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Oly Problem (L2F H5)



Hey guys I have a problem with my server iam using l2f pack every things is OK but some time players die in olympiad and he get reviv request to town like he dead in pvp it's not happen every day may be 3 -4 times per week .

Server doesn't show any error at log .

Hop you help me to solve it .

Sorry for my bad english .

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protected void onReduceCurrentHp(double damage, Creature attacker, Skill skill, boolean awake, boolean standUp, boolean directHp)


if(standUp && !isInTvT())









lastAttacker = attacker;

lastAttackDate = System.currentTimeMillis();




if(!directHp && (getCurrentCp() > 0))


double cp = getCurrentCp();



addDamageOnOlympiad(attacker, skill, damage, cp);



if(cp >= damage)


cp -= damage;

damage = 0;




damage -= cp;

cp = 0;







double hp = getCurrentHp();


DuelEvent duelEvent = getEvent(DuelEvent.class);

if(duelEvent != null)


if(hp <= damage)


setCurrentHp(1, true);






if((getPvPTeam() != 0) && (_event != null))


if(hp <= damage) // if x <= 1 - killed


setCurrentHp(1, true);

_event.doDie(attacker, this);







addDamageOnOlympiad(attacker, skill, damage, hp);


if(hp + 0.5 <= damage)


if(_olympiadGame.getType() != CompType.TEAM)


setCurrentHp(1, true);

_olympiadGame.setWinner(getOlympiadSide() == 1 ? 2 : 1);

_olympiadGame.endGame(20000, false);





else if(_olympiadGame.doDie(this))



_olympiadGame.setWinner(getOlympiadSide() == 1 ? 2 : 1);

_olympiadGame.endGame(20000, false);





super.onReduceCurrentHp(damage, attacker, skill, awake, standUp, directHp);



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This line:

if(hp + 0.5 <= damage)

should be:

if(hp - damage < 0.5)

Actually it took me a while to figure this out. I think this line is the only cause, not 100% sure though.

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if(standUp && !isInTvT()){

Can someone explain me this?

He is standUp() already ,so whats the point of it?




Since u standUp(),why do u check if he has fakeDeath?

Being is fakeDeath means that he isnt standUp,and the first if confirmed that he is standUp +u used standUp above,which means its always false..


Any explaination?

Edited by bravetobe
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if(standUp && !isInTvT()){

Can someone explain me this?

He is standUp() already ,so whats the point of it?




Since u standUp(),why do u check if he has fakeDeath?

Being is fakeDeath means that he isnt standUp,and the first if confirmed that he is standUp +u used standUp above,which means its always false..


Any explaination?


Because guy who was adding events to this pack, didnt do it carefuly. Maybe fandc is still using them, but I dont really know.



thank you for your help i will try ti change it but can you till me or explain to me what happen in this line ?

Player is considered dead if he has < 0.5 hp. In your code if he have got 1 HP and gets 0.7 damage, then condition will be: if(1 + 0.5 <= 0.7) - that's false

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but i wanna ask in your example he still has hp not dead match must continue running not die and get reviv massage to vallege ?!

Edited by THeMaxPoweR
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if(standUp && !isInTvT()){

Can someone explain me this?

He is standUp() already ,so whats the point of it?




Since u standUp(),why do u check if he has fakeDeath?

Being is fakeDeath means that he isnt standUp,and the first if confirmed that he is standUp +u used standUp above,which means its always false..


Any explaination?


as i can read the arguments from the function

(double damage, Creature attacker, Skill skill, boolean awake, boolean standUp, boolean directHp)

standUp doesnt mean that is stand up already, its just true/false

otherwise should be if(standUp() && !isInTvt) ...


so if standup setted true and not in tvt -> stand up and if is fakedeath, stop this

Edited by ⏇Melron⏇℠Abs
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Thanks vampir it's about one week since I used your soulution and it's working no one died at oly thanx man for your helping.


Problem sloved you can lock his topic .

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