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D-Grade Weapons (Enchant Mesh + Augment Effects)


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Hello everyone,

 I would like to ask, how is it possible to add D grade weapons, Enchant (smoke) effect when it hits +7, and also an augmentation glow when its augmented. (PS: I`ve enabled augmentation for D weps, i just need a guide how to edit and put both enchant glow and augmentation effects.)

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open weapongrp.dat

ok you opened it now with l2fileedit...

after that see for example carnage bow (any of them) line...

copy that line in a notepad++

after that see any D grade bow line and copy that too

you have now 2 different lines

copy from carnage bow the enchant glow and the augment glow numbers and replace into the D grade bow line and your done

do this for all other D grade weapons but remember, copy only from the same type of weapons for example...

from bow to bow

sword to sword

2hand sword to 2hand sword

blunt to blunt and i hope you get the main ideea...

have fun

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11 minutes ago, Dan7E2 said:

copy from carnage bow the enchant glow and the augment glow numbers

which ones exactly are considered Enchant and Augment glow numbers, please?

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Just now, Dubxsion said:

which ones exactly are considered Enchant and Augment glow numbers, please?

are something like "7877089800" you will understand....

copy only this numbers and replace

after test and see your result

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0	279	1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.strengthening_long_bow_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.strengthening_long_bow_t00_wp			icon.weapon_strengthening_long_bow_i00					-1	1820	51	1	0	14	5	1	LineageWeapons.strengthening_long_bow_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.strengthening_long_bow_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_big_3	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2	ItemSound.itemdrop_bow	ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	179	51	6	1	12	-3	0	0	0	227	5	10	3	1000	0	-1	0			0.0000000	-3.0000000	0.0000000	1.2000000	1.2000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.6000000	1.2000000	1.2000000	-0.8000000	0.5000000	0.0000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				

I don't seem to find any kind of number that's alike yours "7877089800"

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Solved it. Its from the last four numbers "

-1	-1	-1	-1	

where first line -1, goes 4 and the augment effect follows.

Edited by Dubxsion
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22 minutes ago, Dubxsion said:

Solved it. Its from the last four numbers "

-1	-1	-1	-1	

where first line -1, goes 4 and the augment effect follows.


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