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[C6]Patch By Eddy v4.5.7 NEW ! 2019-01-29

Message added by Psyancy

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ups my mistake... i thought you made hydro as wind shackle animation too (when you hit him)... my mistake again


Are u gonna add inventory of h5? like some patches?

Edited by kingrafter
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ups my mistake... i thought you made hydro as wind shackle animation too (when you hit him)... my mistake again


Are u gonna add inventory of h5? like some patches?

Wind shackle is only for aoe skills (blazing circle, aqua splash, and so on)

About interface ,dunno didnt saw any value in that , mby i will if there will be any appealing one.

I already have 2 diffrent interfaces bouth beeing usefull ( non cosmetic type)

Just thinking , if i should i upload a patch here with future updates  :not bad:

Edited by eddyteh
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  • 2 weeks later...


Added commands: alt+q = fog on/off




 explain me what you can do with that command ! :good sir:


  :troll:  O0

it literaly explains everything. If u hold ALT and then press Q on ur keyboard , u will turn on/off  fog , alt+e turn off / on all animations and ect..



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when you press frenzy after guts frenzy icon is on your head not guts


i will try to fix that issue upcoming skill under the head will be also FOI

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i will try to fix that issue upcoming skill under the head will be also FOI

tryed my self the foi animation above head, it looked kinda hard to spot , i prefer the standart blue / red circle imo

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