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L2.NET Interlude-latest support


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no idea about Frintezza



Anti bot?

Server ip?


np, glad you worked it out.



As far as I know they have a kind of anti-bot system which allows you to log in with L2W and such, later it reports you randomly one time per week or something like that (Fire.dll ?) (I think it's the correct one)

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not sure how they are detecting if you are botting or not, but L2.NET shouldn't be detectable via packets. Only via client side protections.


You can make sure this never happens by using the L2 client on one computer, and rerouting the ip to your second computer/vmware client running l2.NET... I recently put up a guide on ltwonet on how to do this.

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not sure how they are detecting if you are botting or not, but L2.NET shouldn't be detectable via packets. Only via client side protections.


You can make sure this never happens by using the L2 client on one computer, and rerouting the ip to your second computer/vmware client running l2.NET... I recently put up a guide on ltwonet on how to do this.


Following that will I be safe or almost safe ?

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Depends how they are detecting... cant say 100% safe or anything, but it should be hard to detect... specially with The bot not even being on the same computer. And if L2.NET's packets are detectable then thats the first time I would hear about it.


I'd say your pretty safe.

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you probably have the wrong token/blowfish... I dont play there, I dont know. But thats what is seems like.


I'm using the blowfish which comes with the L2.net, is that wrong ?

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    • Upgrading to Salvation is exactly the same as upgrading to the newest client with the only difference being access to free-shared client editing tools and resources. I am speaking from experience. I have upgraded my HF source to one of the newest clients by myself (in terms of server side. got help with the client) and hit every single wall there was in the process. Now, I already have several multi-protocool server cores so I can easily compare different approaches to tackling the same issue, which also helped the learning process. Best way to learn would be to use this one (link below) to snoop around and figure out what has been changed in the server side (the packet structure will be different, for sure, but works for understanding/figuring the process out in general terms). https://github.com/iBezneR/L2J_SunriseProject_Purity The client side will always be the same, always the same files, only the DAT structure will be different. I personally wrote myself some parsers for the data of the DAT files from OLD -> NEW client.
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