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You would like to play on a retail-like Interlude without donations ?


You would like to play on a retail-like Interlude, mid rate without donations ?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. You would like to play on a retail-like Interlude without donations ?

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I would like to know if you will want to play on a Interlude mid rate server, retail, with no changes in game and without dontaions.  Of course, well advertisied.

Edited by KREPT
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Depends. I think a lot of players have problem joining a non-"brand name" servers, because they often close within a month if they don't have enough online... Interlude midrate is also a bit tricky because there's already estabilished community of midrate IL servers, for example Mid or Neo... Sure they're basically purely donation-based but people who play there already know they're going to play 3 months top and then just wait for the new server.

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I appreciate your comment. Brand-name doesn't mean quality, sometimes is about quantity... Lineage 2 was my hobby long time ago, I remember Dex, Wrath, Arion, Hydra and so on. I came back to play Lineage 2 and surprise, I cannot find a retail server and an idea came in my mind.
I'm curious to see if players still love retail servers, is 2017, yea, people are getting lazy to farm on a old game but some people, I think, that they will play. That's why I made this poll.
The main idea is that I would like to make a fully retail-like server, something like 'going in Giran and only normal NPCs', no Buffer, extra Shops and things like these. I played a lot of time SPS, BD, nowdays these classes are no longer used, sad...
 About my idea ? I have the budget, I'm working in one of the biggest company in London. 
People are scared of donations, that is a fact. About my new server I have an idea about donations, I will come with this idea when the time will come.
Herlitz, but if someone will guarantee longevity ? You will play ? 

Edited by KREPT
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Well if someone was to guarantee that the server is going to run and be actively taken care of even if the online drops lets say below 100 then I'm sure it could attract some people, but it's hard to believe these days...

Lots of servers say 'we will be online for many years to come' but then the online drops, the donations are non-existent and suddenly it's difficult for admins to both:

a) find money to keep the server alive and
b) be motivated enough to keep working on it, making new ads to attract new people etc.

Also it's Interlude so if you were to open a midrate, you probably couldn't be completely 'retail', because there needs to be some extra endgame content to keep the players interested in a long run... Let's say it's 20x rates, in 2 months people get top equip and ++'s, what else can you do there without custom content?

That being said, I like the idea of having as little customization as possible, but as I said I strongly believe that Interlude midrates can't run in a longterm without some kind of customization :)


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I think to keep a server alive you need just few houndreds...come on !

I'm coming with a new initiative, with some new ideas. Right now I just want to see some opinions, some suggestions.

Let's say that a have a good budget, good files of Interlude and Gracia Final and I would like to make a Interlude server between 5-15x, retail, only some quests drop rate changes and that's it. You would join ? 
I really want a server that players to choose between all the classes. Long time ago a step back was mana drugs, it's a huge extra plus for magicians. After that, they added buffer npc with longern duration of buffs, they killed the buffers [sws, buffer, bd]. I don't want to have these on my server. I want a pure server.

About things that make people to be scared, like donations. I'm honest with you, on my server we will have donations but not for armors and weapons. Where are the money will go ? Plenty of admins are scared of this question. I'm coming with something unusual. A part of the money will go back to players ( example: solo/ groups events with real money prizes)  and another part will go to charitable foundations, one example is Unicef.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In every server i play i donate for 2 reasons..firstly because the developer works on it and i think he/she must be paid for his/her work..and the second reason is because i believe with no donations the server will close..so i wont take the risk  playing in a server with no donatios

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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

If I get in a hardcore CP then yes! Coz I know how it feels like getting nowhere when ppl are not online farming/pvp... I heard some top CP even have 2-3 ppl playing on one char, just to rush for exp

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