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high five [L2Off] Lineage.club


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herlitz if you dont stop spam with your ideeas about lower rates im gonna find you and im gonna kill ya i belive all forum knows what you want, now stop it, if you dont like what they do just play other server...

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herlitz if you dont stop spam with your ideeas about lower rates im gonna find you and im gonna kill ya i belive all forum knows what you want, now stop it, if you dont like what they do just play other server...


Here's the delivery of top grade salt just for you:




And actually it seems they're probably going to lower the rates, because they aren't stupid and don't care about Ruskies who would just rush RB jewels in two weeks, leave the server and sell stuff through RMT, so gg, it's going to be the best server of 2017.

Edited by Herlitz
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if a server changes it's rates because some random (no offense to you my friend but i mean not some clan leader of 100+ ppl zerg) spammed a bit that in his opinion its better to be with lower rates, it means it's a fail project.Team behind it don't have a clear idea what they are doing and in before they start listening to every suggestion from a single user and make it a complete shit.

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no offense to you my friend 


None taken, friendo. But apprently it's not only my opinion since there's already some poll on their forum (link: http://forum.lineage.club/topic/42-poll-rates-and-dualbox/) where the the suggestion from a single user is actually winning, because these random thoughts are actually based on common sense.


And saying that listening to players' suggestion equeals a fail project is straight forward ignorant, and this time offense is meant to some extent, because this kind of thinking is dangerous in every aspect of life. Everyone is wrong sometimes, but clinging on your own opinion after you figure out you were wrong is, in fact, ignorant.

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There is a poll on forum and gm allowed it this doesnt mean he have no idea what to open. The gms atitude is respectful because they want to hear our opinions not like other trash servers so gtfo kid.

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X4 is perfectly fine since nowadays there are much more soloplayers , not too hard for them and still not 'that' easy for cps/clans , but yeah poll on forum is ongoing so that's what matters i guess

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I think rates are fine but the dualboxing is like nobody plays support anymore... sad but it is the true...


Yeah that's the sad reality of private L2 servers... People stopped playing them because all servers wanted to ++ their online numbers with dualboxing and eased game with high rates or gmshops to get big cash from donations as soon as possible because nobody wants to keep the servers for 6+ months.

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They said beta will open on 15 of february.

About rates I will join with my clan. That was our decision when they announced the x4 rates. Now that they officially changed the rates to x2-3, we are even more willing to join. H5 is an easy chronicle to level up PLUS they will add exp scrolls obtainable through every day login (attendace board as they call it). See ya ig

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