, true, false))
					if (!candidates.isEmpty())
						Rnd.get(candidates).getQuestState(qn).dropItemsAlways(torch, 1, 0);
					st = player.getQuestState(qn);
					if (st.isStarted())
						st.dropItemsAlways(torch, 1, 0);
		return null;

and the following line into gameserver/data/xml/scipts.xml

	<script path="scripts.ai.group.ForgeOfTheGods"/>


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