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Posted (edited)

Hello MXC


My name is Alexandros

I'm Playing L2 since 2005...

The situation has never been so critical as today in 2017.


Due to the Lack of Quality Server... Lineage 2 Community is feeling extremely unsure.


I changed 10+ servers since December 2016. There is a VERY BIG misunderstanding here. Many GM's have actually no Idea what is good for Lineage2 economy but they still open a server.


Many GM's have never made 1st ,2nd class quest... never did 7s quest.. Never played on oldschool Servers.

Too many custom stuff = new server balanace = not original !


The is a ETERNAL dilemma in the world of Lineage 2 since the very beginning...

If we don't get rid of the major problematics...the game will die forever.

50% are pvp'ers / 50% farmers >> I Like both but I am a dwarv !!

50% like Full buffs / 50% like party old school style >> I like both !

50% solo / 50% not solo


L2 is  50% competitive & 50% Cooperative game = 100% SOCIAL Game 


So : I am looking for a Server that is suitable for all type off players .. oldschoolers and Modern players

and if I don't find it ... I will create a TEAM from MXC and create our own Home !


Visit My post for Info soon....to be continued

Edited by Olympus3000
Posted (edited)

Thank you for you comment guys :)
Well, first we need to agree , when was Lineage 2 alive for last time ??

Do you mean ..
in C4 .. in Interlude ...or H5 ?
Do you mean ..

Lineage 2 without Vitality points ?



What do you think about High-Five ? If we do some little changes .....


1) Vitality sytem must be deactivated to have oldSchool feeling again...
- Only after Valakas & Antharas death , 2-hours world buff +200% EXP/SP ..
When people use Vitality , most hunting zones become empty. Only few zones remain attractive to farm in.
Automaticly most of the Game Quests are never being done by players.
The Long-Play experience of old Days , died when Vitality System was Introduced.
Vitality Buff is indeed the worst NCSOFT feature ever !!

2) Giran Luxury Shop in H5 is TOTAL destruction for low LvL economy of High-Five !
- Remove all B & A grade items from Giran Luxury Shop.... Respect low lvl game:)
- Also remove Soul Crystals... ppl must not forget how you make SC in original way !
- retail Shop Soulshots: no/d/c grade only !
- Lesser Healing/Mana pots(per time) in retail Shops
- Greater Healing/Mana pots(per time) , only from drop / spoil / fishing !!
- Elixir > Fishing ! ..re-use time 3 min !
- Manor System active every 3 hours ! Total castle Investment will be split so every 3 hours players can buy some Manor Seeds if they are lucky !
- Manor System works automatic, even if Castle Lord is a noob !

3)The times have changed and we must finally respect solo-gamers !!

In 2017 not everybody can compete in retail-Like buff environment, although retail buff are more fun imo. Still, we need give a chance to those people,too. NCSOFT did this in the official server ,too. The reason is that people farm faster in x1 rates..Low rate is the only true way!

- Buff Duration: 60 min.

- Dance/Song Duration : 20 min

- CoV / PoW / PoF Duration: 10 min or 20 min.
- Newbie Buffer 6-85 lvl. + zerk option !
- Newbie Fighter/Mage Harmony 40min Buff, that will be classified as Dance/Song skill
- It will be weaker than all normal dance/songs in Total. ... Npc Harmony Buff disappear when player recieve 1 Song or Dance buff. - In order to make Live-Buffing better ..but also give a chance to Solo-farm at the same time.

- Buffstore available, only when online !!

4)Nerf S84 Item availability
- Remove "Legendary Tales" Quest... Vesper Weapons only from drop/spoil & craft !!! Replace with another Quest reward .
- Seed of Annihilation , should drop Vorpal items, as they are the most difficult hunting ground in the game.
- New options to upgrade A / S / S80 Items with noble stones ...in order to give more versatility to players in order to compete in high-lvl pvp'ing.

5) Add Custom Raids. Regular raid bosses , >>> perfect example is L2Toxic Server, which has 100+ Custom Raids.
6) New Drop/Spoil locations for ..... Coarse Bone Power...... Spoilers & Crafters know what I mean ;)

"...I think, that if a GM fix those things... a H5 server will gain in Lifetime Dramaticaly ! People with be able again to create a normal friendly economy again..."

The perfect rate for this should be:
XP/SP: x7 - x12
Adena: x7
Adena Drop chance: 70%

No Vitality Points, old way exp
Drop/Spoil chance: x7 - x12
Drop/Spoil Amount: x1 - x5 ..for crafting materials only
Raid Drops chance: x2 - x3
Raid Drop amount: x1
Quest EXP/SP: x7
Quest Drop chance: x1
Quest Drop Amount: x1 - x3 ( depending on quest )
Quest reward amount: x1 for expensive Items like Recipes/Full items/etc.. , x1- x5 for crafting mats / Enchants / Crystals / Key Mats
Player to Mob/Raid max.LvL Difference: 12 lvl
Free Delevel Npc at Towns: yes

Offline Shops: Yes (120 hours limited)

Online Buffstore: Yes (Unlimited) Set Minimum Price Limit !

Offline Buffstore: Yes (2hours Limited with time set option) reset every 24hours. Set Minimum Price Limit !

Alt-B Community Server Forum - Players Guides - Server Info -

No Alt-B other Custom Functions like Global GK ,Sell Items, Blacksmith, everything works through original NPC's

Thank you for your time reading my personal opinion that are based on the many expiriences I had on over 20 server so far..
Im happy for you opinion if you want :)

Edited by Olympus3000



w.o offense my friend but you cant do nothing about that, even if all the good devs cooperate together still the game will miss something

it's not your fault not even l2j devs fault. It is what it is Lineage 2 official died when it reached interlude thats it. After that everything went

to hell. It was cause of many reasons one of them was competitivity with WOW but NCSOFT sadly forgot the reason why players loved Lineage

and they changed it to make something similar to WOW everything that is related to game objectives etc.


But anyway my point is that if people not related to original official NCSOFT staff takes the game and try to make it better then sth is very

very wrong (aside the free option).

As a programmer/L2 player i saw and played on almost all the projects that have been created here but... it's like scratching the wall

full of bugs, many ingame issues, glitches, not right ballance of the chars etc and all that for what ? To revive one dead client and make it similar to the

official interlude when it was open many years ago. It's kinda stupid. I dont want to say that the devs who "plays" with l2j or what ever name

they gave to their projects are bad It's not that.

Everything is due to free work you cant tell to one guy to revive one dead client (c6 for example) working his ass all day alone most of the times

it's obvious that this project will have cracks. Dont forget the lineage 2 official game has a huge team if u go to see the credits on the game u will

understand what i mean.

So in the end even if u find 20 (fucking good) staff here who would work on this project for 1 year straight to make this game how you-they want.

It's not worth someone must pay all this guys.


One tip from  ex veteran L2 player is you can tell easily if the owner of the server loves the game or the money simply by the donation section.


Anyway sorry for the long post.

Posted (edited)

Do you know what server they are looking for?



  1. Auto account register and login within 10 seconds
  2. instant lvl 80 with top gear
  3. PI as pvp area 
  4. The only farm is top grade life stones which are in donation list too
  5. pvp until 1 week passed or get HERO
  6. l2.hopzone.net
  7. click at All lineage2 Servers link
  8. download the system
  9. repeat from (1)

Owners of a server:


  1. Open server
  2. get as much money you can
  3. close server
  4. edit the same server (htmls and npcs)
  5. repeat from (1)
Edited by melron

Few are good suggestions but in general what you wrote is your personal preference and what you liked in mixed servers you played.


Anyway Good Servers Exists , but people wants to play the 10000k online fakeplayers  servers etc.


Also the age of 9-18 WATCHING streams instead of actually playing some games.

Posted (edited)

Again, thank you all you for your comments. and ..No,Long post don't bother me at all LordPanic, they are very welcomed instead...


I want to answer to both statements that have been commented above and I shall start from the one with the shortest answer to Melron:
~ Yes Melron , You are totally right, some Owners Gm's just have money in mind and they repeat the same concept, for me that's literaly a scam! Also if you keep in mind that ALOT of players are just active during Winter Depressions, this is indeed an ugly picture, a few guys taking money out of the pockets of many. But we aren't we all responsible for our actions after all ? Aren't we the players that still Love this game not responsible if they don't grasp the chance to give it a try ?
~About the players, There are just too many players that believe its important to play on a server with high number of Players. PTS develpers are OFC much better in marketing than a single developer. But, my feeling is that there are many thousands people that actually miss the Original Lineage II feeling and the old good times. I want to know, can we take control of the ship ?






As Second I want to answer to LordPanic whom's comment was bit more extended..
NCSoFT Team indeed, left us alone! They Literally gave us just two options,
1) continue with GoD -
2) Stay where we're now and wait for our death.


NCSoFT even designed all Gracia chronicles and its feautures JUST to prepare the players for GoD and the "new" Lineage with the Awekened feutures....in order to finally get closer to the game feeling of WoW ,as you very well said.
The truth is that nobody from NCSoFT ever dropped a tear to update the old Database and give a self-sustainable character to the game for players who prefere to play on "old" Lineage 2.
I can even imagine that NCOSFT staff were debating strongly among them before GoD update was scheduled.
MY Counter-Question to you is simple: If Ncsoft doesn't care about "old" L2 which is a very Big game with a Big Legend behind it, who will ?? -if not the BEST private Lineage II developers ?? ...(I know I sound like a Korean nerd, but im not!)

My point is... millions of players around the world, and all those years there is still not a proper Lineage2-Mod that is actually usefull to the community in real scale! (Besides 1 or 2 teams that actually created something unique & Successful, like old Dragon-Network stack-subclass concept?? )
Unfortunately the only mods we have seen so far, satisfy only some individual fantasies of some owners/GM's and players. but not the needs of the whole community.
We need a "new" old-style "official" server made by a private team - pay-to-play if you ask me !
With real staff behind and real employers and founders of the company !
I am talking about a realy useful Mod for us, that has been created by a Team that is self confident for the changes it will perform and has a Visionary Leadership,too ~~ Literaly copying all functions of official NCSOFT staff.
you said ...


...anyway my point is that if people not related to original official NCSOFT staff takes the game and try to make it better then sth is very wrong (aside the free opinion).

As I said, even the most sophisticated private modifications that have been around so far are just reflections of a very little portion of Lineage2 community. Those projects still work on the old "Abandoned" database of NCSOFT. For this reason, all server face more or less the same problems and attract only one little portion of the Lineage people every time. For Lineage2 server to become world wide again, the game must be based on "Crafting & Exp'ing" combined in a new Game-play-Unifying-method that give free space for all different player-styles to coexist in the same server.

~ I am saying on the other hand: No Private project can re-unite all Lineager2 people in the world if they don't create a new database for mobs and farming!! (((This will automaticly create the nessesity to modify the game in a much broader way than we ever seen so far by a private team ,so far. Like, re-examine all 2000 mobs ..re-examine all drops & all catacombs & maps & npc chat screen & Quests ..re-build the old concept with new Mobs/Equipment/Features of Gracia & GoD!! Even Revive some old java features, like potions made out of herbs by elders or Tattoos, to attract the romantic noobs like me)))
One must Rework hunting grounds-farming methods and add some spicy new feutures that have been already tested many times successfuly in previous servers around (like buffstore and/or others..)

Can you name me one private project that has done all this work I mentioned above ? - There is not such Mod out there yet !
I think , because no Team ever was so self-confident to perform such a huge amount of modifications!
Because at the end, most developers turn pessimistic due to the lack of players that follow their concept !


But if this New Private Project that is composed by a team that is the same capable as the original L2 team and even create a new company to leagly hold this game , has truly the chance to break the Ice ...to shatter the grounds...to move the skies of Lineage 2 again and prepare everything for a new reunion.
As a reaction to the Ignorance that NCSOFT team show to their people !! -
At the end, this project might even become a real game ( pay-to-play) concept...
This team must have best marketing/promotion skills too in order to have a good start!! (Video promotion for youtube / facebook / social gaming media / magazines /etc..)
At the end, this project might become a new self-standing game by it self that will be labeled as a "Lineage II - MOD" in a pay-to-play availability. Is this still legal ?


Can you tell us what game features have been designed to make it look like WoW ? Do you mean, the fact that people farm more Instances to get equipment than traditional crafting methode?


I have been modding several games 'till now and I know that : In order to create a successful mod one must think as the developer him self and feel confident enought to try it.
and I am willing to learn everything I need to setup Home-server for me and my friends to make our first changes, starting from the drop/spoil database. I realy want to re-examine all mobs & Quests in the Lineage 2 world !
For this reason -
- I am looking for a friendly mentor to teach me how I can setup my home-server and learn step by step from his/her expiriences .. hehe
Thank you for your time

Edited by Olympus3000

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