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Lf This Interface Changes


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Hi all, I would like to know how it is possible to put these animations or interface inside my L2 interlude. I do not know anything about programming and I have been looking for and I have not seen anything here so I ask.
In serious matter:

- screen damage
- transparent skill bars
- change of color according to the target.

In the image you can appreciate everything I ask. Thank you all and I hope you can help me


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the only thing i can offer as help is


Target Icon

Hydro Animation

on Screen Damage


About interface sorry but i cannot give it because it's paid

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Would be good help, I do not want the interface just change those things. Would it be possible to modify some files to make the bars transparent?

take a look here if u want Transparent interface http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211772-customized-interface/

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thank you! and other things?


Target Icon

Hydro Animation

on Screen Damage


add me on skype and you will get all

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if celestine didnt already make what you needed i can help you with it, show how it's done so you can change it whenever you want too


i already send him what he needed.



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