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Maybe Anyone Have Spawnlist Without Monsters?



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The power of the big penis..

Who will give the smartest answer..


The answer is in the second comment because he uses frozen and they try to give hardcore answers..


Also and xdem gave a solution in the first comment, but useless for frozen.

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The only nice answer is given by xdem, the rest you're just noobs, low IQ kids who can't code shit   :-[

 hmmm lets see access :D


since its frozen lets start. !   :happyforever:


we have a truck full of noobs:

Solution 1: drop the noobs from the track (will be lighter + fuel economy)

Solution 2: keep the noobs until we will reach in our destination  and put someone to seperate  them.(heavier + high fuel). + shity code. 



Edited by AbSoLuTePoWeR
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 hmmm lets see access :D


since its frozen lets start. !   :happyforever:


we have a truck full of noobs:

Solution 1: drop the noobs from the track (will be lighter + fuel economy)

Solution 2: keep the noobs until we will reach in our destination  and put someone to seperate  them.(heavier + high fuel). + shity code. 




Apologize to me now with a gif. I won't wait more than 5 min  :-[

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 hmmm lets see access :D


since its frozen lets start. !   :happyforever:


we have a truck full of noobs:

Solution 1: drop the noobs from the track (will be lighter + fuel economy)

Solution 2: keep the noobs until we will reach in our destination  and put someone to seperate  them.(heavier + high fuel). + shity code. 




What kind of next level bullshit is this? Can you explain?

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For aCis

  • gameserver/datatables/SpawnTable.java
	if (template1.isType("L2SiegeGuard"))
		// Don't spawn guards, they're spawned during castle sieges.
+	else if (template1.isType("L2Monster") && template1.getNpcId() > 5000)
+	{
+		// Ignore all monsters with higher ID then 5000
+	}
	else if (template1.isType("L2RaidBoss"))
		// Don't spawn raidbosses ; raidbosses are supposed to be loaded in another table !
		_log.warning("SpawnTable: RB (" + template1.getIdTemplate() + ") is in regular spawnlist, move it in raidboss_spawnlist.");

and you can spawn your own monster with custom ID lower then 5000




For L2JFrozen

  • SQL solution
DELETE spawnlist, npc FROM spawnlist, npc WHERE spawnlist.npc_templateid=npc.idTemplate AND npc.type='L2Monster';


Edited by StinkyMadness
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