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Custom Npc After Cast Spell Freeze


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Hello, i have the problem, when add in custom npc a custom skill, he freeze when done casting spell, i do not know what to do :( how to fixs it maybe know?






Here is video:

Edited by Mellion
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so its textures problem :( maybe anyone know fixed those dragons

yes you can avoid using these fucking awful "shares"

'the vainglorious' has been posting his garbage for the past year or 2 and has made 0 improvements to it and still retains the same newbie problems that should have been addressed after his first post

Edited by big man bill
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yes you can avoid using these fucking awful "shares"

'the vainglorious' has been posting his garbage for the past year or 2 and has made 0 improvements to it and still retains the same newbie problems that should have been addressed after his first post

Where i can get good shares?

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Thanks for helping, its shine now more.

But its still same problem, he kinda freeze for every animation he use.

i know

its badly animated and theres no real easy way to fix it (but at least it looks a bit better than before) also the package is reduced from 78 mb (why the fuck is it this high for 1 mob in the first place) to 9 mb

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